i.e., your Veeky Forums persona. What things do you usually exaggerate or lie about on this board? I'll start. My are pretty vanilla:
>say I'm 6'3 when I'm actually 5'6
>pretend to be gay
>add about 1.5 plates to the major lifts when talking about my max
>say I have a gf when I'm actually tfwnogf
What is your Veeky Forumssona like?
>>add about 1.5 plates to the major lifts when talking about my max
oh you forgot
>say i achieved 1234 in 1 year less than it actually took
i exaggerate my ability to do pushups.
I can't do them at all. I just can't.
Tfw 1.5 pl8 max..
I'm 140lbs 5'11" dyel mode who is just getting started in serious lifting.
i don't have a Veeky Forumssona
Nothing. Why would I lie over the internet? What would I gain?
Occasionally I will bait people but that's different
I'm a skinny fat dyel bitch who has shitty lifts. And it's been months since I got laid.
There. See? Said it. What bad thing happened to me because of it? Nothing
you're pathetic
I dont have one user this is the only place I can be me.
>say im 171 cm and 180lbs
>actually only 170cm
>add 70 fucking pounds
Can't wait to try my 290 bench Friday, guys!
>I give advice and make fun of others because of their stats
>say I'm 5'8, when I'm like 5'7
>I'm Veeky Forums, when I'm a fatty
>pretend to live anywhere but Australia
>pretend to not have a gf and write bullshit stories about her cheating and us breaking up in the feels threads
>pretend to have a gf and write about pretending to not have a gf oh fuck im so alone
>mfw i do the pretend to be gay thing too
it just makes for more wholehearted compliments in the CBT threads. bless you lads.
Talk a lot of shit about how manlets are pathetic.
IRL I am proud of being tall and think we are superior, but really it wouldn't be that big a deal to hang out with a shorter person.
>what do usually lie about on this board
My age
I act slightly more aloof than I really am and lead people to believe I'm never paying attention to anything. I have a slightly rougher around the edges stallone vibe.
>When I turn my hat backwards it's a switch.
>When I'm with people I trust I'm obviously a bit more energetic and outgoing.
Give alpha advice even though I've been lifting for 3 months and am the furthest thing from being an alpha
>pretend to be gay
Sure thing buddy
I regularly make frog threads, sip, and peanut butter threads. Big up the other ~5 anons who do as well. We'll all make it.
Lmao imagine having such low self esteem you think of yourself this way.
All of gods children are beautiful. You are an expression of life. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Do you have some kind of physical disability that prevents you from doing them?
>i can squat 4pl8 when my current 5x5 is 1pl8