Please stop this user
>not stretching
>proggressive overload
>weighted dips
>active recovery
>Core workouts
I wonder what would happen if a chad looking dude acted like a tips fedora.
>scapular retraction
>leg drive
>french greetings
>alan thrall
>functional strength
Pull ups
someone explain this mimi.
>going past 5 reps
>...also im only balding because I have high test
>assistance exercises
>farmer's walk
>Spotting your partner correctly
>one rep max
>recumbent bike
Muscle confusion
Somebody should shop this where he has a
In his hand.
>handstand push ups
>breathing through your balls
>if it fits your macros
>counting macros
>not wantin to fuck your wife
jesus fuckin again
look at last replies hour
how do u even manage to reply to a dead thread at the same fuckin time
this happens every fuckin time
>not being a cuck
>"Ah! Stop with your sophisticated satire! It's intimidating to my little bitty frame! Cut it out guys!"
>not doin your daily bioenergetic warm ups
no mate you got me wrong. lolled to your comment but i meant that
we replied to a dead thread at the same time. this is me and it happens too much it seems spooky
Ah very good. I'll have to report this to Jerry "the fedora" Yates.
>active recovery
>warmup sets
>Taytay on the headphones
>beats by dre headphones
>wearing tank tops when being under 6'0
>lifting in converse
>5'11 is actually the optimal height for all aspects of life
>I am, by definition of science, not a "manlet".
>I'm not ashamed by my small penis. In asia it probably wouldn't even be considered small. Hell, the average penis length is 5 inches (and that's not even taking lying into account. I have nothing to be ashamed of. And on top of that I could be a grower and not a shower. What other people in a gym or theater shower might see as a small penis might actually get quite large when erect. Idc at all.
>Right you are, my fellow well hung male.
>However many studies show the average could be as low as 4.5". As we are both several cm longer than that when erect, we are 'large' by definition.
>Anyways, let's not brag about our endowment, as the majority of females orgasm exclusively from clitoral stimulation.