you guys notice life is boring?
You guys notice life is boring?
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thats what women are for. they provide the drama that keeps life interesting
It's only boring if you make it boring
how do i make it not boring?
How does one make it not boring ?
t. annoying cunt trying to justify her bullshit
This is a fitness board
fuck off u cuck
>do not deviate from the plan
that's why I do drugs. Not regularly enough to be addicted/make stupid decisions, though. I'll do it on a bi-weekly basis on harder stuff like meth/cocaine/oxy, but weekly on lighter stuff like weed, booze and alcohol.
I think the way to do this is by making sure that your diet, training, and nutrition are 100% on point outside of those days. Make sure that you drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, and take in as many vitamins as you can from vegetables.
Then when you party, party fucking hard. I also try to bang as many girls as possible.
it started as a self help board new fag
>meth, cocaine
>hurr fuck as many girls as possible
right, Veeky Forums user. right.
My life is horrificially boring of course because I'm a shut in, and I honestly have no idea what normal people do over the course of their days.
Are normal peoples lives boring? I have the idea that they are always busy, always out with their friends or girlfriend having adventures and fun or eating or doing fun stuff all the time.
Hey, it's not for everyone but it's really fun. Drugs are only harmful when you do them on a daily basis and start doing stupid shit like stealing, selling your possessions, etc. Outside of those times I'm reading, working out, working my ass off, and being "disciplined" as possible. If you're gonna live a life of pure stoicism, you're gonna want to blow your fucking brains out.
I think this as well. Is it ?
that's what drugs were for but I went a little overboard with them and now I really shouldn't use them again
kind of sucks.
a lot.
believe it or not user not everyone here has to be a retarded weaboo like yourself
you disgust me
oh yeah the guy on Veeky Forums not only frequently doing meth, cocaine and oxycontin, but having sex with as many girls as possible
uh huh man totally
Cool, I don't care. I do drugs, I'm probably more successful than you or anyone in your family, and I have regular sex. Have a nice day, chief!
lemme guess, does hard drugs frequently, engineer making 130k a year, handsome enough to have sex daily/weekly with random girls, yeah 4channer?
If life is boring you aren't doing it right, why do this to yourself? life is good senpai
Not that user, but if you honestly think that anyone who comes to Veeky Forums is some neet loser with no social skills and the same interests as every r9k fag.
You're fucking retarded.
By making it exciting.
W H O ?
>He's so devoid of ways to enjoy life, he thinks drugs and meaningless sex is the only joys he can find.
I pity you.
22 and about to graduate college, it's starting to really hit home
we are always trying to achieve that lasting "happiness" but happiness isn't something you achieve, it comes and goes forever, so you have to wonder what we're really working for
like mice on a wheel desu
Life isn't boring. Your life is boring.
Good news: it's yours.
Steal a sailboat, sail to Santorini.
There is a world of shit to do.
this roleplaying is too much for me
Kys nu male