Progress/Weight Loss

After being fat most of my life and trying but failing on several major attempts I've finally been able to get down to my goal weight. I went from 205lb to 150lb (though heaviest I remember I was 220) and I've got some loose skin, but I pretty happy with myself. Anyone else make good progress with the help of Veeky Forums?

From here I'm going to transition onto a maintenance diet and a more long-term manageable exercise routine for a while. After that, I'm going to try to build a bit more muscle and increase my lifts.

Also general weight loss and progress thread.

Good job bro, but you need to start bulking. Like right now.

Shoo skelly shoo!

Thanks! Ya, I've started to gradually increase my daily calories until I'm at a reasonable surplus, and I'm learning how to do more exercises to fill out my body. I'm going to start trying build muscle after the holidays.

After years of being fat, I'm perfectly happy to be a spooky skelly for a while.

IMO, the holiday and reunion food season is the best time to lift heavy. If your worried about putting on too much fat with the muscle, don't be. Look at your progress, you've cut before and you can do it again, only this time you'll have more muscle to show for it.

how long did it take you?

Thanks for the advice, I'll take it under consideration.

Pretty fast, about 7 months. I averaged about 2lbs a week, but I had a very rigorous 5 day a week exercise routine and never missed a day. I did weights MWF and cardio+core TuTh, and my sessions were about 1hr 30 min (including rests). I'm working on putting together a more maintainable exercise routine at the moment.

You could have started lifting from the left pic onward to be honest, you didn't have to go full skelly. Now you have to eat more to make gains.

I'm in the same boat as OP, but I'll be on vacation for most of December and have no access to a gym, which sucks. At least I'll be in town for Christmas/New Years, but the entirety of my vacation will be gymless. Hoping the amount of walking I'll be doing will counteract all the food.

regret not taking pictures, i lost 35 lbs in the last two months

Great job, though that seems awfully fast unless you were really over weight. Where did you start?

Thank you

My progress. Ive started bulking since then, making some good strength gains. Before I actually started doing research on weight loss, I was eating at a deficit of my BMR, which made me lose muscle. This time around I lost weight more gradually.

Why not just eat slightly less and LIFT. You'll get there eventually tho brah

Bottom right picture was this november btw

Wow U r Literally me

That's what I'm doing, I'm around 25% bf, 5'10 178. I started at around 185, but I feel like I've lost a lot of fat and possibly gained muscle since my weight is somewhat stable but I can fit into clothes I couldn't.

I just don't know how far/long to cut and how it will affect my strength, since I'm taking advantage of noob gains at the moment.

August - 263lb
Now - 198lb

Started light weight training 3 weeks ago, most of the weight loss was reduced calories and power walking 7 hours ~ 20 miles per day, with some cycling in between.

Liver issues, gallblader issues, snoring, discomfort, excessive sweating, all gone. Too bad losing weight can't cure my venous leak, but then again, nothing can.

I still go to mcdonalds every now and then, when the cravings are too much and the depression comes knocking, but once every two weeks is a far cry from the twice a day it used to be.

T-two weeks of dieting and calisthenics.

Good work lil bro, but they're right you should start lifting. I lost weight at 18 and was cardio until 26 when I started lifting, wish I would have combined it when I started.

I started 5'8 at 200ish at 25% too. General consensus is cut to 12%-15% and then start bulking/cutting cycles. You may not look the best your first time around desu, but you'll get there

who is?

Eliot, two weeks of pushups and sit-ups won't get you shit you coin slot-looking cracker

Yeah I started doing that in the picture I posted. Just before when I had no clue about dieting, I used to eat very little because I liked noticing progress quickly. I realized this was unhealthy when one day I passed out, which made me gain all the weight back and then some. Now Im just slow bulking, hoping to put on some muscle and fat for rugby season.

Name of the App brah?


Gonna get a gym membership soon and we'll talk in a few months :^)

My man. Go get 'em champ

Thanks, ive actually been lifting for about 3 months now. I started off incredibly weak but have made incredible progress with my lifta. Only issue is I don't know if I should be losing weight quicker since it will probably make me weak again.

I've been at the same weight for a month now, but still supposedly cutting. Since I keep getting stronger and can fit into shit I couldn't before (fat loss), is my weight staying stable because I'm replacing the fat with lean muscle or am I delusional and not cutting enough?

It sounds like you're actually losing fat and gaining muscle, which is IDEAL for everybody, but it definitely happens at a slower pace than just cutting weight and letting your strength stall.

You're pretty much in the skinny-fat stall zone, where you neither cut or bulk. If you see progress, then keep going. If you want to look good faster at the expense of strength/size, then hey that's your call. You'll end up in the same place anyway, as long as you're consistent senpai

Jezus christ dude why

You wasted SO much time. By doing cardio and starving yourself you cucked yourself bigtime. First u were fat, now u are auswitchz with loose skin. You shouldve just started lifting straight away, you couldve turned your fat into muscles and go motherfucking bearmode. But now you have to start from scratch.

Please kill whoever gave you the advice you gotten to end up this way

My fitness pal

Use precise language when giving advice. You can't convert fat into muscle, nor muscle to fat they are two different things.

What he could have done was eat at maintainance and built muscle while losing fat and avoided the loose skin. (I know this is what you meant but christ if someone doesn't know any better you end up with broscience.)


It just looks like hes malnourished now. Like hes been put on some diet that is literally starvation. No wonder he complains about being so weak in the gym at first.

Dieting and doing lots of cardio to lose weight is such an outdated way of thinking, overweight people can much better spend their time lifting weights. It has been proven that lifting heavy is a very good fat burner, so he couldve built muscle and lost weight at the same time. Now hes at a low weight so he will have to eat back what he lost, in order to gain muscle, its a waste of time. Not only is it better for overweight people to start lifting, theres the added benefit of your muscles filling in the space where the fat once used to be, making your body tighter, and making the loose skin less of a problem.

So what he should have done, what I think most overweight people should do. Is just eat healthy, wholesome foods, slightly less (300-500) under maintenance, so you dont end up malnourished and weak. And lift heavy. Maybe 1 or 2 days of HIT cardio.

I took it personal because I started where he is now, as a skeleton, and I know how much effort it took me to gain weight, and add mass. Its just a huge waste of time to take this detour

Why did you make me have to type all this

Recovering fatass and I have a similar body to you. So weak I tore a hamsting and fucked my shoulder lifting. Like the other user said I wish I never fell for this cut and then bulk meme.

Little over a year between pictures

Definitely looking better my dude!

what's the point, nothing will change...

Get less and less spooked when i look myself in the mirror

Nice KZ-mode...

Not OP, but your opinion is that if you're fat, you should just eat at around maintenance and lift?

This is actually what I did. Minimal muscle gains and minimal fat loss. I actually not regret eating a shitload more. In fact I'd even have preferred to cut into skelly mode. I went to the gym almost everyday but didn't make the gains that I would've at a surplus, and barely lost fat like in a real deficit. And if I do a real cut now, I'll just end up losing that mass and then look full auschwitz.

With that attitude you won't change you sour faggot. CONSISTENTLY eat right and lift hard/heavier and you'll see results. It looks like you did not desu. Learn from my comrade. He looks like he has the confidence to conquer berlin in a single night

i can see the gyno already

So you should bulk already as a fatass? Or cut into a skelly and be unable to lift whatsoever?

Two weeks wont but dedicated calisthenics routine can get him shredded without paying the Jym Jew