Whos your favourite Veeky Forums woman youtuber lads?
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>hheeeyyyyy look at me Im in the gym xDD
>phew just finished my workout #booty teehee xDDD
>who says women are weak...I just deadlifted 2 plates ;))
This teehee
Bats of course
Nice square ass she's got
Fuck I want to clap dem cheeks so bad
>tfw shes bigger than me
She deadlifted over 400. At her weight and with her being a female and all, it's comparable to a 198 lb dude deadlifting 700+
She's still a giant slut though and has cheated on her boyfriend numerous times
>sumo deadlift
Powerlifters are fucking cancer.
lol serious? you can see her puss in the first frontal picture
>400 is 700 because she's a female
lol get fucked, 400 is 400 no matter what
>youtube fitness
what does that have to do with the deadlift or her bf?
This, its like girls benching 40kg and saying its equivalent to 80kg because they are female and weigh less. I see these chicks dick around at the gym and get to 40kg extremely quickly.
I get it, you're gimped as a chick but honestly trying to say 400lbs is equivalent to 700lbs just because you're a chick is just too large a gap to be taken seriously.
I wonder if the quality of female weightlifters and gymgoers distorts the scales for what should be actually "advanced" or "elite"
women do 50% of men in upperbody at the same weight and can do 90% of lower body
The obvious answer
Summary of Meg Squats
>competes in a sport with probably 10 other women at her level
>Instagram whore
>knee valgus out the fucking asshole in her squats
>literally just learned a week ago to not squat her sumo deadlift and to hinge at the hips
>despite this lack of knowledge will charge people for coaching and programming advice
Go check her out when she visited Super(Jew)Training or her YT channel on advice.
Its either basic shit copied word for word from another yt video or complete bullshit.
women's lower body strength is 7-80% of a man's
its more like a male 475-550
who cares she has a nice ass
Favorite is Alan Thrall
and this is why society is decaying
Then why the fuck no female has ever deadlifted 600lbs?
For men 1000lbs isn't even a new thing now and the SHW Women deadlift record is a measly 589lbs and it's by a >she that looks like this.
>has cheated on her boyfriend numerous times
how do you know that? or are you just making an assumption?
>those knees
You're mostly right, because women lack the ability/muscle tissue/ muscle mass and ability to have fast muscle contractions that produce force. Men just do it better. Women can handle more volume than a man, but men can simply produce more force from CNS activation, peak muscle torque and even rate of contraction is higher in men.
But, to compare a 400lb deadlift to a 700lb is a far goddamn reach.
Ex. I have coached about 3 female clients @ 150-180lbs BW to near or at a 4 plate deadlift.
Its like, the 5 plate deadlift for powerlifting dudes. Congrats on no longer being mid tier.
I could have sworn I saw a megsquats video where she says she's moving to Canada (with a picture of Donald Trump). I didn't watch it at first, then went to her channel. Now the video is gone.
y do dey do dat?
Its on her instagram.
Everyone trolled her and asked why she didnt move to mexico on YT.
"lol ignoring these internet coaches and judges (eye rolling emoji)"
I'd love to smell her ass hole after an intense knee wobbling squat session.
Do you think silent Mike tapped tha
sophia devita
the pic of trump was clickbait, she didn't care and was moving regardless but tons of people disliked the video anyway
Is her bf dyel?
What's the name of her channel?
read the damn thread idiot
>uploads a picture with obvious cameltoe
Low quality female detected.
My nigga.
Jasmine. Her toes look delicious.
She's a whore that cucks her boyfriend daily, but holy shit I want to fuck her ass.
>tfw I want bats to post slutty imstawhore pics
that makes no sense. what governs the building of muscle and thus strength is testosterone. women have way less of it than men, which is why women are weaker. it's not some retarded split like "well, they can do 50% of shoulder exercise weight and 70% of leg press and ...".
fuck off.
is she a great lifter? NO
is she autistic as hell? YES
has a personality instead of a persona? YEP
I don't think she'll ever be a great lifter. Her knees are covered in surgery scars. :(
I shouldn't care but I'm curious to know more. Her boyfriend looks like a teenage DYEL so I'm not surprised.
It's almost as bad as that beaner chick from Barbell Brigade giving advice when she has absolutely no gains and she co owns a fucking gym
>her slant bf is a powerlifter
>they train together
>he never corrects her form
>she fucked her back on deadlifts and just completely gave up working out
what's all this about cucking her bf? is it because he has the beta look?
he seems to be in charge of their relationship. they're moving to vancouver because of him
Geo finally snapped her shit up? I stopped watching her stuff but she would always get tons of dislikes and comments telling her to fix her form. I can't believe no one in that gym helped her.
What did he mean by this?
Say what you want but megsquats is still strong and does full body workout. Not just ass. I actually respect her lifts.
Sorry I'm a grill and I don't like the stupid pink dumbbell workouts so even though I don't like the vlog faggotry I am motivated because she's stronger than me.
she fucked it a while back and said she had to stop for 3 months then she got back itno it and snapped all her shit up again now she barely even works out. The worst part is her bf is a powerlifter and never fixed her shit let alone anyone in that fucking beaner slant gym.
I thought it was because of implants
Did a Mexican fuck your mom or something? Jesus
nah she said she had ot "Deload," her dead since she fucked her back and had to take 3 months off, I think she just didn't do upper body shit for the implants . I don't know I don't follow her shit anymore since it's just cringey crap
What's her channel name
Finna can't find it using my subpar contextual imagination
She's a wetback why the fuck do you think I'm calling her that? An have you not seen the type of people that go to that gym? It's pure slants and beans
>mfw I don't have one
theyre sell out cucks for crossfit
youre motivated by cat backs, autism, whoring and knee valgus?
No I'm motivated by a female who lifts more than me like I said.
I couldn't watch it.
Its like being jealous of supermongs 6 plaet diddly
what is her expression trying to convey
Preperation for rape
She's getting on a train.
Is this the female natty limit.
>and not a single striation was found