Daily reminder that doing sports and eating sportscandy is bad for you.
Daily reminder that doing sports and eating sportscandy is bad for you
>college age me:
Fuck you, only the latter is true
>30 year old/current me:
Fuck my knees and shoulder won't stop hurting. And god damn this carpal tunnel
Being lazy and eating sweets keeps you healthy user, would you like a nice and C R E A M Y cake?
Exercise keeps you healthy, sports can fuck you up later on down the road.
And sportscandy is still candy. Eat real food.
I wanna know lines his hair up
shit is
Hello there little boys, would you like some icecream? About this high maybe?
Nah, I'm trying to avoid getting cancer for a few more years at least
I think you don't understand what I'm saying...
Take this icecream, 'kay? And put it in your mouth, now s w a l l o w it.
>tfw the guy who plays Robbie Rotten has cancer
Would you like some icecream too? Here, take it and eat it. Now!
> letting your body grow old and useless without ever putting it to the test
Wouldn't want knee problems in 30 years, gonna need it for all that sitting in the easy chair!
And no, lifting is not using your body competitively. Congrats, you beat a piece of metal
Thanks, how much do I owe you?
Nothing, it's for free.
Put. The. Icecream. In. Your. Mouth.
When this shiet became new meme on this board
I'll turn Veeky Forums in a lazy board. This meme is just a part of my master plan.
This guy in the op is fighting cancer as we speak of this non sense.
Maybe the cancer posting gave him cancer. Meme magic.
But yeah, fuck, pancreatic cancer. Shit man.
Why did robbie become a meme?
This show was an ancient pedo meme, why has only robbie resurfaced?
Because he is number one.
>This show was an ancient pedo meme
Cancer is a lie created by people like Sportacus to try and keep children what he calls "healthy". Good thing I know better.
or maybe being a lazy gains goblin got him cancer
memes aside gaston was the best character in lazy town
What the fuck is sportscandy God I hate this board
God damn it, I geuss this is gonna be a meme now
yeah, what is sportscandy?
What do i owe you?
Fruits and veggies
look at
Fuck! Why won't these kids be lazy for just one day?
why don't you just give them the devil's lettuce? sweet mary jane?
Is that Robbie Rotten
Weed is illegal in Lazytown and it's very hard to get there.
I don't think so, it's just an icecream salesman.
That's not the line you fucking piece of shit
kys Robbie I hope Sportaflop makes the whole town less lazy