How often do you wake up with an erection?
For me, it's once in a blue moon. Do I have erectyl dysfunction disorder or low test?
How often do you wake up with an erection?
For me, it's once in a blue moon. Do I have erectyl dysfunction disorder or low test?
Squat more.
Could be a sleep problem. Do you have trouble sleeping or wake up a lot during the night?
I squat 3 times a week
Rarely. I don't know why, I used to all the time before. I'm only 23 so it's not like I'm too old.
Maybe my bad cardio has something to do with it. Ever since school ended and mandatory gym class I haven't done much of it.
If I don't whack off for a few days I'll get them
>inb4 nofap
I don't do that meme
had opposite problem
no erections from age 17-19 somehow
now I wake up every day with a raging boner and I'm subconciously faping in my dreams
feels good man
also I obviously had them during puberty from 14-17 which is weid they stopped afterwards, so I do not think its an hormonal thing for me
I think it has to do with your mental and your sexual / sentimental health
Are you taking/doing any drugs, OP?
Maybe you are overtraining? How often do you mastrubate? And it can be because of the hormonal imbalance.
just about every damn day, I'm 25, when does this shit stop?
>Non fit posting
>Stories that never happened
Saged, repoted.
Always. And when I get an erection, my bodily testosterone automatically puts me to sleep JUST so I can experience morning WOOD
I'm doing the the nofap and it seems to work. Waking up with morning wood almost everyday.
I've never woke up with erections. I'm 6'2, full beard and descently fit so my test is probably fine, not really worried desu
Tfw fucking women in my dreams and cumming in sheets
I always hope I never wake up.
25 years old wake up fully torqued everyday senpai sometimes even after naps
22 and rarely get them, i only find it becomes regular when i dont fap.
what does it mean if i wake up and want to fuck real bad?
Just about every day since I started really lifting. I'm always attempted to finish the fight before I get ready to teach at a Catholic Girl's school.
Quite often, more often than not.
Sometimes it's hardly noticeable, some mornings it's insane. Like I have to knock one out not for fun, but because it's practically a medical emergency.
Don't you mean how often do you not wake up with an erection? Morning wood is the norm, not the other way around.
As someone who didn't start masturbating until I was 24, I remember waking up in the middle of the night mid orgasm as i was pumping cum into my boxers, shorts, and getting it in a puddle on my sheets. Then having to stumble awake, clean up, and not being able to get back to sleep
Got that was terrible
just depends on masturbation
When I was running every morning + strength training 3x a week I never ever woke up with an erection, I was eating at a small deficit sure but my sex drive was completely non exsistant. As soon as work got busy and I was unable to commit any time to working out, morning wood was an every day thing. My guess is I was hitting the workouts too hard; you probably are too.
all the fucking time. I just wish I could come for once in my life without mashing my dick to death. I swear porn and death grip jerking off have ruined sex for me. fucking awful
I don't remember the last time I woke up without one, in fact the erections I have when I wake up are by far the most extreme that I will have throughout the day
Do you have problems with anxiety / stress? Since i fixed my anxiety, my morning boners have been ridiculous and i'm 31.
Confirmed for low test
>never wake up with an erection
>bike to the subway station in basketball shorts to go to work early in the morning (like 7 AM), cold as fuck, penis and testes shrivel up
>stand on train almost entire way, sit down for the last few minutes
>suddenly just sitting down looking at the floor, get a boner every single damn day
>have to go up strairs of station and walk down the street with hands in pockets holding erection
i hate this
Literally everyday. Also anytime im sitting down for like 5-10 minutes and kinda let my mind wonder.
>tfw morning wood every day
Feels good
Light jelquin with oil, 2x30 in the shower.
Strength with hot water, and once your done do 1x30 levels semi erect with 3 second holds. 2 to 3 times a week.
Your welcome
Also, remember that your only doing this to help your erections not to grow your cock.
Sources at
Meant to say stretch**
>Fucking auto correct!!
i have just over average test and havent had morning wood since i was like 14
unless i really have to pee, i think the penis elongates to make room for more pee
How did you fix your anxiety?
Microdosing shrooms and lsd. Literally changed my life
Almost everyday and im 24. Its a bitch to piss right as wake and it stays like that for few more minutes if i dont pee.
Girl was playing with my erect dick as i was waking up and she complimented how hard it stays.
I have no idea what the obsession is with morning wood in men here.
Sometimes it's there sometimes it's not. I'd describe my sex drive as average.
27 and almost daily.
Lol, I don't remember a morning in the last ten or so years when I didn't wake up with a rock hard cock. It's a bit of a drag though because I can't concentrate on anything until I bust a nut.
You should go see a doctor about it. Morning wood is totally normal and if you're not getting it then you should talk to someone who actually knows something instead of a bunch of anonymous DYEL autists who think that lifting will get them girls.
I get morning wood at least twice a day every day
i have that, what do?