How long will it take to go from this to being slim?

How long will it take to go from this to being slim?

6 months.
run every day, start out light.
fix your diet.
eat around 1500-1700kcals a day.
in the beginning rest every other day, when u become more comfortable rest 2 times a week, days of your choice.
pick a lab and start out running it as hard as u possibly can, a good lab distance is 5k.
try improving the lab time every single time u run it, doesnt matter if it is only by a couple of seconds, that is a perfectly good time to cut on labs.

stay consistent

there u have it OP

quite frankly OP, I started the same way as you and I've made zero progress after a year and a half.

I think its impossible without tren.

If you start now, and eat better and lift or do calisthenics, you'll probably be able to see something akin to a six pack by the time summer rolls around.

So buy a Labrador?

Gym and roids

>roids for losing weight


>6 months.
>run every day
>eat around 1500-1700kcals a day

with that diet, there's no need to run that much

i did it and i lost 10kgs (around 22lbs or something) in around 3 months, was pretty effective
>i looked like shit afterwards, too skinny and scrawny, but who cares

How much do you weigh?

Slim? Probably about a year if you do it the right way.

You could look way better than that though in only a couple months with dieting and excercise. Read the sticky


No one's mentioning that tattoo...

Height? You must be decently tall.

6"3 and a half

I'd say you probably have around 80 pounds to lose before you're decently lean mode then.

If you're not really concerned about building muscle I would honestly recommend something like p90x. I did it when I was a beginner and lost tons of weight and became a bodyweight beast with decent cardio endurance. Cut out sugar and snacks and red meat and eat between 1500-1800 calories a day. It'll suck but you could lose it all in 6-7 months depending on how strict you are.

the fuck is that?

The Hindu goddess Kali

Hey OP. Those tattoos look like black ink. Black ink removes easiest with laser tattoo removal. You could probably get all that crap removed for a grand or so.

I had a big ugly tattoo on my arm that I had removed. It too about two years of getting laser treatment every 2-3 months and I think it cost me like $3k (it was a big multicolored tattoo) but getting rid of it was totally worth it. You should really look into it for those tats.

Thanks dick

thats adversary..

fuck, if I knew what that word meant lol

How do i go from this to being slim?


Jesus christ, i wouldnt even be thinking about losing weight until i got rid of that tattoo. It's so bad that i'm thinking this is a troll thread

You don't.

What do you find it to be edgy or something?

If you don't, there is something wrong with you.

Looks like the drug mafia used him as a mule and drained all of his fat to make room.

I am 95% certain this thread was created to bait us with that tattoo

At least it's not "Donald Trump is not my fucking president"

6 months.
I did a very restrictive died and went from 115kg to 78kg in 6 months, but it was hell.
What I did was:
- eat 900~1400 kcal per day (monday to saturday)
- eat 2200 kcal on sunday (cheat day). Can have a cheat dinner (pizza, cola), but aside from that, fruits and seeds.
- 15 min jump rope monday to saturday
- 2 hour exercise bike monday to friday

Most of the results will appear right at the beginning (first month I lost 7kg), but after that, it'll be between 4 and 6kg per month. Sorry, but yeah, that's kinda slow.

Two things:
- your stomach will take a few days to get used to not eating as much as you did before. You may have trouble sleeping.
- when you start eating healthy, you'll probably have a day of the week (usually monday) where you'll fart like crazy, but those aren't wet farts. It's just your digestive system get used to the healthy food.
- after 3 months of eating healthy, you may vomit from overprocessed food (I vomited when I ate some microwave yakisoba)

It's about the same. I would expect those kids to have the same kind of brain-dead tattoos.



jokes on you lol, did 126>93kg since april only by diet like 2,2k, now im at 2k and started SS on 95. Ate like 1g protein per 1kg of my bodyweight, tried to keep carbs under 100g.