I love hispanic girls, but it's recently occurred to me that I don't see a lot of hispanic women in the late 20s or 30s that are in fit shape. I know genetics play a role, but is there a way to predict whether a girl will still be in good shape later in life? I am terrified of getting involved with someone that will end up with the physique of mr. peanut once they hit 30.
Predicting a spouse's future fitness?
Yeah look at her mom
Literal genetics
If a Hispanic girl is hot, it's because she hasn't had her first child, they blow up to fatties after they spit one out.
most of em give up after they have a kid wreck their body
>tfw you fall in love with her and she puts on 30lbs
>dating latino women past their mid-20s
it's as if they have a uniform that's imposed on them by other latinos. fat, smelly, and shrink to 5'2"
well, I'm fucked I guess. I don't know any mexican girls with fit moms. or if they are, they end up having the tasmanian devil / spongebob mode torso.
Just ensure she stays active and fit. Find a girl that at least goes cardio mode every day or two. Many people who stay fit into their thirties will try to keep healthy and fit as long as they can. These may not be the most aesthetic people, but they are usually pretty attractive into their 50s.
is this true tho?
This is correct. Dig up those old family photos of her mother around her age and confirm it to be sure.
>be me
>girlfriend is sexy and has MILF mom
>they don't look alike though, so I was concerned
>found old photo of when her mom was married
>looks exactly the same as girlfriend now
Huge relief. Set for life so long as I don't let her turn into a cow after the first (or more) kid.
Look, as a spic let me tell you that women when they hit 30 are just expected to cut their hair short and start looking like shit.
In the Hispanic community, taking care of your children is the most important thing so you're expected to look like it's taxed your appearance, a girl who continues to look good is looked at like she's selfish and neglecting the kids.
Easy way to know if she's going to keep looking good, obviously look at her mom and see if she works out and eats well because she likes it, or because she wants to look good.
Motivation for physical appearance doesn't last forever.
Fuck off race traitor
I've seen a ton of qt sexy Latina milf types. They drive nice cars and live in nice houses
why is nobody mentioning dat sexy latina forearm hair that they got?
>gf's mom is unattractive/10
>see absolutely no resemblance between the two
>thought hangs in the back of my mind that she's going to end up looking like that
>no bueno
>notice a photo of gf's grandma hanging up
>photo of her in her 20s, solid 9/10
>"wow babe, you two look a lot alike."
>"yeah, my dad's side of the family always says that when i see them."
>grandma died of alzheimers
>tfw either ugly or The Notebook
Mexicans are fucking gross, senpai. I'm so sorry that you were born in that wasteland.
Venezuelan here.
Our women are vain as fuck. They do not shirk their responsibilities to house and husband, but it is an embarrassment to them not to wear name brand clothes and makeup. My mom is in her 50s and she looks like a fucking Cleopatra when she goes to the grocery store.
>implying there isn't a golden period where you can get non-stop blowjobs from your Alzheimer's wife because you lie and tell her she hasn't blown you in forever and she doesn't remember so she does it anyway
Come on, bro.
that's very insightful, thank you!
this thread made me feel better since my latina gf and i broke up recently LOL
get fat you bitch
How's that crippled economy doing?
My mom is one of the few hispanic women to reach 60 with a healthy BMI.
She made a concerted effort to lose all pregnancy weight after she had me and my sister by going on a crazy diet for several months.
She is crazy as fuck though so it's definitely not typical.
I think with Latina women, it's really similar to black girls. Because of their fat distribution and diets (Mexican food has a lot of grease and fat in it), they eventually just kinda... balloon up if they are anything except petite to start with.
>she is crazy as fuck
>so its not typical
>for a latina
lel user
Colombian here, can attest that you shouldn't assume all Latinos age the same. Mexican females in general are at least 2 points lower and do age like shit.
Blame it on vanity but here women take care of themselves
>spongebob mode torso
kekked. know exactly the type