How do i get as aesthetic as guts?
How do i get as aesthetic as guts?
It's Gattsu, not Guts. You fucking pretend weeb
I cried when I came to the realization that drugs would be required. Plus looking that dry all the time would be painful.
>he actually uses gattsu
who's the pretend weeb here?
I bet you call it the band of the falcon too.
Possible natty?
Battle x F
Holy shit what the fuck.
Cut your arm off.
kill yourself, as soon as possible
the halal way to kill a farm animal would be to slit its throat yet westerners claim that their ways are more humane
Bet that made some good bacon
Kek i shoot pigs on a daily basis.just knock them on the head with a bar or a pipe and they're gonna stand still and then you can shoot them in the head.funny animals
be chased by monsters
for you
normally it's put down instantly by a bolt to its skull. Making it bleed to death is inhumane. Tho it's the method often practiced on countryside. First they knock it out though.
that pig retarded as fuck bruh lmao why he shaking like that
i wish he missed that shot
Wow man so le edgy xd
Surely I will win with my superior agility
You're the retard. Someone is killing that pig.
>inb4 I was just pretending to be retarded
>guts mode instead of Kitano Ken mode
>those legs
Man, this DYEL fag paid a real hunter to do this and now he thinks he's hot shit. This is probably in fucking Texas. Literal degeneracy.
Watch your oneitis get raped by your bff
Leave Veeky Forums you fucking moron, and learn some damn english while youre at it you fucking nigger-speaker
Mark my words, one day I will achieve this natty Berserk physique.
Of course it would be white people you guys are worse than niggers
>tfw Guts now has a harem after him
Not too many elephants in texas
>t. nigger
lolol Miura himself said it was Guts, not Gattsu
Go back to fan translations, pleb
only if you sacrifice those closest to you
No native american white fag
go be a faggot somewhere else