Fucked up

>19 yo 365 lbs
>Obese as fuck
>Yesterday decide fuck it
>Go outside for first time in weeks
>Run/walk as hard as I can in cold
>Apparently push too hard
>Nearly have heart attack
>Wheezing like a motherfucker
>Can barely breathe
>Struggling to get enough oxygen
Where did I fuck up? Why am I wheezing so damn bad? I just want to get fit and stop hating myself for being such a useless fatass.

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You're not use to it, you went too hard. You need to gradually get there.

Dont give up

>Obese as fuck
>Run/walk as hard as I can in cold
>Where did I fuck up?

You stupid motherfucker.

Your parents should be publicly flogged and then imprisoned for destroying your life.

Start cutting and going on walks
You got this

Just eat less you undisciplined shit, then when you're no longer 'obese as fuck', as you named it, you can start running along with it.

Just be yourself


you went to hard for working out your first time in weeks
just keep at it again and again


just take a little slow.
>saw a morbid obese guy in gym a couple of months ago.
>he works with PT and has made visible progress.
>i always consider congragulating him but hold me back, because he might get discouraged.

You will get there.

Thank you all for the motivation! I'll work at it more steadily from now on! Cutting back on how much I eat will be difficult. Any advice for dealing with the hunger? Should I just tough it out?

>Boo hoo its not my fault it's always the others
Kys loser

Feed your hunger with proper food. That'll help already a lot

You're fat as fuck anyway, so here's my advice.

Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and maybe something before bed. Don't eat snacks. Don't drink pop

Congrats, you lost weight. You could probably eat full meals each time till you got full and still lose weight.

I'm on the dirtiest bulk ever and have trouble eating to get me past 200 pounds. And I just had half a pizza for breakfast with breadsticks and a pepsi. I will eat about 2 more meals and two milk protein shakes.

I still don't eat as much as you. Your body will be ok with a little bit of hunger.

Wtf? I'm not fat. Do you think this kid was 165 when he was 17? I doubt it. Fuck this guy's parents.

Yeah I seen a guy like this coming into the gym the other day. I was just going to say "that's right, put in work, don't give up" but I felt he might take it as me being a dick.

OP here.
I was pushing 250 by the time I was 8 years old.
I don't blame my parents for my weight issues, but I do wish that my diet and exercise would have been better managed by them. When I was younger, my parents constantly fought, so I wasn't ever their focus. Even after they divorced, they were much more occupied with other things.

Again, thanks everyone for the advice! I'll continue working at it.

not op but whenever i see
>don't drink soda
it just makes me want to drink one, reminding me of that insanely good taste
i don't even drink soda, it just makes me wanna go and buy one


First of all good job on getting started. Don't be discouraged and don't give up.

A/ When you are first starting out you don't want to go ham with the exercise or you are gonna have a bad time. If walking / running is what you want to do I'd highly recommend the couch to 5k programme. Google it. It will have you starting off just walking but that is good for someone of your weight so you don't develop problems with your knees from stressing them too much

B/ Fixing your diet will inevitably lead to bigger weight loss gains that exercising will. Try making a meal plan and sticking to it. Try finding some healthy snacks you like and sub them in for chips or chocolate or whatever you would normally snack on. You can still have some treats here and there but if you make it a habit to make healthier choices then you will see results.

Good luck to you OP.

Better than me. I was doing that "couch potato to 5k" scheme and blew out my fucking knees start of the 3rd week.


Same guy as who you quoted.

I used to drink a few a day. Ever since I started lifting I pretty much stopped cold. When I have pizza I get tempted to have one. The one today (Pepsi) was fucking gross. Every pop now actually is gross to me except an ice cold A&W Root Beer.

My body just got accustomed to not liking the taste anymore and you'd think it the opposite.

My advice to anyone trying to quit would be to get either a water cooler or a water filter and always have ice cold water on hand. It's so much better than pop.

Your lung collapsed, congrats.

Take off all clothes and go look in the mirror for a little bit. And then give another thought about if you should really go eat more.

>19 yo 365 lbs

This was the first fuck up.

The next step should be getting some exercise vids for obease people. While you can get Veeky Forums on your own. A video or any solid plan really will give you goals to aim for and help you not relapse.

I was 350 at 20, I'm 250 at 22 now, still working bf% down.
Cut out soda cold turkey tonight, tough out the withdrawals for the 2 weeks. This first step is hell, but the best thing you can do. Never eat while looking at a screen, and never eat unless you are sitting at a table. Walk around your block, take the time to do so, gradually you will be able to walk more. I got to walking 12 miles before I started running. Learn to make your favorite fast food at home without using a frier or drowning it in butter. When I did that, I found I was making it a lot healthier than the way the restaurants did, and it tasted much better. Force yourself to have steamed or raw veggies with every meal, no butter or oil to cook them. You will later expand what you cook just to try something else. Avoid the snacks/chips/sweets aisles in your store like the plague.
I did all this without ever tracking calories and I've lost a decent amount of weight

My motivation was that I would die at 30, and in my mind, every 10 pounds I lost, I add 2 years to my life. Clearly it's much better for me than that, but it's a goal that scared me into never cheating on my diet.

You're so used to being immobile that you're literally making lung gains from walking. Let that sink in fatty.

Drink plenty. Tea is your friend.
Eat a lot of chicken. No other food has such taste/protein/calories ratio. Learn to cook.
Eat a lot of vegetables. Snacking is a guilty pleasure, so use fresh tomatoes/cucumbers instead of cookies.
Some people can eat less with frequent meals. Some swear that warrior diet is the shit. Find what works for you.

A major reason you're probably hungry is you eat shit food. If you only eat shit food your brain interprets it's own requests for the nutrients that shit food has almost none of as "just eat more".

Just count calories and eat a more balanced diet. Don't give yourself access to snack food.

This desu senpai

>be me
>weigh 100 pounds
>first time squatting
>315 sounds like a good starting point
>what did I do wrong

250 by 8? 250 was my heaviest as a fucking adult male. You can absolutely blame your parents for your shit lifestyle man. They should be jailed for child abuse. A 250lbs kid, Jesus Christ. Up to you now to change it though.

Don't run until you're below 200lbs. I'm personally waiting until 180 or less though. Use a row machine, go easy on a bike, swim. Imagine 300lbs of force on your knees every step for the entire run. I think it triples when you run, so really it's like 900lbs of force on each knee.