What body fat percentage is this?
This kind of body is my goal. Thin but not to skelly and not all flabby looking and not muscly
I'm going to visit a sports nutritionist to get a diet plan to help me with this and when they ask me about goals I figure it would be better to say a number than just go "oh I want to look thin but not too thin and defined but not too defined", so what number do you guys think this is?
What body fat percentage is this?
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Stop trying to be funny, Veeky Forums, you're not funny. Please be useful instead
Fine, ill try to help.
Probably about 15%, maybe a bit less.
Most people will not look that good with such a low BF% and little muscle on them. She stores fat in the optimal places.
that fucking toe
About 20% I would say. So equivalent of male's 15%
>girl wearing bra and panties
>user looking at her toes
so how are you gunna tell your dad?
Certainly not 20 like that idiot said
put me in the cap
>mfw she thinks she is perfect
She's pretty bony and gross senpai, she happens to have a sexy face. No muscle tone in her legs makes her look like she's just awoken from a 5 year coma, and those skeletor shoulders look awful
They are right, that body has barely any muscle, she only looks "good" because of her genetics. That is really a bad example to follow.
What should you do then?
Squat, deadlift + accesorie work for volume (leg curls, hip thrusts.... many possible exercises) will build you really nice curves no matter what body fat % you are.
If you are afraid those are things that will give you a "boy" look, look at pick related (nikki blackketter search her on youtube) and also watch:
You are born with your genetics, she was born with hers, there is literally nothing you can do about any of those 2 things. So might as well stop looking at others and set your goal as "I'm going to look as better as i can" instead of "i want to look like her".
PS i'm not a retard that doesn't know how to write, english just isn't my first language
Didn't watch the video but from the thumbnail, no thanks
I like slender legs
Going this far out of your way to explain why a girl who most men would kill for is not, in your esteemed estimation, attractive
The autism on this board is unbelievable
Thankfully the "le strong girls are sexy" meme is dying
>that body has barely any muscle
That's fine
It has the minimum amount of lean mass it needs to look good then. What's the number of that minimum?
I'm U wot m8?
Jakelyne Oliveira (OP's pic) is beyond fucking sexy and i would smash without contemplations until she died.
The only thing i meant to say to is that if you aren't borned with the good genetics that will let you store fat in the right places, and you don't want to get muscle, then you are pretty much fucked.
>that's fine
>It has the minimum amount of lean mass it needs to look good then
Sure it does, looks incredible. Now is 90% of the girls of this world going to look like that with her level of muscle mass and fat %? No, of course not, you will probably store more fat in your belly and waist instead of on your ass and boobs because that is how the majority of girl's genetics are.
But hey if you want to try to lean down to her level and expect to look like her, she looks like 17% ish (pic related)
15% for a female is shredded as fuck you retard. That is the male equivalent of like 7% body fat.