Will I ever make it, brahs?

Will I ever make it, brahs?

Who the fuck isn't nervous before a presentation?

but that's cause I love attention and showing off and essentially the sound of my own voice (not op)

all I got was
>under 6ft
>masturbate daily
>play video games
>don't care about clothes

used to have long hair but shaved it for charity

people who know what they are doing and believe they are good enough for it, so confident, or in other words alpha males

You've got the non-filled in file?

>don't drink alcohol


I'll bite.

2; so above average. Nice famalam.

>afraid to dance
>don't care how dance style looks
Literally what?

Being afraid of something doesn't prevent you from doing it. I hate how I look when dancing, but when doing so need to do it some way so I just do it how I think it should be done.

If the box was "will never dance" then there'd be a conflict.

What's wrong with long hair? If taken care of instead of looking unkempt and rank like a neckbeard than it doesn't look that bad.

tfw no bingo

almost omega

>don't drink alcohol


>tfw +6 even when I'm a kissless virgin who has never had a gf

Got everything on alpha bingo this shit is retarded if this is your standards of alpha kys also its beta to be over 16and virgi not 20

>gain alpha points for not caring about dance style
>lose alpha points for not knowing how to dance
>not drinking = beta
But then again, this is from an image which nonironically uses rage faces. Not so bad tier.

got 10

nvm, i probably have friends who would travel with me


Was this chart made by an 18 year old or what? Since when does amount of facebook friends translate to being beta / alpha. If anyone thinks that it does, are you the type of person that has 1000+ friends and adds anyone they have ever met?


Well, could be worse I guess

>got 9

yeah that can't be right

I'm doing okay. I don't think choosing not to drink makes me a beta, I can't stand alcohol after dating a severe alcoholic. Also don't see how facebook friends or video games determine alphaness. Whatever.

>penis not over 6 inches
>penis not under 6 inches

I'm glad you have fun playing bingo but I wanted to know if I can make it with those stats.

Maybe it's exactly 6 inches.

Am I a hybrid? Also If im dead on 6 what one do i fill in? (6 is still verysmall so I fixed it.)

>tfw high test alpha

>high test alpha
>jealous of other man

Some of these are dumb

There are reasons to not drink alcohol other than "no i don't want to!!" ie you can't

Almost everyone plays video games these days if you play them all day though that's an issue

Facebook is beta desu

If you have a real job chances are you spend more than 30 minutes a day watching TV or some form of entertainment when you come home to relax.

Acne isn't necessarily beta either plenty of "alpha guys"are fucked with acne this only makes you beta if you are a faggot with it

Caring about your income vs. other people is the beta shit not actually earning a lower income

Dancing is for women and gay men.

Im an omega... what the fuck?

i remember when i was drunk as fuck, just laying on the street with my buddy and we insulted old people in the middle of the night, i feel so ashamed and bad for it today

>high test alpha that got friendzoned and playes videogames

not bad

i keep getting violent and beating people up

feel terrible about it the next day

wtf is wrong with me

>booze free for 3 months now because of this
>probably gonna go straight edge or something

bang on 8

this test is a bit shit though

Jesus I literally got like 2
i-is this making it?

Only use internet speak IRL with the gf, since she's a nerd.

7, I'm deffo not alpha

This is bullshit.

Im not even gonna begin to mention how many errors this test has
14 btw

10 and I don't consider myself that alpha

>Tfw when only 5'7
Feels bad, man

When will they learn?

I got 10 points and Im a virgin who hardly ever leaves the house

All over 6 inches, this thread kinda proves my point that the 5-6 average meme is a load of bs to make small pricks feel better. Anything below 7 Inches is really so sub par and women will always want more.

>Inb4 people jump on me for telling the truth.