No fap or no porn? Id this shit a meme? People genuinely think wanking is bad?
Wtf is all this no fap shit?
These Virgin or single cucks have to pass time somehow so this is what they do. Stupid if you ask me.
((they)) don't want the beta uprising min-maxing their test levels hence all the forced cuckold porn and no-fap pseudo science. not fapping just causes your balls to shut down and it increases your risk of prostate cancer (MEN - this is what will kill you if nothing else does when your an old fag)
basically pic related
fapping fags are even worse than
>lmao weed 420 !!!!1111oneone
fuck off
you were raised in degenerated western plastic murrican society where even a fucking cacao commercial require pussy on the screen.
People like lady gaga or miley cyrus are prmotin potus candidate
my fucking sides
No fap is nonsense as long as you aren't fapping yourself dry five or six times a day. There is some evidence out there that test peaks three days after ejaculating if you want to search for it but it's negligible at best IMO. Just don't pull on yourself compulsively and you'll be fine.
No Porn is legit though. Porn does damage sex drive, can lead to addiction and can cause erectile dysfunction. Everything in moderation bro.
"Jewish Lies"
Keep fapping goyim, porn is great.
NoFap is not a meme.
It increases testosterone.
It will make you more confident, and generally more receptive to the world.
You will quite simply feel like more of a man.
Fapping gives you complacency, it makes you feel as though you're doing well, despite the fact you're a loser.
Not fapping gives you a drive that nothing else can.
It also makes interacting with girls so much easier. NoFap takes away the cloud that used to loom over you.
>Porn does damage sex drive, can lead to addiction and can cause erectile dysfunction
this is broscience shit.
>It increases testosterone.
this is broscience shit.
you guys need to look at actual research and not blogposts on the internet.
Some porn sties do additional reschearch on their users (registered and coockie random user) on brain information overload that happens in addict people that usually lurk porn vids for several hours just to find this one vid to fap.
but yeah belive that is sooo good because whore are saying it.
There is difference between fapping from time to time when your balls burn from amount of semen and lurking every day and promoting porn in modern society
That's really not true. Google "Porn Induced ED".
I just did, and it brought me to a ton of blogs. Though I did find this:
“Our study, and now two others, have found there is no relationship between the amount of sex films men view and erectile functioning with their partner,” says Nicole Prause, Ph.D., a sexual psychophysiologist and licensed psychologist at the Sexual Psychophysiology and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory. Her research with Jim Pfaus, Ph.D., IF, a professor of psychology at the Concordia University in Montreal, was published in Sexual Medicine and was the first peer-reviewed study of this topic.
No but people can be desensitized to actual sex because of watching too much porn. Hell I once jacked off like 4 times in a day for 3 days in a row and in a couple of days time I had to make an effort to get hard because of too much porn.
Porn can honestly fuck you up.
americans mainly.
their anti sex propaganda is insane
you jacked off 12 times in 3 days and had trouble getting it up a couple of days later. how is this surprising to anyone? this has nothing to do with porn.
Because porn is deliberately addictive. It's entirely to do with porn. Just as how cigarettes are addictive, or drugs or computers.
Hes a moron. What do you expect.
Hurr durr i can't stop wanking
> the post
What's better:
A) Wanking alone every night, leaving you feeling falsely content with your life, with no desire to find a female. Low confidence.
B) Not being a slave to your dick, showing self discipline. Having a drive to interact with women, generally feeling more like a man.
It's a very simple choice, even without all the science. One is a artificial and false substitute for feeling happy, while the other one is an actual method to get you feeling happier about yourself.
>Hurt durr not beating off 24/7 is a life achievement
tbf porn addiction is a serious thing. wanking loads of course makes boners harder to get and you do need recovery time but its not like porn cant fuck you up.
Yes you are correct.
That's literally what this thread is about
B obviously
confidence only works if you're not ugly otherwise they will think of you as a creep.
except there's no such thing as porn addiction. it has been proposed, but rejected because of insufficient evidence.
>People genuinely think wanking is bad?
No, gullible dumb shits get conned into believing there are 'health benefits' by trolls who, ironically, get off at the thought of them having blue-balls and losing their spaghetti every time there's an even remotely attractive female in the room.
Of course it's a troll/meme. Masturbation is natural and normal, and provides a sexual pressure relief for raging hormones. Denying it actually causes damage and maybe even health *problems*.
The only reason ANY user should attempt to abstain from it is if they're doing it excessively -- in which a 'cooling off' period is a good idea, that, and avoiding pornography, and finding other, more productive things to do with their time. Otherwise masturbating several times a week is fine.
No porn for everyone. No fap if you're trying to meet grills
Of course it's meme.
Ain't nobody running carefully controlled multi-variable studies on their own jacking habits. Not even single-blind experimentation is possible. The people doing no fap have only tried it because they want to believe that blue-balling themselves will fix their life.
Watching porn and teasing your dick for hours on end obviously leads to desensitization. The meme everyone fell for was "edging." You taught your dick that not even weapons-grade smut and your death grip isn't enough to get off. And now you wonder why your dick isn't as spry as you thought? Or why you're less interested in grills IRL? This is basically the only direct cause-and-effect reason to stop jacking so aggressively.
There is no magical weight loss pill, but at least you know what the magic is supposed to do: make you lose weight. No fap (or no porn) is the magic pill, the problem it's supposed to fix is a bit more... nebulous. It may be described as "no drive" or "low test," but even those are bad stand-ins for the problem someone thinks they have. Which is entirely different from the problem they do have. The problem isn't the porn. But porn can be a symptom.
Here's a fun and interesting - but tangential - blog post about porn and society.
Igot to 40 days and it really does increase testosterone. I had to stop because I was getting acne. Noporn for now though
Stfu you fucking retard and stop talking like you have done it you piece of fucking shit
Man,people who can't into nofap will kick and scream their way into fapping.They will say you only do nofap because of christian guilt because it's the invisible guilt that makes you feel like shit once you blew 3 loads in under an hours on tranny porn right?One guy even said life is too short not to indulge in it's pleasures.
Even if nofap does not increase testosterone which apparently is the one and only hormone that matters in your body according to you there are still multiple benefits or "placebo" as you fappers like to call them.Don't reply to this unless you have watched this video
everything you need to know.
Noporn is a must
nofap is helpful
>I don't know any attractive women to imagine
Nofap does not increase testosterone, there's even a scientific study about it.
You suffered placebo effect user.
I'd be happy with that.
Extremely insightful and enjoyable read.
Thank you for posting user.
this is all true
bit of an eye opener desu
havent had a proper erection in 5 years (they are like at 70%)
havent had morning wood in years either
barely any sex drive, no random boners in years too
porn/jerking off every day probably ruined me
the main point about this cancerous self called "movement" is to watch no porn.
no fap is for faglords
watching no porn is actually a pretty good thing, just look
anyone who thinks yourbrainonyour is a reliable source of information is clinically retarded.
This. You would get more reliable advice on porn from the bible.
so i havent been watching porn, mostly to focus better in school, and it has had the opposite effect. Last night i had a very intense dream of fucking my lab partner for 3 days straight ( in the dream). Im 90% sure he has a girlfriend, cas i dont see short of me saying, "fuck me across this desk after class k?" i can drop any more hints.