If taking steroids shuts down your bodys test production and shrinks your balls...

If taking steroids shuts down your bodys test production and shrinks your balls, does that mean taking estrogen puts your test production into overdrive and give you fucking stones?

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yes. do it.

Yes, do it

Yes, do it.

>driving too fast on the highway is unsafe. Does that mean driving too slow is extra safe?

kank cycleını yazsana fikir lazım senin vücut baya iyi

No, it does not work in reverse. When the body has too much testosterone, it converts it over to estrogen. This is why roiders get gyno.

amınızı sikeyim Veeky Forums'de ne ara türkler türedi

bunu anana sorsana delikanlı ;)

kardeşim bak seni alırım havaya kaldırırım havada döndürürüm sonra squatlarım tamam mı

annen xd
güzel siktim kabul @ ;o

o değil de cemden cevap bekliyoruz hala

hadi cem baba elde needle kaldım burda

türk olup da vücutçu olup da steroid basmayanı görmedim amına kodumun yerinde

sorsan hepsi neturel mk :XDD

Well I was going to eat lunch today.

bi dakka sakın bana genova türk deme?

kendimi kms ederim valla

Ne arıyorsunuz amk yerinde siktirin gidin.

neden sana mı kalsın bütün board am paparası?

Yes OP ive gotta say thats some flawless logic. You should take all the estrogen you can so your big balls will match that big brain of yours.

Abd-ı memlük zatına mensub dehan-ı tenge ağraz-ı nefsaniyeyle boşunayım user.

user diyen azını sikim ağzından bal damlıyor valla
hanimiş benim
yat hadi
geç kalma
growth hormone oporçunuti window kpanmadan yatsan iyi olur kanka

iyi geceler :*

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

all muslims must die

HOLy shit man, blue board for christs sake

No, Do yourself a favor and get the free ebook all you need is an eMail address trtrevolution.com/pdf/

Now that link talks about a real medical condition not steroids, but it will explain everything you will need to understand about it.

Whatever you do make sure you have a doctor that is aware of what you are doing. As a bonus it is best of that DR deals with TRT and steroid users.