I just watched an interview with Trump and they said his 10 year old son Barron is already 5'10

I just watched an interview with Trump and they said his 10 year old son Barron is already 5'10

Is it true it's all in the genes and whether you become a Chad can only be marginally effected by diet and training?


Truth: Genetics only matter if you have a deformation. Everyone has the possibility to work out and change their body.
Sure maybe you don't have the best face or you're not the tallest but as face as fat & muscle go anyone can change that.

> muh genetics
Don't let people fool you with that shit.
Fat people use the same excuse.

Baron isn't even close to 5'10 though

Trump is 6'3 and this picture of Barron is a few months old. Look how they compare

>Genetics only matter if you have a deformation.
Pretty sure it determines more than that
Girls judge alot of you (all of you) by genetics, how wide your frame is, big dick, thick wrists, good looking face, parental relationships, intelligence and pretty much everything

You can improve but there is a genetic cap

Here he is being picked up from school. Keep in mind that Melania is 6' tall.

Yeah, early puberty happens for a lot of people. I didn't hit my real growth spurts until I was 17. I'm now 6'4". He might just stop there and never grow an inch more.

I think you've been reading too many bodybuilding forums run by supplement companies

Barron Trump for king of Veeky Forums 2030

Eric Trump is 6'6'' I think and Melania is taller than Trump's first wife. It's likely that he'll get close to 7' by the end of Trump's 8th year in office.

>Trump is 6'3
No he's not, Japan's PM is 5'9 and Trump was about 2-3 inches taller than him.

>manlet leftist can't let it go

well well, look who we have here, if it isnt king cyber himself

pretty tall for a ten-year-old but why is he dressed like aladdin?

Pretty sure this isn't genetic. Anyone can learn if they have enough passion for it. There isn't a single person outside of people with serious genetic deformities that isn't capable of becoming highly intelligent in any field of study.

However, those with parents that have college degrees will usually strive to match that of their parents. Many children will compare their success to their parents. If a parent is successful, has formal education, and seems relatively intelligent, ideally the child will strive to match or surpass those traits. This causes many upper middle class families to stay around middle class or higher throughout the generations, and lower income, lower education families to stay around lower income neighborhoods for generations. There will always be exceptions to the rule, of course, and you should never blame your parents for not being able to work hard towards success. It's just a basic fact that those with parents who work exceptionally hard or had a great opportunity given to them will end up working hard to be as successful. Ideally, that is.


>a 10 year old is an inch taller than you

Why does Trump love Barron so much? He puts him on stage everywhere, brings him up during debates, etc.

He looks like an autist.

>Is it true it's all in the genes and whether you become a Chad can only be marginally effected by diet and training?

Eat a shitload of cheese and casein protein during your developmental years (1-20) and you can get 6'5" even if ur parents are 5'10"


He's just like me!

Also, lol manlets.

are we sure that's not Caitlyn Jenner?

god damn, three days ago he was 5'7'', he is growing an inch everyday

Some people find their happiness from their genetics. Some don't.

As simple as that.
If you don't have the genetics you will find something else.

>intelligence isn't genetic

you are fucking clueless

I'm almost 30. When I was younger, I used to think like you. I believed people could be smart if they worked hard. Sadly, I was blinded by my own genetic gifts, I assumed learning was easy, because it was easy for me.

Most people, by definition, are of average intelligence.

Half of those people, again by definition, are below average.

Intelligence is genetic potent entail combined with environmental opportunities.

I very seriously think he had some sort of mental illness. He may be autistic.

He's literally 10 years old in a grown man's body. Think how you were when you were 10.

>tfw you were 5'2 until 14 years old

My growth spurt put me above six feet. This kid is going to be like 6'10.

I'm literally 21 and 5'10

how can you say that when Obama was the fittest and tallest president of all time.

genetics doesn't matter

>tfw been 5'6 since I was 16
feels bad, little sister is 5'5, she is done growing though I won't have to deal with the humiliation of being shorter than my little sister

6'10 isn't that crazy though, average height for white males under 25 is like 6'6

Maybe in fucking Norway

ye I said white males not hispanics, average height in texas isn't the same as average height in minnesota

honestly 5'6 is manageable. But even a few inches shorter and you would've died alone. 5'3 vs 5'6 is HUGE difference.

I know this is either exaggeration or b8, but it honestly probably is 6 feet in the US. All the guys here of Nordic descent average like 6'3, not even kidding

Puberty was weird. I had a big growth spurt at 12-13 and grew 9 inches to 5'8 and then I didn't grow at all till I was 17 and I popped up to 6'2.

>why does Trump love the only child of his current wife who also happens to be the youngest?

I've been drinking 3 litres of milk a day for about a month now and today I felt like I was taler when looking in the mirror.

Gonna be so disappointing when I measure myself and find I'm still a manlet..

Everyone can memorize a lot of info.

Not everyone is intelligent enough to understand how to learn, how to remember efficiently, how to draw lines between things and utilize what info they have learned. I think I'm fairly in-between so I see the dumb people and recognize myself, but also see some of myself in the smart people, but I just can't seem to get quite on that level no matter how much effort I put into it.

heh, I've actually trained my shoulders from average to broad.

>swim a few miles every week
>fix posture, stick chest out
>work out shoulders, focus on pull exercises but still powerful ohp

Barron will make anime real!!!


i'll never forget the keks when people figured out that all you needed to do to look like a dbz character was to shop the traps off peoples images

Wtf i hate traps now???

you'd better.


>tfw 20 and only 5'7"
is there any hope for me? ;_;

Is this real

They matter a crazy amount honestly. Some people still look like shit even if they're in shape. Sure they look better than their out of shape self but still.

This is your future manlets

I can't help but feel pity for the one on the right. Glasses, a femine jawline, small shoulders, and weird ass looking hands. Atleast he probably feels good about himself with that smirk and that nu male beard. His parents are probably dissapointed though.

This is why fitness should be mandatory in schools, in both terms of strength, endurance and leaness, in order to graduate.

some people actually believe what mister Trump is telling them


Isnt this the future of most men?
Also implying this is bad

They woke him up at 3 AM for this and immediately stuck him in front of a million flashing cameras and bright lights. Not that I'm saying he didn't get his vaccinations also, just providing context.

Honestly I wish this could be my future. I wish I could delude myself into happiness with VR

The life in the post is unironically better than being a self aware autistic sperg like me, even though I am not a manlet

honestly this has to do with environmental/upbringing factors. if some kid sits in front of a computer all day, his shoulders wont develop. some genes are expressed because of factors we can control.

Sexbots are EVERYONE'S future. Why put effort into real women when the pleasure droid will let you do whatever you want and won't talk back unless you want it to? If you need companionship, get a dog. Just don't fuck it.

>that little kid is taller than peña nieto

He exercises like a Sims character.

Wait are you telling me that left is good? I know broad shoulders is obviously a good thing but wtf he looks kinda weird.

lifts or die alone faggot gg wp

i wanna slam dunk that kid on the right

95% is gene dependent. Rest influenced by effort or environment

Hardly anyone understands how big a factor your frame is. Sucks really.

>Half of those people, again by definition, are below average.

That's not how averages work.
>tfw too intelligent to talk to brutes