Veeky Forums anime & manga

Pic related contains lots of broscience imho, but hajime no ippo is a good boxing anime.
What are your favourite Veeky Forums anime or manga?

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Holyland, Kotou no hito, Baby steps.

Is this manga any good? Does it also include eating and stuff?

I wish there was a series like K-On but with a bunch of guys getting ripped, being total bros to each other and totally n-no homo.

hibiki is gonna make it

>binging after workout

Not making it

Step it up, user.

It recently started and so there's not even 10 chapters out (translated) but so far every chapter has been:

>choose a random exercise
>explain how to do it the right way
>explain for what its good

So far we've had bench press, squats, stretching, plank, dieting, lat pulldowns and dumbbell curls

Also there's not much fan service as I expected from this kind of manga, art is cute but sometimes off cause the artist is still a beginner, so that's pretty much it.

Why not there and where would be better?

Download it.

Rikudou, boxing manga


> downloading something you read in a minute

not worth the time.

She's a super qt.

Fuck anime

I'd rather fuck an anime girl desu senpai.

Kinda shitty theory, even for a manga. Most olympic lifters have gaping open mouths on the pull part of the lifts.



Would be true if the cat would be a tiger.
Also new UFC devision, Tiger vs samurai.


Anitore ex and its sequel ani tore xx, its a short anime about cute girls doing exercises.

>Zyzz is a girl instead of a manly, cocky, glorious bro that keeps motivating the protag

Kissmanga at least.

All of them are women bro. is pretty good.

Even the Protag?

you should check out yowamushi pedal for some hot blooded bicycle racing

If there's anything that can rival Hajime no Ippo for homoerotic sports manga, it's Yowapeda.

I learned a lot of stuff reading that.

Mob Psycho 100 is surprisingly effective motivational material.

Did they finish typesetting Ch. 10 yet? Last I saw they had it translated and QC'd.


It's mostly broscience and ecchi. Also the form for squats is super bad.

What's the source of the OP?

>Also the form for squats is super bad.

I don't have the picture with me. But it looked like this.

danberu nan kiro moteru

>dreams of being hit on

Everyone wants that, no?

anime when

Which one of the two main girls do you prefer? Tanned or busty Japanese girl?

Not nearly enough material just yet.


>Which one of the two main girls do you prefer? Tanned or busty Japanese girl?

The gyaru girl, that style gets me diamond.

Good taste

Gyarus are love
Gyarus are life

I guess when you enjoy the protein of the leftover semen from other men.

Bro, why are you like this?

Just telling the truth, brah.

I mean it's about swimming not lifting but you just described free! so...

Bulking gyary for life!



>already /2/2.5/4/5/
>still not being hit on

>tfw your highschool never had a fitness club only sports teams


Fat power lifter detected

Rippetoe-sama tho


>Hajime No Ippo
You're goddman right son.

Anyone remember that one manga where the boy and girl cousins lose weight together.


Dyel detected

all women want to be hit on, dude

what they hate is being hit on by UGLY guys, aka 80% of all men

(This is what women actually believe, see attached. Data doesn't lie!)

>that mega high bar squat

If you consider High Test Veeky Forums related then I'd recommend

Okusan and Ashitaba-san Chi no Muko Kurashi by the same author

The girls in this are delicious. I like the boxing chick and mom too.

Goldenboy is Veeky Forums: the anime

Biker girl is pure sex.

Biker > IT > rich girl from episode 2 > last episode girl that wasn't really hit on > who cares

Never liked the swimmer.

Cause no one here has a girl or is fit?


Bullshit, the MC is drowning in pussies at the end of almost every episode.

>not binging on every meal until you have to swallow puke, walk it off and continue eating

It's like you don't want to be 242 at sub 12%.

Because mangafox puts watermarks up the ass on images that are not translated by them and the translators have nothing to do with Mangafox. Mangafox steal releases. Images are also compressed to shit and it affects the quality a lot, but it's not like a fucking meme nigger like you would notice, now go and post on your facebook wall about reading le epike manga xd

Fuck this gay ass bullshit. No matter how much anime tries to be relevant by shoehorning real life fads, it will always gay it up because japs are cucks and so are you.

Yowamushi Pedal and Kuroko no Basuke are god tier.

While I enjoyed this short manga

This picture shows the artist is a dyel

Are you triggered by the parallel comment?

All rounder meguru and teppuu are solid if you're into MMA.

I am triggered about how if she did that with real weights she'd fall flat on her Jap ass

Weight aint over midfoot


>mfw this Manga improved my form considerably

I also had never heard of dragon flags before this

Rich girl > Restaurant girl > IT > Biker > Swimmer

Get it right

Restaurant girl is easily one of the worst.

>not naming your pecs

How the fuck did you guys make it this far into a manga thread without mentioning SunKenRock?


SHAMO of course


Gonna need a sauce.
