Is it safe to eat 1kg of red meat and 8 eggs a day? Will I die?

Is it safe to eat 1kg of red meat and 8 eggs a day? Will I die?


No problem just do it.

nah, diabetes doesn't kill people at all

>diabetes from protein and fat

okay then

Diabetes is caused by animal protein and saturated fat, yes. That's one of the reasons every nutritional guideline on the planet recommends limiting the intake of saturated fat, meat and other animal products.


No diabetes is causes by refined sugars and fatties eating a dozen donuts in one sitting.

And when I say cite, I mean cite the study or series of studies showing protein causes diabetes. Not cite nutritional guidelines.

Very curious to see the context of the studies, or if they even exist at all.

It would be very tasty.

There are no studies

Its just a dank shitpost

It isn't possible to "cite" a scientific consensus that was developed over decades in thousands of studies. Kind of reminds me of people wanting "citations" for the fact that humans cause global warming.

If you actually had any interest in learning the details you wouldn't ask me, you would ask Google or look at the published statements from expert organizations which detail the scientific reasoning for dietary guidelines. The only reason you asked me is because you know it's impossible for me to fulfill your request and you can thus "claim victory".

An easier, though less scientifically accurate, exercise is to look at the countries where people have diabetes and compare them to countries where they don't.

It's funny that you say that because donuts are high in saturated fat and low in carbohydrates.

Ignore these faggots, you'll be fine.

Its all about refined sugars

It has nothing to do with fat

>donuts are high in saturated fat and low in carbohydrates


The only problem with your hypothesis is that we have cases that prove it wrong (people eating hundreds of grams of sugar a day and not developing diabetes), as well as interventional and epidemiological evidence that is incompatible with it (such as the lack of meaningful correlation between refined sugar intake and diabetes, or the increase in diabetes coinciding with a decrease in sugar intake in Australia)

Go ahead and look up the nutritional information for a typical donut, then please calculate the percent calories from saturated fat and percent calories from carbohydrates and compare it to the recommended intake of saturated fat and carbohydrates as percent calories of total energy intake. You may post your findings here.

Actually, it's very possible to cite a WHO guideline linking protein intake to the development of diabetes. There isn't, though, nor is there any other evidence towards your claim, and you know that.

I think you're shit posting tbqhwyf

there's a sugar shill on Veeky Forums who keeps posting about how fat is the devil. i think it's the same guy.

>it's the vegan that pretends sugar doesn't give you diabetes

I thought you left?

You better get some psyllium husk and other fiber sources and ramp up to those levels slowly or your intestines are going to turn into the La Brea Tarpits user.

>donuts are high in saturated fat and low in carbohydrates.

Can't tell if trolling or fucking retarded. Either way you are an idiot and stop posting nonsense.

Donuts are like 10% carbohydrates and 90% fat. Are you serious user?

Is Lauren Southern the most perfect female in existence?

Why is her face so dumb?

Glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts:
260 kcal
14g fat (6g sat. fat)
31g carb (12g sugar)

14*9 = 126 kcal from fat
31*4 = 124 kcal from carbs

i have been eating 800~ grams of red meat plus whey and a bit of ham and i can tell you ive never felt better

the only reason you shouldnt be eating large numbers of red meat is if you want to be fucking small forever

Oh, also 1g fiber so subtract 4 kcal from the carbs

I want uneducated vegans to leave.

Why are blondes so cute lads?

There's a whole diet around eating only meat and animal products called the zero carb diet. Its proponents believe than man's ancestors were carnivores and that reverting back to this is the healthiest diet ever, they point to some indigenous tribes like inuits as proof that this diet is sustainable and doesn't lead to any deficiencies or diseases. A lot of its users claim they've never felt better, that they never have more energy and a healthier body (clean skin, thick hair, body composition). Some crazy lsd chemist even spent 50 years on this diet (he talks about this diet a lot under the pseudonym "the Bear")

Considering it's a subtype of a ketogenic diet (most of your calories should be from fat, not protein), it's probably fine for people who can tolerate keto, but I'm still skeptical of the possibility of getting all of your nutrients from animal products (even from healthier grass fed sources and when eating organs/offal for more vitamins), the effect of ingesting absolutely no fiber on your digestion (although I imagine ingesting probiotic dairy like kefir probably helps)

Why is your face so dumb?

just use a trip so we can filter your ignorant fatass


Inb4 cancer at 30


Zydrunas eats more than this.

Zydrunas has a wife.

Do u have a wife?

>it would be extremely tasty

>falling for the "red meat is bad mmkay" meme

>Is Lauren Southern the most perfect female in existence?

Basically, yes.

Technically, also yes.

everybody's dying, bitch