Why bother lifting when it's all about the face and genes?

Why bother lifting when it's all about the face and genes?

Its not

>t. genetically inferior ugly weak deadweight

tfw have a 10/10 face but got bullied by jealous fucks when younger because of jealousy and now too shy or don't want to cause drama by going after girls in the group of friends

Me. When I first meet a girl or go tinder I get lots of complements and hit it kff pretty good.

Then I get to the part where im a socially awkward faggot whos convinced no one will ever love him. And then they leave me.

>know where the issues is
Now is the time to overcome
you beta faggots

Yeah I'm sure that's why you got bullied faggot

Nah, I was one of the most popular kids in school, but I also got put down for my looks because girls rated me above every other guy in my class from the get go... ever since then the guys called me ugly.

Also, got into fights with guys because of their jealousy of girls liking me, I noticed it always caused conflicts even if I didn't want it too. So I started to consciously act shyer around girls and not act on their advances. Eventually it made me even shyer to the point where I'd freeze.

This, but they definitely can obviously help

>was popular
>got bullied
Pick one faggot. Chads are liked by everyone, you were obviously a smug, annoying faggot

Bullied is an inappropriate term, I should have said I was made fun of because of my looks, called ugly, etc, but my looks and personality still drew people to me.

>dey wuz jus jealous

The fuck else do you call it when you're in a room with friends and the only hot girl is giving you the attention and ignoring every other guy in there? You can feel the glares, man.

For the strength dumbfuck

You're gay for cocks dude.

sounds delusional, post a young pic and a now pic.

you're probably a 4/10 virgin manlet

Girls legit called me a greek god, fuk off.

Words of wisdom:

Fat and ugly? Just be ugly! Girls will at least mire your gains

>Perfect looks
>Got bullied

I'm trying to fathom the psychological concept of lying on an anonymous Cantonese cattle trading forum about success.

I was overweight when I was younger so that probably contributed to it, but like I stated, bullied was the wrong term.

Either way, I don't give fuck if you believe me, I was just letting some frustration out, I have no reason to anonymously lie about this. I could post my pic, but I don't trust anyone here.

I am a 4/10 nonvirgin manlet, thank you very much.

Do you really think you are that important that someone cares about your picture on Veeky Forums. If you have a facebook, someone could easily rip your picture off in the first place.

No, someone asked for me to post it, you fucking idiot.