Could someone explain me why making gainz with a relatively low body fat percentage isnt possible?

Could someone explain me why making gainz with a relatively low body fat percentage isnt possible?
I dont really get why 'bulking' is necesarry for gaining muscle

It is.
It's not.

You're not supposed to get fat.

You don't need to "get fat" to gain muscle. You could hit all of your macros and eat just lean protein while not really gaining a lot of weight but that's hard for most people as it would require well proportioned meals, free time cooking, etc.
Usually people just increase their overall calorie intake and then gain some fat because of it.

The bulking/"you have to get fat to get fit" meme is perpetuated by people with low self-control that don't want to diet and idiot powerlifters like Mark Rippetoe.

Rippetoe's programming and dietary advice is based around getting as strong as possible as fast as possible. Sure you'll be a fat fuck but you'll be able to deadlift 450 and squat 300.
Dipshits and neckbeards then parrot this shit on places like /r/Fitness to newbies and completely ignore the fact that the programming isn't suitable for the fitness goals of any of those people.

> Person: "hey I want to lose 30 lbs for a wedding next summer and maybe get a little stronger, what should I do?"


Pro-bulk people have never had a low bf% and probably never will

That's it.

So what will I do instead?

-calculate how many calories you should aim for.
- stop being a faggot.
- find a training program.
(read the fucking sticky)


slowbulk. Eat at a 100-300 kcal surplus every day. Lots of lean protein, moderate carb and low(ish) fat

is lean protein an activated almond tier meme

Lean protein increases muscle mass while fat protein goes straight into your fat tissue.


Most of chicken is lean protein the rest id the regular stuff

It's not impossible it just takes longer if you do it right. But not going crazy on your bulk is how you don't get fat and mostly gain just lean muscle. Just eat a few hundred calories over your maintenance and you will be okay.

>I dont really get why 'bulking' is necesarry for gaining muscle
Its not, but it is a lot easier for a lot of people

This is a drastic oversimplification image but sort of gets the point across. There is a perfect amount of consumption where you give your body everything it needs and you maintain your current body fat because nothing is wasted at all while providing the extra nutrients and energy to repair the damage you have caused by lifting.

The problem is that finding your perfect consumption point is next to impossible, so to compensate people over consume to ensure their body has everything it needs, and anything that isnt used is stored as fat/excreted.

But dont take that to mean you have to bulk to gain muscle. You can be 'cutting' and gain muscle at the same time.

What does he suggest?

If you understand how calories work then no. If you're trying to eat a certain amount of calories and get a certain amount of protein in your diet then you have to do some math. Fattier meats are higher calorie because fat is 9 calories per gram while protein is 4. So you can eat fattier meats but you need to keep track of everything if you don't want to exceed your calories.



>fucking dyel shit denies the effectiveness of cut/bulk

Sounds about right.

Who do you want to look like? People that cut and bulk like MasT or fucking pedro?

Hes not denying its effectiveness, hes denying its useful for everyone in every situation.

Great image.
It will be easier to show people this than explain it

one day ill be bothered to make one that actually looks good rather than
>1 minute in paint

Yeah activated almond is totaly a fucking meme bro like this faggit doesnt understand that activated almonds is chemically different

If your eating consistently above your caloric maintenance, YOU ARE BULKING. The bulking described here is a lack of self control for food but is still over the caloric maintenance. What you are describing is what regards here call "slow bulk" or "clean bulk". It just means a regular bulk where you dont eat shit food but consistently meet your macro goals and stay above Maintenance.

I've done both bulks. I've started at 9%bf and slow bulked until i reached 15%. Then i cut back to 9% and then dirty bulked to 25%. Now im at 13% and returning to 9%. What i've noticed is that for muscular hypertrophy, slow bulk looks and works best. I do not train for strength. On slow bulk i was fucking 3 -5 times a week from tinder sluts. On the dirty bulk this reached a low of 1 every week or week and a half when i was at 25%bf. Now at 13% im getting about 2 or 3 hookups a week.

What kind of pictures you use on tinder?

post pics

If I'm happy with my current weight but not my bf%, is it okay to just eat at maintenance and lift?

Because even if you eat only protein the caloric surplus will undergo glucogenisis and turn into fat, so you might as well bulk with carbs.

Bulking just means eating at a caloric surplus so your body has extra energy to gain weight and use it for muscle recovery/growth. Not eating at a caloric surplus means you won't gain any weight, it is physically impossible, I.e where will your weight come from? If your body is still eating the same calories as the weight you are now , how will you expect to gain weight? Noob gains don't count as anyone will gain a little bit at first.

However, bulking doesn't mean getting fat. That's dreamer bulk aka 750+ calorie surplus to your daily intake .

Modest and normal surplus is 200-500 tops so you only gain half a pound to a pound a week.

>-calculate how many calories you should aim for.
>- stop being a faggot.
those two are the same thing

Yeah, that's wrong though.

it's possible, it just takes a longer time.