I've never been able to get a straight answer for this question

I've never been able to get a straight answer for this question.

Does smoking kill gains?

gains, no. people, yes.


Well, cardio gains.

I used to be able to fuck for about two hours at a time.

I smoked 1-3 cigs 5 days a week for 1.5 years.

I can fuck 30 mins before my cardio gets tired. I did manage to fuck for 1.5 hours recently- but I vomited.
Just some perspective.

Don't try to justify smoking. It's a waste of money, time, and dignity.

It kills your lungs so on exercices that requires breathing well, you won't be able to give the maximum of yourself.
If you don't do exercices that requires a good cardio, then no.

This here, I smoke about a pack a day and can only fuck for about 30 mins before I gotta slow way down after I catch my breath I can go again but damn shits weak

as a long time smoker who has quit a couple times; lifting while i was quit i def progress faster

well you can't make gains when you are in the cancer ward of a hospital dying of metastatic lung cancer

It doesn't kill them, but it slows them.

You will undoubtedly gain more muscle mass and strength without smoking.

It does. The toxins carried in the smoke damage blood vessels throughout the body, which can limit overall performance and lower the ability to recover.

Don't look for information that merely validates your opinion; smoking is harmful and a money dump. You'll live probably 10-20 years less than you would assuming you didn't smoke for all your life, also assuming you don't get cancer first. It's pointless.

smoking kills, and you cant make gains if you're dead.

never understood why people smoke. tried it once as a dumb teenager, almost puked

> never understood why people exercise. tried it once as a dumb teenager, almost puked
You get used to it. People smoke because it's chemically and psychologically addictive.

Why start in the first place then? It's retarded.

>Hey, this expensive habit will make you smell like shit and lower your lung capacity!
>Does it get you buzzed?
>Oh boy, sign me up

I'll never understand smokers. The fact tobacco is still legal is strange enough.

It's an addiction and a habit.
t smoked from 12 to 24

Well it's a social thing mostly. Have you seen that Friends episode where Rachel takes up smoking because she felt left out at work? It's kind of like that. It can be nice to go out for a smoke just for a quick chat and a change of scenery.

But also you do develop a taste for it and start to enjoy it. It's therapeutic as well, even if scientifically it does nothing.

Finally, if you smoke whilst/after doing certain things e.g. drinking coffee or eating dinner, then it can be a very difficult habit to break.
I don't smoke anymore really but it is extremely easy to cave in after a couple of pints at the pub and nearly all your friends are smoking.

can't make gainz when you're ded

not only that, people who don't smoke are forced to smell that shit

at least junkies shoot their shit in themselves. they don't run around with needles in public poking everyone that passes them

smoking should be illegal to do outside. keep that shit confined to your own house/backyard

Smoking increases test levels in 8%.

Só stop being a beta fag and go get a pack of luckies

Different user, but why would you ever get used to it?
You get used to sitting in a bathroom that reeks of your own shit while you're desperately trying to finish reading and engrossing article in reasonable time, that doesn't make it enjoyable.

Same with coffee and beer, fuck acquired tastes, shit is shit.

Are you literally younger than 12?

Look, you have a point about cigarettes. The addiction is almost completely psychological and they don't exactly taste delicious, it's just expensive ones aren't as revolting as cheap ones.

Beer and coffee though, really? How old are you?

Smoking has a negative effect on circulation which inhibits recovery.

The fact that it decreases lung capacity probably doesn't affect anaerobic exercise that much.

As far as test levels are concerned: smoking depletes zinc, if you are getting barely enough to keep your test production normal then that will lower your test levels. However: nicotine is an aromatose inhibitor, it slows down the transformation of free test into estrogen.
>TL;DR If you get low levels of zinc - the two cancel each other out, if you get a lot of zinc then smoking heightens free test slightly.

>The addiction is almost completely psychological
Yeah, no. Nicotine is a very potent drug with a very pronounced effect on the CNS. The anxiety and irritation felt once you stop smoking is almost entirely physiological. The psychological effects of withdrawal are much more mild in comparison.

Quitting smoking has been proven empirically to be one of the hardest substance habits to break out of, only exceeded by heroin.

i smoked like a pack a day for like 9-10 years. i can fuck for like 15 minutes before im tired.

its also the reason i quit, cus i want to be a beast in bed. cant do that with bad cardio, mates.

been 2 months now, never felt better

But I'm in my 20s, I don't even care how much I sound like an autistic manchild. Beer and coffee are gross and at least one of them is definitely bad for you.

>Smoking should be illegal

Fuck off you wanker. I bet you're Scottish

Cardio kills gains

Smoking makes you shit at cardio

= Smoking makes gains

Smoking is horrible all around.
The nicotine can work for energy and other small benefits. It would be better to chew nicotine gum.

It halts your body's ability to deliver oxygen around efficiently, so you'll get fatigued/dizzy more easily. Probably worse for cardio than lifting itself, but at best it's not -too- bad for gains. It's definitely not a good idea.