Hai /fit been bulking for 3months, now i look fat as fuck DYEL should i cut already or continue bulking?

Hai /fit been bulking for 3months, now i look fat as fuck DYEL should i cut already or continue bulking?
Stats 220lbs 6'1

Before bulk 185ish~

I see no difference,

I lost all my definition and got fat
Is bulking a meme?

+my cock has gotten smaller, barely 7.6 inches nowadays fuck this shit


You can do a mini cut if you want to, like for 1 month, but in my opinion that will just fuck up your bulk. What's your height?

I'd say continue bulking until 230

Yea i should i just feel like im not getting any muscle just fat im 6'1 185cm

Are u getting enough protein?

At your weight, you should be having at least 220g

Im eating something like 200-250Gprotein 300-400 carbs 100~fat bout
Lifting 3-days a week no cardio exept like 20-40mins of sex a day

U should be fine, just keep bulking and u should see them gains when you cut

Maybe you're right im just worried that i wont reach 10-12% by summer if i'll get too fat btw can somebody give me bf estimate

you gained 35 pounds in 3 months, which is like 3 pounds a week
should've lean bulked @ 2-4 lbs a MONTH

tell me at least your strength shot up

>the 7+ inches dick meme
>Look [...], I posted it again, haha

I always find it hilarious when people want honest advise, yet still post pictures at whatever stupid angle appears most flattering.

You want good feedback? Post a normal fucking photo.

Less than 7 is pathetic imo
Little bit i used to do 60kgx8 on military press now i can do 80kgx5

You can have one with shirt on
>tfw when body dysphormia

hello bait my old friend.

How is this bait?

agree with other guy that you bulked on too many cals. LEAN BULK

Should i cut first?