Donating blood is roughly -450 calories

>Donating blood is roughly -450 calories

Why are we not using this for cuts


But if you donate blood that would mean no running and lifting, also they will put a needle inside your body.

>nearly 2017
>no wanting to make blood gains

nigga wat?

6 times / year maximum in my country

standard blood donation volume is around 5 dL
normal blood glucose level is 100 mg/dL
0.5 g * 4 = 2 calories


Or just eat 450 less calories holy shit

Beacause blood is considered lbm.
You aren't burning the calories you want to burn. You are putting your body at an impairment of most effectively functioning.

Actually, losing a bit of blood will affect your body positively. It's a positive stressor the same as lifting and will strengthen your body.

>no citation
wew lad
Lowering blood pressure and lowering red cell count are two entirely different things.
It's a temporary fix to a long term problem, you want to maximize red blood cells at all cost. The more you have, the more nutrients and oxygen that can be pushed across the entire body.
Sacrificing that at the benefit of a temporary loss of blood pressure that will just return to its same exaggeratedly high state a day or so after is not positive.
Just fucking lower your blood pressure.

Only for 4 hours afterward. Just exercise later, or do it on an off day.

It doesn't even really lower your blood pressure unless you're dehydrated or under fed. I get blood drawn all the time and they always take blood pressure before and after and its more or less the same as long as you're well hydrated and fed.

If you run seriously you'll feel the negative effects for weeks.

I have to get my blood drawn all the time (used to be 100 units once per week) and I did both cardio and strength training 3 times a week or more. I'm not saying I ran marathons, usually a 20-30 minute stint of cardio and 1 hr of lifting. You feel a little low energy the day of, but unless you're an athlete I can't imagine it negatively effecting your performance. Unless you're starving yourself or a total pussy. Bottom line is the average person will be fine the day after aside from a small bruise on the arm.

blood tests take less than the pint donation takes

No you won't lol

Just get the blood out and centrifuge it and then put the red part back in and throw away the plasma it's easy

I know. I have a genetic disorder called hemochromatosis and I have to get a pint taken relatively often (~2 weeks) to treat it. Lol why would they take blood pressure at a blood test? They take like barley anything.

Yeah, you're totally right. Producing all that plasma, white and red blood cells and all the other shit in your body doesn't require ATP.

it truly is the middle ages again

Why does it do this, is it because it's pulling sugar out of your bloodstream? Does donating plasma do anything similar?