
Well Veeky Forums, need your help, I read the sticky, but it doesn't mention about my disability, I have to live with a heart disease everyday, so, what supplements/healthy things you all recommend for a disabled heart person.

That's really a conversation you should have with a licensed doctor and not jobless virgins on Veeky Forums.

I never get a chance to go sadly

You haven't even told us what Kind of heart problems you have, how could we help?


Its a heart murmur, sorry for not mentioning it.

I'm stuck at home with no vehicle, friends are being unhelpful

Use public transit then, don't blame your friend.

Thats another problem, no public transport

That's a symptom for multiple different Problems, so please listen to Otherwise at least don't stress your Heart too much, no high intensity cardio and bodybuilding-style isolation movements instead of Squats/Deadlifts

Unless you live on the moon that's impossible. Get a cab to pick you up then.

I live in a poor town, we drove away any business to allow busses and cabs to roam and help.

Thanks, at least a tiny advice can go a long way, I'll do whatever I can to sort this out.

>don't blame your friend.
If I refused to help a disabled friend get to the doctor, I'd be a pretty shitty friend.

Do you live in a 3rd world country? What kind of place doesn't have cab?

Ultimately people should be taking care of themselves first rather than shit talking about them on the internet just because they won't help. Sadly people has their own issues to deal with too.

Who was the maximum prankster who """" diagnosed""" you a heart murmur (lol) if you didn't go to a doctor?

Do you have any symptom?

Walk to the fucking hospital or blow your neighbour to use his car, but go see a doctor if you are worried

>Ultimately people should be taking care of themselves
Hes fucking disabled you mentally disabled twat

If you have a heart murmur and can't even press buttons on a phone to get a cab because you're too cheap then then you don't deserve to live. If your friend has a car, then your area has roads. Cabs go anywhere with roads.

OP isn't shit talking anyone, he's explaining why he can't get to a doctor.

>friends are being unhelpful
It's not being unhelpful, it's called people having their own life. It's sad to hear that there are are grown adults who can't even arrange a transportation by spending money and tells Veeky Forums that his friends are unhelpful people because they won't help wipe his ass. You pay for your wifi, and a laptop that you have right now. You got money to get help. use it

>a bloo bloo OP used a slightly judgemental adjective while answering my question

What's sad is you writing a paragraph over it

I wipe my own ass and won't nag about my friends and my wallet on the internet. pleb