Veeky Forums
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Health #395
Why is there a bad smell coming from inside my nose/nostrils and how can I fix it...
Memes aside, what are the benefits of crossfit?
Do you drive, Veeky Forums? What kind of car do you drive?
How do I get a gf?
Binge eating general
/Fraud/ Steroid General
Anyone else hate pooping in public toilets?
Hello anons. I'm going to have sex in 2 weeks because girlfriend is coming back...
What is wrong with this guy?
What does Veeky Forums smell like after a work out
Is it possible for a girl to maintain a thigh gap while squatting and maintaining a nice ass?
Be me
Finally get with 10/10qt3.14
Complete Veeky Forums Guide
New chapter from "Danberu nan kiro moteru?"
Mom is around 5'6"
Who /intermittent fasting/ here?
Lets settle this once and for all
Go on Veeky Forums
Does Veeky Forums like nuts?
Tfw no job
Who is your 10/10 body?
Reached 5 pl8 squat a month ago
Who /pendlayrow/ here?
On average, a female cyclist is more attractive than a female runner. Prove me wrong
Veeky Forums cringe thread
How bad did I just fuck my diet up?
Routine Thread
Here's the ultimate red pill:
/plg/ powerlifting general
Can we have an actual female thread? Post routines, stats, questions etc
Tfw no gf
ITT: facial aesthetic gains
Just saying
Friendly reminder that pic related literally
Is fat/looks fat
Tattoo thread
Why doesn't Veeky Forums appreciate dom? let alone acknowledge him?
Femanons of Veeky Forums does a potential partner have to lift to be attractive?
What did you eat today Veeky Forums?
Guys, Eugenia Cooney is getting thinner and thinner, just look at them arms
Why are girls closed and standoffish around me? First day at work and I think I'm already "that weird guy"
Literally our guy
What do you think Veeky Forums, is she right?
ITT: We act as though Veeky Forums is majority female
I need your help fitizen anons, i will join my local gym soon but i feel like my shoulders are extremly narrow...
ITT: Veeky Forums musicians
I just went running in -2 °C and my phone battery died after like 10 minutes. What do...
What's his name again?
Looking decent'ish from the front
How many pull-ups can you do?
Have you made it yet?
Ask a guy that has never missed a workout in 5 years that now is forced to lift at planet fitness anything
/SIG/ Self Improvement General What positive thing did you do this weekend edition
Rate my breakfast Veeky Forums
Which is better for aesthetic gains, working out 3 times a week or working out 5 times a week?
Compounds build Arms is a Joke Meme
Veeky Forums WILL defend this
Fat Hate General
Would you rather look like an Abercrombie model or Ronnie Coleman ?
That cute guy who goes to the gym the same days as you
My 1 year progress on PPL
Dating horror stories thread?
Can someone explain the appeal of "high-test"?
/fatty/ General
Stop doing curls
This guy comes into your gym and smacks your weak ass
What was the longest time you took a break from lifting weights? did you get fat and lose all muscle you've made?
Gym Buddy
Yo guys i started up my own fitness youtube channel?
What physical attributes do i need in order to get a girl like this?
How do I get a body like this?
How can kangaroos be this ripped
Post ideal female body, personality too
Does anybody feel like life is incredibly hard and filled with a constant and recurring theme of disappointment?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
2 questions
Changing your body composition is impossible long term, without taking roid. Prove me wrong...
Former fatty here
finally got mire'd
Hyperbolic time chamber
He still doesn't do a bro split
Satiating foods
How much do you bench, Veeky Forums?
Dylan McKenna
Who remembers this masterpiece of physical fitness equipment design
I swear to god fit if u mess this one up
This is Veeky Forums when it fell for the bulk meme
Be me
Schedule. Privacy. Blog. Money
Since this board is filled with chads
Daily reminder that not nearly as many people are on gear as people on Veeky Forums like to think...
Weight loss thread!
What are some fit cars?
Best of Veeky Forums jobs
Home Gym Suggestions
Do you pinch your shoulder blades before or after you unrack the bar?
I'm having sex for the first time today
Need some advice here Veeky Forums
These guys challenge you to a 1v3 fight
What ya'll eating for dinner Veeky Forums?
Chad Hate Thread
/fatty/ General
No-fap day 21
Hows your no fap december going?
Farmers walks
Hello Veeky Forums. Long time browser of /b/, first visit to this fine board...
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
What are the best proven accessories to SL 5x5?
What to do about calluses?
Home Gym General
Progress thread
Why isn't she trying to be more attractive?
> ITT: Veeky Forums during 110 AD
Tfw I destroy my gains by drinking at parties
The future is here
I think my undies are killing my sex drive but I don't want to wear boxers again
Low test?
What are you tinder profiles like? how do you make a generally successful tinder?
/MAKINGIT/ General
People who have lost a significant amount of weight
Not having the superior, cheaper and more caffeinated sip
Any tips for people who feel depressed after working out?
Veeky Forums humor thread
Why do you have your shirt on user, we're at the beach!
Red pildid me on public gyms
I've made it but I'd like to be a bit taller
Is it possible to get strong while remaining as lean as possible?
Height does(not) matter?
Didnt smoked for 2 days, should i just quit?
In order to get in the season I use warm water for my protein shakes and pretend it is hot cocoa
Tfw 26 and still fapping 6-8 times a day
I go to prison in 9 days. Tips?
Confession Thread
What height is the cutoff for manlet?
What can you do to improve facial aesthetics?
New /cbt/
How to make oatmeal good?
/sgh/ - Sexual Health General
How do i go from Bony to Beastly like Greg?
This just happened to me
Just signed a multi-million dollar modeling contract
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Tfw to intelligent too work out
Am i testosterone deficient???
Instagram Fitness Crush
How do I last longer in bed Veeky Forums ?
Why does eating healthy mean bland broccoli and chicken? Don't forget the brown rice
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
How can i eat more protein?
Newfound Female Attention Spaghetti
Anyone else here 6'1" and feeling like a manlet lately? i swear every 6th guy is taller than me...
Gonna compete at Olympia Amateur to get my pro card today in San Marino. Wish me luck brahs
Is this workout program legit or meme?
This is literally the fridge of a man who has ass cancer. Take note, everyone
Vegans on the internet say saturated fat is bad for you
Does being asian make up for being a manlet (5'7'')?
Here's the solution, now stop looking for excuses
Does anybody feel that despite everything, at the end of the day, life is shit?
These things are just over half full inside
How to achieve this mode?
Tfw kissless virgin
I found out that dairy caused my acne. 2 weeks after quitting it my skin is almost completely clear
Got fit and got hurt - feels thread
Post what you look like in clothes
I'm a 230 lb fat fuck
Bad feels thread
Tfw 6'0", very deep voice and 6.1" dick
Is this true? Does that also work the other way around?
Why do you do strength routines when you want hypertrophy?
Ideals thread. Ask for lifting/fashion/styling/pickup advice to achieve your goals
What instantly motivates you? A song does it for me
Manlets, when will they learn?
When did you realize that brown rice was a meme Veeky Forums?
Bad genetics?
Good form, pupper
Anyone here go to the gym multiple times a day? How many minutes/hours are your sessions? Why do you do it?
Tfw failed to meet caloric surplus again
Bent over rows:
What the fuck happened Veeky Forums?
What is Veeky Forums asking santa for this year?
Why are white people so strong?
What kind of workouts do I need to do to not get fat eating this everyday?
Cheating /frauds/ generally
Tfw you realize training legs as a manlet with a 5 inch penis is only making the situation worse
If you could make only one meal calorie free, what would it be?
Looking to get serious with weightlifting. is stronglifts good...
Train like an athlete, look like an athlete
What are the best natural ways to boost test?
Hisashiburi, omaira
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread /QTDDTOT/
The Harsh Truth
Will this bf% be acceptable to most girls?
Rate my workout (I'm a begginer):
Tfw at a bar alone. What do fit?
Why do you lift Veeky Forums?
Anybody here /blend/ for gains?
Cardio Routines
ITT: We post fitness cringe
I can swim 500m in 10:30 with breast stroke...
Fictional goal body thread
There's no CBT up, so here's one
Tfw the shortest in the family
Daily reminder that this body is more liked by 99.9% of females than your roid crap
Have $30 for 2 weeks because my employer fucked up payroll and I still need gas for my car...
He fell for the "shower every day meme"
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
What Veeky Forums related youtube channels do you all watch?
Where all the single girls in Uni...
Fat Hate Thread: Barbie movie edition
I just find all this african gym meme shit fascinating
Start SS
Gainz going to waste?
ITT: shit that pumps you up before lifting
Monster n r g
Sup Veeky Forums...
Why do girls eat like such shit in their early 20's without thinking of the consequences?
Post your motivation bae who revs up your test
Yfw new years resolution fags approaching soon
Veeky Forums humor thread
Is this a meme exercise?
How to acheive Brendan Fraser mode?
Tfw sex drive is dead
- Home gym vs. Gym Membership -
Injuries General
Is Nigga Strength real?
Tfw never going to fit in a suit again
/Plg/ powerlifting general
What does Veeky Forums think about beans? Are they a good Veeky Forumsness food? I'm looking for cheap and easy meals
Fat to fit thread
Hey guys I went with my gf for the first time in the gym...
Can I get huge legs just by doing bodyweight exercises like pistol squats for example?
A question for dyels...
Gym bully
How one is suppose to have any social life with such a schedule(pic related)?
Lift to impress girls
Squatting 120kg a2g
So Veeky Forums will fatties finally listen...
All memes aside, if I get fit will girls like me more. I have decent personally btw
Tfw alcohol has calories
Should I just give up and become a twink prostitute renting out my boipucci?
Finally got to 3plate diddlylift
Veeky Forums I need some help...
I just saw a fit version of Cara Delavigne at my gym what do I do? She was mirin'
Fit girls with strong legs and posterior chain
Is Sage Northcutt the platonic form of Chad?
Did i make it?
If this landwhale can get a gf why can't you?
Has anyone tried this?
Making it
I just lost my sip virginity
Front squat vs Back squat
Should I just say fuck it and get skinny?
I don't get it
Who else is too social to have a strict diet?
Help me fit think of some witty pick up line
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread /QTDDTOT/
/blog posts/
King of the manlets
So I watched this movie a few days ago and laughed at how pathetic he is like everybody else...
What grip do you use for Deadlifts?
What does the word 'manly' mean to you?
You fall for thicc/ high test memes yet?
Does Veeky Forums prefer girls that are fit and lift actively or girls that lift every once in a while but are a bit...
Reached 1 pl8 squat a month ago
What underwear does Veeky Forums wear? I especially want something that doesn't chafe my balls every time I squat deep...
I've been losing weight for a few months now but for the last 4 weeks my weight has almost stayed constant...
Why is it wrong to lift for women ?
Hole above chest - it hurts since I do dips
This qualifies as "fit" for a woman
Which youtube channel does Veeky Forums recommend for proper form videos and nutritional advice?
How does one fix their naturally sunken in eyes...
Whats your favorite quote by your favorite fitness personality?
So you said you work out in your bio, you must have abs, right?
Decent tasting protein powders
Impressive Lifts Thread
Okay Veeky Forums, I'm 25 years old, turning 26 next month. Is it still okay for me to fuck, and even date 19 year olds?
First date advice, should I get a pump first?
Bulked when I was probably 15% - 18% bf
/plg/ Powerlifting general
No Fap December day 2:
Pushup thread
Tinder Tips
Current back thread?
Just started creatine today, what am I in for?
What is your reaction to this?
How much do you sleep?
Name my crew
What is the best lifting music and why is it pic related?
/cut/ thread
Tfw gagging after nearly every set I do
So I don't have time to cook because I'm in uni and also working a job because I'm not a fucking bum...
Make tinder
Which youtube fitness person do you wanna impregnate the most?
Wake up
I slap your girl's ass and give you a stern look
I'm so fucking sick of chicken
Candid Reality
What is the IRL manlet cutoff?
New Years Is Just Around The Corner Veeky Forums
Rich Pianna skin cancer back
Veeky Forums meals thread
That DYEL who shares videos of people working out on Facebook instead of going to the gym himself
How do people like zyzz exist? I mean guys who just travel the world and go to music festivals instead of working...
Women prefer tall skinny guys
ITT: people that inspired you to lift, fictional or irl
CrossFit®™: Why doesn't Veeky Forumsness like it?
Would you be able to do this Veeky Forums?
What does Veeky Forums use for duck gains?
/fraud/ - no brakes on the trump train edition
How buff will I get if I do this ever single day for a month:
Leg press?
Ask a fat black girl anything
Natural Testosterone Booster /Tread/
I'm trying to convince my wife to start lifting. Can you send me all your buff chloe pics so I can inspire her...
Reminder you havent "made it" and are still a beta unless you get a bbw gf
How do I achieve snakes body or body like his? I'm 1.76 m and 73 kg skinny fat.I'm seriously need help...
Fat people thread part 2
What do you guys do for leg day?
Poor manlets :(
I didn't listen to fit and kept starving myself then binging and gaining back then losing on and on this whole year...
Light weights or powerbuilding
I have just begun the keto diet. Have I done the right thing?
Nobody ever told me you have to eat alot after lifting to get big
Tfw the only poorfag way to lose weight is starve and die
How do I get a Veeky Forums gf like this?
How's ur morning fit? Ps it's the dude with "rough sex and pizza" pick up line from tinder. Pic is from this morning
If manlets are so inferior how come Gaul got BTFO by the Romans?
Hit basic gf standard of 1/2/3/4 lmaopl8
In this thread i blogpost about my loose skin
Favourite back exercise?
What's the female Instagram model aesthetic routine?
How many arm exercises do you do on arm day?
/mental fitness/
How do I get a body like lenatheplug?
Tfw the whole world is roiding now so my natty physique will never be impressive
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
Routine Rate Thread, go!
Barfight stories?
TFW 22 years old loser
Why are cargo pants alpha and why do you wear them?
ITT: People who 90% of Veeky Forums could totally easily beat in a irl fight
Personal Trainer APPs
5 inch dick
When did you realize bulking is pointless and that it's literally all about the height/face
Is there any way to stop the receding hairline epidemic?
Honestly, how was he looking this good at this age?
Smol dick insecurity thread
Redpill me on split routines/brosplits
Eat a baguette and several pastries every day
Have you guys heard of the GOCAD?
Why do we allow women to dress like this at the gym? It only serves as a distraction
Can you become big if you're a vegan?
Would this be high test mode for a guy?
/LSG/- Lifting Shoe General
How would you train for Ranger Selection or Special Forces Selection?
Guys I need some advice
Stalling on ohp
Infograph General
How is Veeky Forums holding up?
What do people mean when they say "eat big"? Like, how big?
I know everything about gear/juice/gas/roids...ask me anything
What's is Veeky Forums opinion on SIPS?
This man has no arms and no legs yet living a more fulfilling life than all of us...
Veeky Forums Comic thread
Calories in, calories out! It's just basic physics!
Exercise and anxiety/depression
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Get on my level, plebs
Veeky Forums I'm scared please help
Transformation (ROIDS!?)
I've been lifting for 4 months and I still can't squat more than the bar
Can we get a thread with Veeky Forums recipes...
Is my bald spot related to creatine? have i been memed?
How can i permanently achieve post-nut clarity?
How to tell if girls are checking me out
Name a better protein packed treat
Got herpes from sloot i kissed who was 30 and has a son
1g protein per lb body weight while on a cal deficit
You think this guy is actually natty? (he claims to be)
Did you have a "I'm going to turn my life around now" moment?
Hey Veeky Forums
Do you really shower everyday? Why is it so hard
Approaching girls
Walk into gym
Get me laid Veeky Forums
How does Veeky Forums feel about Obamacare?
Sweat so much from my anus that all the stool inside my rectum oozes out
Where does fit meet women?
What actually kills gains?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Can I add cardio and chest to the SS program?
Come on in user the water's nice and cool
Did I fuck up?
Has anyone tried those Rich Piana 5% Frozen meals?
Sippin' it
How do you motivate yourselves Veeky Forums? I want to have a better body...
Calories or macros. what is more important
Push-up thread
he squats and deadlifts on the same day!
Diet anything
Since most of you are gay
Is this lordosis or an apt, how do i fix this. I used to work out about 3 years ago, gained some decent muscle...
Is getting too fat during a bulk counter productive?
Is plastic surgery something that should be encouraged or not when pursuing aesthetics?
Post yfw you lifted 225 first time
Should I fall for the GF meme?
/Fraud/ "Steroid General" and social club
What mode is this?
God-tier skincare routines
Lose Weight
Protein shakes make my face look like a pepperoni pizza
You wouldn't?
I've had tinder for 3 hours is this what making it looks like??
What is the point of being Veeky Forums if you can drink beer whole day and eat delicious stuff like mc donalds?
Lifting is for those too meek of mind to excel themselves through Philosophy
How much do I need to be able to squat without looking like a poser if I wear weightlifting shoes?
Earliest memory of being impressed by and admiring a man's physique
Stop watching porn
Why aren't you a cyclist?
Is this good progression? Started going to gym a month ago
If I start starving myself, will I lose my gains first, or will I lose my gains alongside my bodyfat?
/feels/ thread
What is the IRL manlet cutoff?
Let this be an example of why u never start juicing
Is eating before bed really bad for you, or is that just an urban legend?
Why is every fitness youtuber the same?
How do I make penis gains?
Veeky Forums memes
Poorfag here. I can't afford a gym membership but I want to be able to get a good workout...
What say you in your defense
I've been lifting heavier and now my lower back hurts. What should I do...
225 Deadlift = Master race
He doesn't train neck
Manlet hate thread
Veeky Forums Music
Currently Making it is Not How It SeemsThread
Muscles that can be trained every day?
Will I lose the circle when I stop being fat or am I forever cursed with that triangle?
Hey user how many more sets you got?
For you natties out there, how long did it take you to reach 2pl8 bench?
Fell for the whole only do compound lifts meme. This is what it got me. Don't be like me
Hey Veeky Forums
Uni Thread
Am I still skinny fat? I weigh 52 kg now and my height is 166cm
Just shave it bro
He doesn't train in a martial art
Alright Veeky Forums how are you eating them eggies?
Hey Veeky Forums how's it going...
How much weight could I lose in 20 days if I eat only fruit? Would having a protein shake on the side be a good idea...
Manlet inspiration thread
/CBT/ Anxiety edition
Routine rate thread
Thought I was 6'1" because I'm taller than my dad who's drivers license lists him at 72 inches
Can natties train six days a week? Is it gonna harsh my gains?
Miss Mia Fit
Can minorities in the US be chads? If not, what do we call them? ex. Asians = Jin, Mexicans = Carlos
How is this possible?
Protein powder in water
Who do you lift for?
Been doing the 5x5 stronglifts for about 3 mo the now and still not really big..what am I doing wrong?
What do you think of rebbit's 6 day PPL program?
How long to get the "no lats but chicks love it" look?
Any South Americans on Veeky Forums? What kind of God Tier gains food do you guys have...
CBT: Bulk on a small surplus, don't fall for the memes edition
Where to look between sets??
Mom / Dad Logic
Ask a guy who just ate an entire digiorno rising crust pizza anything
Proper hydration
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Would you support state-forced/funded fitness programs?
Pre Workout Horror Story
Getting into boxing
After getting Veeky Forums how do you get a girl exactly?
Almost all my lifts go up very fast
Is making your dick bigger actually possible or is it just a myth? Is there an exercise or diet that would do this?
/qtddtot/ - Questions that Don't Deserve their own Thread
Grip strength
Hey whats up Veeky Forums, me and my friend have an argument on whether this guys is cycling or not...
Why do all the alternate flavors suck?
Muscle size =/= strength
At what height does girls stop seeing you as possible mate and simply see you as inferior subhuman?
How do you make friends at the gym.?
Active international lifting group chat looking for new members
I started going to the gym about 4 months ago...
Love opening me a fresh jar of nut but
Ok how the FUCK am I even supposed to take this???...
Need to lose a lot of weight in one month for a wedding...
Tfw thread
Is PPL legit?
Who here actually picks up chicks?
So anyone notice grills having a personality like burnt toast more and more...
User what do you mean that cycling will "kill your gains" ??
How often do you cheat on a cut/bulk?
How is it even possible to get obese without ACTIVELY and consiously attempting it?
How many friends does Veeky Forums have?
Cutting is SOOOOO HARD! I just feel hungry all the time!
Can you guys post an example of what your diet looks like when you're cutting?
Is he right?
The new paradigm
How important is sleep when bulking?
Stop right there criminal scum. Tell me about your cardio routine or serve your sentence
"Henry Cavill refused to take steroids to muscle up for the role...
5 years, ama
Progress thread
Why is it that everyone who is aesthetic on Veeky Forums does a "brosplit"?
So is Starting Strength and Rippatoe a meme?
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Ywn get a girl that twerks for you
/owg/ - A thread for the discussion of weightlifting and all things related...
Getting a pump
Veeky Forums, it hurts being so good looking. I'm a big flirt at the gym...
Is it degenerate to lift in order to make yourself more attractive to juicy craigslists traps?
Ayy Veeky Forums I did it
DIY gyno surgery
Lift away your pain
Anyone else feel genuinely bad for this guy? I feel like he has autism, just like us
Pec Flies
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Just sent a grill some sips memes
Start drinking sips
How come this guy can get a woman but you cant?
Eating disorder
Is it too late Veeky Forums
Is there anyway to get a joestar body while natty?
IT Band Syndrome
Let's be real
Anyone else got lower abdominal bloat?? how do i fix it...
Has anyone dated a fit woman?
Female genetic failures support group
Ay yo Veeky Forums
/mode thread/
Adjustable Dumbbells
That first sip of the day
Tfw failed at getting a gf this year
Veeky Forums, I have a very honestly question for you
CBT thread
/fatty/ General
Anyone else here is actually happy with their height?
Insecurities thread
How many calories is this??
/'mirin/ Thread
OHP and rep range
So i just got a circumcision
Is he gonna make it bros?
Before and after a 5 month cycle. Changing to 3 different compounds every 4 weeks
Does your family and friends know you're a kissless virgin?
Tfw straight
What's your gymbro like Veeky Forums?
Why the fuck is this a meme?
He doesn't drink milk
5'9 145 lbs dyel manlet
Tfw you're confident, 6'1 and you've been lifting for a few years with decent gains/results...
My girlfriend doesn't like oral sex. I don't mean giving it, I mean receiving it
Daily reminder that if you can't fit your hands around your girl's waist, she's a disgusting out of shape pig
Post pictures of your gym
Rate my lunch /fit
Veeky Forums is it really true that fit women can beat weak men and manlets...
Its not covered in sticky so are there any calisthetics/bodyweight routines you can recommend? what effects?
Shoulder Width & Height
tfw to intelligent too have an animalistic caveman-like behaviour and waste hours of my precious time picking things...
Poorfag thread
Kg or lbs
User, do you live alone, completely on your own?
Hey user you look like you haven't eaten in days, are you lost?
Regularly buy chicken breasts/eggs/avocados/fruit/nuts here
Please is this really only anavar
Tfw met a slim qt german girl who is down for activities like lifting and bouldering
How many of you faggots are stuck at 52.5/155 OHP?
How do i achieve this mode, Veeky Forums? Not looking to get huge, just a nice compound physique like pic related
5"9 165 skinny fat
Encouragement Thread
Do you use a belt for squat?
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Were all gonna make it thread
What do you guys eat for breakfast?
Veeky Forums cooking thread
Girls swooning over guys
OHP Progression?
You drink a gallon milk a day
Veeky Forums I noticed something wierd about me
Is a scoop an imperial or metric unit of measurement?
Does Veeky Forums drink alcohol?
How strong do you have to be to lift an average man by the neck? Is it possible at 4/3/2/1 plate?
New chapter bitches, get in here
Is it possible to grow taller with human grow hormones after puberty?
Hey, Veeky Forums
Intentionally scarring and debasing your skin and body
Veeky Forums does Whey Protein cause hair loss?
What's a quick Veeky Forums approved breakfast
Are deadlifts suppose to make your hips more muscular cause they're more muscular (wider) and it's ugly, I hate it
Okay, Veeky Forums - what is the "event horizon" - the age after which you MUST start using gear, or you WILL lose mass...
Gym music thread
How does this look for cutting
Thread in honour of zyzz
Is long distance running (5k, 10k, etc) the ultimate manly sport?
Has anyone worked out in a different country?
Hey Veeky Forums you know what helpes you lifting/losing weight/getting in shape...
How to activate glutes when going up in a squat? Also im posting the new chapter from "Danberu nan kiro moteru?"...
Buy new whey
Can someone tell me the best hypertrophy routine I can do to get muscle as quick as possible?
Good feels
21g protein
Sugar for ripped abs
We create the best damn routine ever
Who do you lift for?
Hit 215 bench
Quickest way to lose 10-20 pounds?
Running general
Spend almost all my time near keyboards
When did your nuts drop? I'm 25, and my balls are still tiny and shrunk up. My penis is normal...
Is this shit bad for me? How bad? I drink one a day, and my diet is really good otherwise. I love this stuff...
I love it when I get my macros just right
ITT we draw exercises and see if the other fags on this board can guess what they are
Tfw boy genius
R8 me Veeky Forums. I can't decide if I want to go for skelly or thicc mode
Would you rather be a 6'4" dude with a 4" dick, or a 5'8" dude with a 7 inch dick?
/cbt/ help a still fat fuck
Why aren't you competing in triathlons?
Issues thread
RED PILL ME !!!!!!!
Is this ass natty?
How can people say that you are supposed to only breathe through your nose? I feel like I would suffocate...
Supplement Thread
Let's have a masT appreciation thread. Post pics and praise our glorious masTer: the official king of Veeky Forums...
Sugar-free products stop us getting slimmer
Goal Body Thread
I'm a twig and I do "hammer curls" with 35 pound dumbbells...
That first puff after a long, heavy-lifting session
Cheap steak
These are the best taste/price/protein ratio of any meal
How big is Veeky Forumss rib cage?
MK-677 thread
That guy who yawns in between sets
/plg/ powerlifting general
Fighting tips?
/fit humor thread
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
Would people take Elon Musk as seriously if he kept his fucked up hairline?
You walk in the gym and see this, what do you do?
/progress/ thread - DYEL edition
My ideal bf is
Qtddtot ?
Why does this nu male dyel have a gf and you don't Veeky Forums?
Mirin Stories
Mirin' my 3pl8 squat, lanklets?
What convinced you to turn your life around?
Is it really possible for a skinny guy to become husbandomode?
So in the fitness scene, what does "natural" mean exactly?
Stretching or Something
He doesn't have a weekly calf liver cheat meal
Fit humour/ general
Fat people
Post perfect men
Tinder/sexual health
Moar muscular qtpa2ts
Are beans the cheapest and healthiest source of protein or are there foods with more grams of protein by cost/calories?
Is really cold but I managed to get my sips
Never lifted before and i cant keep with the terminologys like OHP and 1pl8, pls send the glossary
Hello Veeky Forums ex fatty here, ive seen a lot of weight loss threads so i thought i share something with you
Any fatties here trying to get fit? Or fatties who made it...
ATTN: People who fuck for over 20 minutes
I'm a black fembot that needs to lose 50-60 pounds and I'm tired of being fat
What mode is this?
Tattoos aren't aesthetic
So now that youre all buff and shit why havent you gotten a bbw gf?
Good feels general
Has anyone noticed women becoming LESS attractive after you started lifting?
Tfw green eyes, never gonna make it
Why do you guys have a hatred towards manlets when baldheads are 1000x worse...
Whats the one lifestyle change that changed your facial complexion the most?
Do you think femlets secretly wish they were amazons Veeky Forums?
Be on a party yesterday
What do? Bulk or cut?
Be me
Thin hair
Why is Veeky Forums so anit-bread?
Tfw bf% doesn't start with a 2 anymore
Guys of Veeky Forums, woman are NOT i repeat NOT what life is all about
Have you had your scoops today Veeky Forums?
Penis problems thread
Did lifting make up for the failure you were in highschool?
Do you think edward norton did it all natty when he bulked up for his role in american history x?
Who here is lifting for a special grill, an ex, for revenge, or to be more attractive for their future grill?
How do you talk to girls?
OK Veeky Forums I give up. I've tried lifting but it just isn't working for me...
Daily reminder that you are going to die one day
Pushups for zyzz
Depression gains
Tell me how to make oatmeal you fucks
Talking to insanely cute girl on OKCupid
Is Veeky Forums dead?
Weak as fuck
Do you guys think I am low test?
How good for you is running?
Any good workout anthems ?
Tfw I hurted my lower back by attempting an Anime movement/routine
/plg/ powerlifting general
Yes or no? Is it worth the high price (about $60 for 10 days worth of pills)?
Will looking at thicc women increase my test level and help my lifts?
Is there anything like NOS for the human body?
Do gym bullies exist or is it a meme?
ITT we discuss how to attain more aesthetically pleasing facial features and facial exercises. I'll start
Is there a point in trying as a womanlet? 5"
/fraud/ get jerry laid edition
Veeky Forums fashion
Are protein shakes even necessary if I eat my body weight it protein every day...
Gyno, why even try
How many of you are in to "High Test" women?
God Tier lifting music - Chill edition
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games