Got fit and got hurt - feels thread

I got somewhere with my very long time oneitis.
We're on a ski trip and are living in a cabin with 10 friends. I got the same room with her.
>rent a cabin
>first night in our small pool
>shes rubbing up on me
>we go into our room
>we touch and massage each other
>shes wet
>she asks me if I've ever been with anyone
>useless virgin
>I tell her that i haven't
>she tells me she doesnt want to be my first
>I tell her I have feelings for her
>tells me she wouldnt have done this if she knew
>later we argue im really hurt
>stuck here for 4 days still and I feel really bad
>changed rooms

What should I do fit, just put on a brave face? Should i make things up with her? I got drunk last night and almost ended up crying.
Share some feels with me bros.

Fuck sake OP

who cares

Pretend not to care, I know you care op, I know it fucking hurts but the only way the only chance you have of getting her back is to pretend that you don't care about her at all. It's how some girls work and I'm saying this as one of those girls

shit happens man up

>talks about how little or how much sex he's had, right before about to have sex
Talk about a turn off. Now you know what to say next time I guess... sucks you had to learn the hard way. I'd recommend getting over her because things will forever be weird now and she's probably gona tell people.

Ooh thats actually so unlucky, if you said no then she could have been disgusted or wanna back out because she wanted to take ur virginity, either way dont worry user ull end up sleeping with plenty of girls sooner or later, men get better with age

Ur prob to virfin to do this but go in and just make out with her. Say u donr give a fuck if she doesnt wanna take ur v. Take hers.

Disregard bitches, acquire gains.

Being a beta orbiter will get you no where.

isn't your oneitis your first gf?
not just some chick you had a crush on and she didn't even know

>she asks me if I've ever been with anyone

Yeah i wondered about this, seems if a girl really did ask that OP must have been doing some primo autistic shit.

Hey Veeky Forums rate my gf and please dont be an asshole.

I had an argument with one of my friends. He said his gf is 2 point higher than mine and mine is only 7/10. I think my gf is atleast 8/10.

Pic related.

oh shit I wanted to start a new thread.


post your friends gf

She sounds like a cunt bro. She led you on and then left you hanging when you gave her an honest answer which took guts. Fuck her m8, sounds like you're better off without her. Realise that and cure your oneitis. Keep your head up, keep your dignity and play it off like it's no big deal. Enjoying yourself regardless of her and her stupid bullshit is the best way to get back at her. Being the life and soul of the party instead of moping about like a sad sack will piss her off more than anything else you could do now. Act like you couldn't give less of a shit about her and she'll soon be thinking she made a big mistake.

>just walk in there and rape her bro

Solid advice 10/10

Time to realise that scales and rating for girls are completely subjective. Your 8/10 may be some other dudes 5/10. Personally I think she's alright, not stunning or anything but I'd certainly bang her and possibly date her. If you like her stop giving a fuck what other people think.

why is there a pickle on her head?

thats not a pickle

m8 yours wins

well unless their bodies are significantly different

I'd probably give the edge to the blonde tbqh m8, but she's not massively in front of your gf. I'd cum inside both of them if that helps you feel better.

>blue eyes
>blonde hair

Sadly he wins user, but yours is nice as well, better something then nothing.

I'd say it's just a better photo and push up bra tits in the photo

post your gfs tits/body and our friends gf's tits/body

ok thanks guys and extra points for keeping things cultured

> >I tell her that i haven't

I would say 5/10 for face. Could be a 6/10 total if she has a nice body

I don't understand, why go all the way to the point where they're both worked up, only to stop when he says he's a virgin.

Is it lmr or something?

You should deal with it until the trip is over then never talk to her again. At most she will only see you as a quick fuck and is likely not the person you think she is. If you ever fuck or god forbid date her, you will end up disappointed and extremely hurt.

they are both average at best. 5/10 would maybe bang if horny and they have a decent ass

Learn from your mistakes OP and do the same I did when I was a betavirgin..lie about it. The first time I had sex I lied about it and said it wasnt my first time. Lucky enough my beta powers kicked in and teenage deathgrip saved me from cumming too quick.

this isn't a movie you dumb faggot

>almost ended up crying

Hahahhahahahah what a little gayboy

5/10 user, sorry but she's average looking to me. Fit body and personality could make the other few points up and there's always the makeup cheat code.

Your friend is playing with a 5/10 as well, if it makes you feel any better.

Thanks a lot for the advice. Seems like the best thing to do.

Wow dude

Just wow

U fuked up. Always fukin lie in that situation

how weird will it be when my gf of two weeks asks to meet my friends even though i dont have any?

i have literally zero friends

im afraid shell think im pathetic (even though she wouldnt outright tell me)

hoe do you deal with gfs when you have no social life outisde of het?

Just say you're new in town?
It's not that hard to make friends dude, do you not have them because you don't want them or?

Her nose is negroid looking and she doesn't look white in general. 0/10 would not touch with a pole.

If he's still in school, I agree. If not, I totally fucking don't.

It's definitely not as easy to make friends outside of college. I fuckin thought it was just me, but then my brother-in-law moved to a new place and was telling me about how shit it is because it's so hard to make new friends.

It's hard to hide it for a long time. Besides lifting and work I'm kind of a recluse with nerdy hobbies. I only manage to get girls because I have good lifting genetics and a relatively pretty face.

Basically, I would only agree to specific dates and never let her come over spontaneously. After a couple weeks/months of that they usually start noticing that you don't ever talk about other people and they get frustrated you never allow them to come closer. Then they usually leave.

Do you have any interests?
I left college 5 years ago and have 0 problems making new friends

I'd bread with her if she's smart.

this is a 5

>I'd bread with her
What type of bread? whole grain or plain white?


>be me
>working two jobs, independent and partying like hell
>new lady at work starts, she has the same deal as me
>after a month of exchanging looks i'm about to ask her what's good
>i'm an idiot and get into a DWI on a weekend
>wreck car in a ditch, get arrested, lose everything
>still allowed to go to work, but have to take 7 months of rehab
>lose apartment, all my furniture and TVs and shit
>totally feel neutered, so i start lifting every day
>lift for a whole year, don't talk to anybody at work
>get promoted, get injured, get into a fight
>now i'm working along side this girl again
>everybody compliments me on changing myself
>they all tell me she is crushing on me, wants to talk to me
>mfw i no longer have the nerve to connect with people, i only want to lift

Say you don't have friends but not a pathetic four chan beta way but in the Tumblr Instagram haha I have no friend xd way

Basically say it jokingly

should have forced it

Should've called a prostitute and fucked her in front of the girl to prove you're no longer a virgin so then she'd be okay with having sex with you.


damn son, why you so problematic?

> Veeky Forums 8/10 qtpie

not everyone can get a gf

You got two girls for the price of one

I didn't have sex until I was 23. The girl didn't ask me if I was a virgin on the spot though, you must have been giving off some beta signals. I also didn't bother telling her, because why the fuck would you in the first place. It can only go wrong. As far as the girl is concerned you're just a beneath average lay or something in the worst case.

holy shit. how????


1 or 2 brehs

one sexy evil bitch and her retarded twin sister.

your gf is 4/10 my g.

i'm so glad i'm not you

Stop please. Here is a better pic. She is natural.

how the fuck you even got one without social life bruh

Lol her face is so asymmetrical

She looks moorish desu 4/10
Pic related is 8/10

Are you virgin?
-make up
-"cute" hoe posing
-hair dye
-"I spent my whole afternoon taking pictures of me and this is the best" pic
-possibly fake colored contact lenses
-hair covers most of her face
-nose ring, really?
-possible hair extension
-push up bra + she is pushing her tits together

When you will touch a real girl for the first time in your life you will understand. Until then have fun stalking 18yo poser girls on instagram and facebook.


Looks a bit like trappy

don't forget the fucking game of thrones necklace

just accept the fact that your girl is 6/10 at most

>getting her back
Stop treating women like some kind of prize. Do things for yourself faggot, be a man for once

I bet she only eats ten grapes

Sorry Ahmed, not all of us live in Morocco

Shes pretty. Would date/10

Dam nigga you know your shit

>she asks me if I've ever been with anyone
>useless virgin
>I tell her that i haven't
>she tells me she doesnt want to be my first

your suppose to lie OP

oh you fuckhead, they ask this purposefully to disqualify you. women want what other women want, virgin = no woman wanted you so why would she. also no talking about feelings, it's ok to feel them but puking them out like that is needy and girly, they don't wanna fuck other girls unless they're lesbos

you only make that mistake once

Iktf bruh

OP she was ready to get fucked by you for the entire duration of the trip. All you had to do was keep your mouth shut and after the trip if you were a good fuck you guys could have probably progress it further.

Now you fucked up you have neither the skill or knowledge to save yourself from this. Lesson learn OP she was just in it for the deep dicking .

Ej. Ik ga je cucken, hoer

top tier qt in this pic. Better than the blonde.

You never admit to being a virgin, fake it until you make it.

Mmm all that masturbating i used to do, cumming like ten times a day, fucked my first time like a goddamn pornstar. Porn "addiction" when you're young with infinite libido is amazing.

Fuck her? Wife her up if she's thicc and makes your world feel right? This isn't hard man... just do it, from experience it's worth that effort.

I think I'm falling for my new roommate, and I really doubt he's gay. I've usually been able to keep these sort of things in check, but not with this guy.

It's been making my life really difficult, I hope I don't have to end up moving away. He's a really great guy to have as a friend/roommate, too.


Fresh fucking meme right here

>Meet a guy on Tinder
>Find him annoying at first, reject him a million times
>He still keeps texting
>Text for months on daily basis, become friends of some sort (He had an internship abroad so therefore just texting)
>Romantic/sexual undertone is still there though
>Both admitted having feefees for each others
>Hangout together, put try to avoid hanging out one on one and push him away when he's being all touchy feely

Now the question is, how to friendzone this guy but keep him in my life as a friend? We really connect and hit on well, and we have great time together. However I am not interested in dating or even fucking him, since he's somewhat of a man whore and therefore just not boyfriend material. I still remember how I met him on Tinder where he was trying to get his dick wet.

>I still remember how I met him on Tinder where he was trying to get his dick wet.
You were on Tinder too, either you are the same or an attention whore.
Either way you are flawed like everyone else, instead of judging him give him a chance if he turns out wrong for you then cut contact.

More like 4.

His gf is probably no more than a 5 either though, most people are fucking disgusting and nobody wants to admit it.

More like 6, stop overrating and learn the basics of aesthetics you virgin.

This is a 5, her face is asymmetrical, her nose is crooked, her teeth are fucking disgusting and deformed (likely was not breastfed, ruiend palate), her cheekbones are too low, her forehead is too high etc. etc.

I think a lot of you are just way too easy to impress.

Wait a minute. The girl asks if you're ever been with anyone, that off the bat should show you she thinks you're autistic

But then why would she reject you for that

R u gay?

No, I still would have sex with her given that her body is good, but her face is objectively not beautiful.

you need to be aggressive and demand her body. she will willingly give it to you.

she has nice tits, nice hair, and nice eyes. she's easily past a 5 but not model tier.


lol make sure to count that into your macros, bro