How is it even possible to get obese without ACTIVELY and consiously attempting it?

How is it even possible to get obese without ACTIVELY and consiously attempting it?

I'm a normal guy with normal metabolism and I cannot for the life of me understand how fatties work. Do you have an eating schedule?

Please explain

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Part of it is alcohol. That adds up quick and most people don't even realize the calories. Part of it is eating like you're bulking without realizing. Too much milk. Peanut butter. Heaps of butter. Finally, it's not moving basically at all during a typical day. Sitting down at work. Sitting down at home. Too much time in front of a screen.

Sweet things taste good and make them feel good so they eat a lot of it.

Soft drinks taste better than water so they drink that instead.

It's easy to down a bag a chips or tub of ice cream meant for 4 people when you are not paying attention and watching TV.

M 5'5 210 (down from 240... Trying to get my shit together) here. For me it was just convenience. 12 hour work day? Better hit a drive thru on the way to and from work. Also smoking and drinking doesn't help. Was getting fat a concerted effort on my part? No, but getting this way certainly required years of willful neglect.

Some people have legitimate mental issues that causes them to not be able to stop eating/never feeling satisfied/ect. But that is some people, not the majority.

A lot just live very sedentary lifestyles with zero understanding of food because their parents were also fat as all hell and just consume nothing but sugar rich foods all the time because thats what they've always done since they were young.

because you eat shit that boosts insulin, that in turn boosts insulin resistance so you need more food to trigger insulin, your body's 'ideal weight' goes up along with insulin, it also promotes leptin resistance (leptin is satiety hormone) and also interferes with ghrelin (hunger hormone), all this stuff over time makes you need more and more food, and especially sweet stuff because that increase insulin the most

They actually do it consciously, at least they consciously decide to not give a damn about the consequences that they are completely aware off.

I still don't know how they actually achieve obesity though...
When I was fat I ate whatever whenever, and my parents paid for it.
I was sedentary, I didn't give a fuck about getting fat, I drank 24/7 and I still only managed to get to 105kg at my worst.172cm manlet too

It's a combo of three things:

>liquid calories from soda, alcohol, and sweet beverages
>nutrient devoid junk food like pastries and chips
>simple overeating

I think liquid calories are the biggest problem since it's so easy to take in 300+ extra kcal in a day and not feel sated at all. Second would be junk food. Plant oils, sugars, and refines carbs all combine into tasty, very high calorie foods that you can shovel down and still feel hungry. Two donuts is over 600 kcal but you'll still be ravenous after it because there's no substance to them. Refined corn and corn syrup singlehandedly is responsible for a huge portion of the obesity crisis.

If it was just overeating of whole and traditional foods, the worst anybody could get would be overweight, but certainly not obese.

Dairy isn't why people are obese. People have been eating dairy for millenia without issue prior.

This is actually a good question.

I can't really answer that, because to me it seems profound mental disease.

Now, that depends on definition of Obese, so I'll assume you mean serious health risk obese.

Not just unaesthetic, smooth with love handles dadbod Blahatistic looking. - which is pretty much what most 30 something guys who lift, do cardio, and eat whatever they want look like.

Simply put, unless you have a serious mental disease you cannot get fat beyond a certain point, with just a basic minimum of walking 30 minutes a day and really basic physical activity.

Think of a guy who is 175 pounds, careful what he eats. One day he says fuck it, not worth the return on aesthetics, I'll eat as much as I want - BUT he keeps doing moderate exercise, and the are portions of the day he's active and not constantly eating - but he does eat big meals.

He might gain 20-30 pounds, look mediocre naked, but his weight will stabalize there.

Sure he's eating 700 more calories a day than it took to hold 175 pounds, buuuuut now that he's essentially lugging an extra 30 pounds with him everywhere he goes he's now burning 700 more calories a day. So he stabalizes. It doesn't progress further.

Now, what causes someone to eat so fucking much that even with general activity these people are continuing to just get huuuge? Got to be mental illness.

If you horked down 4,000 calories a day, but you walked for 30 minutes daily and lifted moderately on a slack bro-split, you would still eventually stabalize. Probably be 240 pounds and look like crap, but it just mathematically wouldn't progress further. You might not even go over 220 doing that.

So that all boils down to a more specific question: WTF makes a person keep the feed bag on constantly, all day long progressive binge, which is practically essential combined with being sedentary, in order to weigh over 300 pounds?

bad habits

if you gain 1 pound a month that is 12 pounds for the year

In 10 years you would be 120 pounds heavier.

next time you are in the store and see a really obese person, check out what they are buying.
carbs, carbs, carbs ..... soda, chips, bread, fries, deserts.

Most adults can see how easy it is to gain weight during this time of year (thankgiving - new year) with all the holiday food and free time around.

You're probably thinking about how hard it is to actually eat that much food. It's funny that the idea of a fat person is someone eating a burger because the burger is honestly not the problem at all. The problem is

>extra large soda
>shitloads of nutritionally vacant snack foods
>gradually ramped up portion size
>NO exercise to speak of

Imagine if someone was on GOMAD but didn't lift. Now imagine they moved up to GOMAD 1.5, or GOMAD 2. They still don't lift. They'd get pretty fucking fat, right? That's what obese people are basically doing. Their intake of normal food is larger (and scales up as they get larger as well) but the reason is primarily because of shitty snacks and sugar water.

Two words: Sugar addiction. Scientists have proven that the human brain responds to sugar the same way it does to cocaine and heroin, i.e. it becomes addicted and will do anything to get more and more of it. Of course sugar is cheap, legal, and non-hallucinogenic, so we don't even recognize it as a "problem". But that's literally what "fat logic" is: Addicts justifying their addiction.

50 years ago, before we started putting added sugar in every fucking thing, only like 10 percent of the population was obese. You are correct in that it's something one really had to TRY to do. Now it's more like 33%, and expected to be 50% by 2030.

Anti-psychotics gave me an endless apetite


most girls wonder why they're fat when all they have for breakfast is an iced mocha cream coffee (780 cals). Not to mention binge drinking

Chips, fries and desserts are low in carbohydrates. Force-feeding fatties normal bread causes weight loss by satiety.
The average fatty has a high-fat low-carbohydrate moderate-protein diet. Their diet consists primarily of high-fat junk food from restaurant and bags.
Just FYI.
It is essentially impossible to have a high-carbohydrate diet without being nearly vegan. The average fatty is not a lifelong vegan.

for the US you can also add massive amounts of growth hormones in low quality meat products, sure doesn't help at all

Sugar consumption in the USA has increased by 20% in 100 years, and sugar has been widely consumed since 200 years. You know, when George Washington was still around.

So you are wrong, and also too gullible for your own good. Sugar is not addictive either. The notion that sugar is addictive is actually a flawless example of "fat logic", given that the main characteristic of a fat person's diet is the high intake of dietary fat from animal sources and the low intake of whole plant foods. Fatties have no overview of what their actual diet looks like and are unaware that it's very low in carbohydrates compared to the rest of the world where people are slim.

This too. It's not just sodas, it's liquid calories in general. Lattes, sodas, sauces on food, shakes from fast food places.

Yes. Obviously sugar isn't good but it's not the sole culprit. It's part of the picture of fucking horrible diet memes that have taken over the country.

I work in large Warehouse store cooler section. Basically people just buy a fuckton of bad shit. The over consumption of high calorie dairy is definitely one. I feel bad giving young families with chubby kids the whole milk. Even worse when they buy 4 gallons for the week. Don't even get me started on the amount of cheese we sell.

Oh look, it's the sugar shill vegan again. Now we wait for him to insist meat causes diabetes and obesity.

Go on.

Overeating to the point of obesity and still going afterwards is an eating disorder.

Fatties have eating disorders, plain and simple.

Fuck off you stupid vegan shill. I swear you either all have the same weird verbal ticks or there's just one of you who posts all this stupid trash.

It's scientific consensus that animal protein and saturated fat cause diabetes. Actually it's such a strong consensus that it's something you can very easily read about on Wikipedia (pages about insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes). Animal protein is exceptionally insulinogenic and saturated fat blocks insulin receptors, systemically and in the muscles, and is preferentially deposited in the liver, suppressing glucagon action that is supposed to suppress glycogenolysis in response to carbohydrate intake.

I'm 124lb, 5'8, dyel manlet.
I eat maybe once/twice a day. In just above-average sized meals.
My 4 roommates cant do dishes so I always eat takeout(mcdonalds or mary browns), usually once every 2 days if not daily.
my only exercise is walking to/from work and pacing up and down a hallway at work(around 7.5km total of walking daily)


Girls always tell me im in really good shape and look like I go to the gym. I look closer to ottermode than aushwitz or skinnyfat.

I also constantly snack on junkfood and drink high sugar soda and drinks.

I've downed an entire bag of chips in one sitting before, but my appetite was basically ruined for the rest of the day. I know that eating a maintenance amount of bullshit isn't much better than getting fat off it, but I don't understand how people can eat a bunch of bullshit and then eat a bunch more bullshit.

Literally every Neanderthal had diabetes and atherosclerosis thanks to their 10k calorie a day all meat diet. Meanwhile the genetically near identical Homo sapiens sapiens (who have always been herbivores) subsisted on a diet of dry grass and wild avocados and all lived to be 500 years old.


>Please explain

I'll bite (heh):

I realized the hard way that what I see as a normal serving other people see as a large amount, and vice versa - I'd say my eyes are larger than my stomach but stomachs stretch so that's not actually a problem.

You don't have to stuff yourself every day with a tub of ice cream to gain weight - you just need to eat a little more than you should, and it builds up. Combine that with sugar levels dropping leading to eating more, the availability of snacks and fast food everywhere and in the workplace, lack of time to cook food etc., and you get a recipe for slow obesity.

You people overestimate how much most fat people eat. You can also just maintain your fat levels quite easily while you reach them.

I dunno man, I can eat a box of cheezits in one sitting if I'm not careful just idly munching on them. Obviously for people who don't do this shit often it impacts your diet but if that becomes a habit I imagine it can get pretty easy to fit into your routine.

You are fortunate in that respect. For me I could eat a bag of chips, a bucket of ice cream, wash it down with a couple of beers and still be ready for dinner. Overeating is a "talent" that is worked up to. Try eating that bag of chips again every day for a week and eventually you'll be able to cram a little more in.

Oh I forgot Gary Taubes and that other kike Lustig are the only valid source son anything regarding nutrition, sugar and diabetes.

Taking nutritional advice from Jews - not even once.

You weren't even aware that sugar consumption has barely increased over the past 100 years, you just regurgitate random shit you find on the internet as though it must be fact. Sad!

You're literally just lying, yet again. Saying is scientific consensus doesn't make it true.

No they didn't my deluded vegan shitposter.

you realize mcdonald's happened in the last 100 years, right? that alone is responsible for a SIGNIFICANT increase in sugar thanks to soda intake and artificial chocolate shit they sell

>chips and fries are low in carbohydrates

Wut? Last I checked, potatoes were the main ingredients.

>You weren't even aware that sugar consumption has barely increased over the past 100 years,

Do you ever get tired of lying? Isn't being proven wrong embarassing when you're caught?

They did. In fact, its scientific consensus that the human digestive system has more in common with that of a cow than with that of our nearest biological relatives. Meat kills us because (unlike most other closely related primate species) we are totally biologically unadapted to it. How would we even hunt? It's not like we can even use complex tools and ambush tactics to make up for being relatively slow and weak to most larger land mammals!

Are you fucking joking? I mean this has to be bait. MCDONALDS as an example of sugar. Because who doesn't remember the iconic vegan "McSugar" burger that's just bread and honey. Yes, McDonalds is well-recognized for introducing their low-fat vegan burgers to the US which made everyone fat.

And chocolate is also high-fat and low-carb by the way. The age-old pattern of idiocy continues with people naming high-fat foods as examples of why sugar is bad. They never say honey or bananas because they know it'd make them look like even bigger idiots.

Basically you have no understanding of nutrition whatsoever.

Nice one user, you had me going.

Potatoes being the main ingredient doesn't mean it's high in carbohydrates.

You're just posting the same exact chart I already posted. Put down the whisky, kid, and pay a little attention. Stupid animeposter.

Because junk food makes addictive
And this is not an accident, it was deliberatly created that way by the food industry, to make more money.
I dont understand why junk food isn't treated the same way cigarettes are

This. If we put a 1% tax on junk food we could have colonized the moon by now.

the thing is, every pound you gain requires slightly more calories than the last because your maintenance goes up along with weight. Going from 500 to 510 will require a good bit more work than going from 200 to 210. And yet they fucking do it.

>You're just posting the same exact chart I already posted.

And you lied about both the rate of increase and the conclusions of the researchers, that's why I posted the link. Just posting the graph and lying about it to try to bolster your credibility is a transparent attempt to prop up your jon argument.

>muh animeposter

Classic lines of somebody who has nothing.

Former fat here. 0 discipline is how. I'm hungry? Fuck it, cake. I'm thirsty? Booze and soda for days, I'm set. Snacking happened several times a day. I'd just eat when I was bored, and for a single introvert with few friends that was often.

Can you not do basic math? And I never made any claims about what the "researchers" concluded. But I find it particularly hilarious that you chose to invoke Stephan Guyenet, given that he is very much on my side in the debate, in seeing excess dietary fat and animal products (which is what fast food is composed of) as the biggest factor in the etiology in American obesity. If you actually followed nutrition and obesity research at all, you'd know this because you'd know Stephan Guyenet - but you don't. Sad...

>Taking nutritional advice from Jews

stormfront pls leave

You dumb motherfucker - sugar IS addictive.

Educate yourself:

Mice genetically altered NOT to detect sugar on their pallete STILL got addicted to it.

Also, you dumb fuck, DIABETES is causing by the body not responding to INSULIN - what does insulin do?


Insulin levels increase as blood sugar levels increase, thus insulin senstivity decreases as blood sugar increases as insulin levels increase.


Can you? You said sugar consumption has only increased by 20% in the past 100 years, but it's actually doubled from around 50 lbs/year/person to almost 100 lbs/year/person. You can't lie when we have the info right in front of us

>muh appeal to authority

Regardless of whether he agrees with you or not (don't care either way desu) that doesn't change that you were wrong and that you source disproves what you've claimed.

> Muh Glycogenesis




>300+ extra kcal in a day

300 extra kcals is nothing though. Even in the long run

Its called low impulse control and once you reach the literal ingestion tipping point of how much you can eat you either make a smart choice and eat healthy and control your eating or get in line for your mechanized scooter.

That's fine since your caloric intake is probably close to your maintenance.

I'd tone down the sugar intake though, it has a host of issues that comes with it, provides no nutritional value - and thus affects your training.

I'd get in the habit of drinking water or less sugary drinks.

>tfw having no sugar cravings whatsoever and no desire to drink soft drinks, eat sweets or fast food

Also, shit's disgusting. Real, self-cooked, fresh food tastes 1000000 times better. And unlike soft drinks, water doesn't distort the foods taste and is therefore way way better taste-wise.

Bad self control, bad eating habits, no 'food/eating education' and being a lazy shit helps ofc. Oh and don't forget alc. Alcohol alone is responsible for oh so many ruined, now-fat 20-year-old qts.



so basically 2 extra sugary soft drinks a day and 10 years later you are 120lbs overweight.

Two sugary drinks would be about 500-600kcal.

It's like eating lunch twice, but it making you extra hungry afterwards due to sugars affects upon satiation.

I said it was a combination of things you illiterate faggots.

>How is it even possible to get obese without ACTIVELY and consiously attempting it?
>How is it even possible to get depressed without ACTIVELY and consiously(sic) attempting it?
I want to gas fatfags and sadfags equally.

>Dairy isn't why people are obese

Don't pretend America's obsession with kraft cheese isn't at least part of the problem. People have eaten refined carbs for thousands of years too.

>tfw fat fuck because neglected as a child
>tfw 30lbs to not be sub human


>muh false equivalence

By that logic all food is to blame for obesity since it all has kcal. The importance is seeing what's changed. We're eating more refined carbs, plant and seed oils, sugars, and processed meats and "cheese" like Kraft than ever. But those aren't comparable to sugars from fruits, carbs from veggies, whole grains and legumes, meat, and traditional dairy.

>Insulin levels increase as blood sugar levels increase

Not linearly. Protein increases insulin levels even while decreasing blood sugar levels.

No, this is wrong. First, there's no way sugar consumption has gone up only 20% in the last 100 years. Soda was practically nonexistent, candy was relatively expensive, "added sugar" in foods was virtually unheard of.

Second, the part about addiction is absolutely true. Brain activity scans have proven it. You experience withdrawal symptoms just like you would if you were addicted to cocaine or heroin, and like any addict, this will cause you to say/do anything to get your next fix. Google it, there's actually been a good amount of research done on this.

>By that logic all food is to blame for obesity since it all has kcal.

Not all food that has calories are easy to overeat. It's incredibly easy to load up on calories and saturated fat by sprinkling cheese all over your food, which is definitely not what dairy consumption was like thousands of years ago.


people haven't eaten HFCS for thousands of years.

20 years ago a 32oz big gulp drink was considered huge. Now I see people with 64oz and even 100 oz mugs that they fill with soda.

HFCS and weight gain:

Maybe it is not the food people eat, it is the way of life. I know bunch of skinny people, who eats so called "junk" food (They are not teenagers, in fact they are over 40 years old). Also genes play a major role I think.

forgot pic

Sugar has been a major cash crop for hundreds of years. Saying it wasn't widely consumed because soda hadn't been invented is like saying tobacco smoking wasn't a big thing because cigarettes weren't around yet.

1.) Drinking soda and other very sugary drinks in place of water; this is often compounded by sugary drinks causing a person to not be properly hydrated, requiring more liquid to be drunk, leading to more soda consumption if water isn't being drunk

2.) Alcohol; like sugary drinks, calories add up, and sedative effects of alcohol discourage physical activity

3.) Bad eating habits from start of childhood can be hard to break

4.) High sugar, high fat foods that aren't very filling can be addictive, due to the amount of pleasure hormones released in the brain of some people who consume; compounded by the human body not really understanding that food is abundant and that it doesn't need to be taking in so many simple sugars, fats, and calories to survive.

5.) Genetics can sometimes play a factor; many Pacific islanders have obesity problems because their underlying genetics, which normally would have helped them with island survival but end up turning on them when food is abundant, because, tying in with #4, the human body doesn't really understand that food is abundant.

6.) Boredom and not paying attention; it is surprisingly easy to down an entire bag of chips in one sitting without thinking about it, so many people have to actively think about how much junk food they're eating in order to stop themselves.

6. I don't ever crave or buy candy, ..... but if it is laying around and I have one piece, I will tear that shit up. Candy bowl emptied.

And it's even easier to add seed oils and sugars to everything, especially drinks. You have a nonsensical hard on for cheese despite most evidence suggesting cheese has played a pretty minimal role in the rise of obesity.

It was an expensive cash crop. Up until recent decades, sugar was always pricey. It's no longer anywhere near as expensive, and HFCS is even cheaper because of subsidies. You're just willfully ignoring reality at this point by trying to pretend that having sugar be available in the past means the massive increases in consumption mean nothing.

>massive increases
>"but that's WRONG I think!"
>"YOU'RE willfully ignoring reality!"
>cheese dindu nothin

It's not 20% you fucking liar, it is 100%. Protip: lying to push your vegan agenda only works if the evidence you provide doesn't disprove your claim you dipshit.

This is why nobody takes vegans seriously and why your cult will always remain fringe crazies.

It's extremely, extremely easy to become obese in today's gluttonous society. Food is basically limitless in the western world and all it takes to become obese is to eat a little bit extra during every meal.

Calories are everywhere.

Ok.. to stay the same weight:
>Calories in = Calories out

Now....what factors effect each of those?
"Calories in" depends on:

>emotional coping mechanisms that may use food to trigger dopamine feel good response
>food availability
>how highly processed food (most easily available) gets dealt with in the body

Then there is "Calories Out"
>lifestyle. If you are fat (adventures, dates, being social, outgoing behavior) etc is less likely to happen)
>body composition (being fat changes your hormone profile, then testosterone)
>hormones/ body doing whatever it is doing
>exercise. If you are 300 lbs exercise is not all that appealing

Basically there are a shit ton of interrelated nobs and levers that can be stuck in ways that makes 'being normal' hard as fuck to figure out.

The truth of the matter is that getting fat is a slippery slope. When you see a fat guy stuffing a cheeseburger down his mug he is not adhering to a eating schedule to keep his figure nice and fat. He is self medicating and making himself feel good by eating a burger. Exercise and movement are much harder and embarrassing that he simply passes on them. He is eating more because its the only thing that feels good. And moving less because it feels uncomfortable to move.

Don't congratulate yourself for being normal. You didn't do anything to make yourself that way. Its just the way your life played out. Fat folks are victims of circumstance and many of them would do anything to escape but dont know how.

thanks obongo

Why is Bill Gates so Rich? Its because:

Money Earned > Money Spent


Now obviously we can bet that there are some more complex reasons to whay Bill is so rich.

Apply that thought to why fat ppl so fat.

The portion sizes in American are too damn big. You don't need a burger AND fries. Just get one or the other. The soda isn't helping. The alcohol isn't helping. And when I'm hungry and wanna grab something quick what is there to grab? Fast food isn't really healthy.

Mirin traps

worked in a call center for a while, lots of very overweight people there.

Many would bring in these jugs, that they filled up everyday with soda.

100oz is basically 3 liters. - that works out to right around 1,217 calories.

by jugs I mean

I've worked in several, too, breh. It's scary the concentration of fat people in one building.

>How is it even possible to get cancer without ACTIVELY and consiously attempting it?
I want to gas cancerfags, fatfags and sadfags equally.

>come home late at night from work, very hungry
>"I really should just eat a Greek yoghurt"
>"nah fuck that let me just order a burger with fries"
Do that a few times and you start getting fat.

The worse thing about gaining weight is it happens slowly.
Kilos come one by one, slowly but quite easily. And then one day you're chubby, and it'd be a big effort to lose the weight, so you don't start the process and it just gets worse and worse.

My personal story stemmed from parents being from the south. They are both overweight so everytime they ate out/practiced bad eating habits I was right there too. Not that I complained, as a child I fuckin loved all the fast food, or the fried chicken and mac n' cheese Wednesdays, or Chinese after church. Plus at all times they were big on eating untill you're full. I was a child so I ate like a pig, or untill I was near miserable because we usually had great foods. They didn't agree with telling a child to stop eating because they were afraid of causing the opposite problem of creating an eating disorder. Honestly can't blame them for shit. They were just trying to feed their child and I was stupid
Bad diet + being a stupid child led to adult obesity.

>how fatties work
They don't. That's why they're fat.


I think that was bait my friend

Tbh it's hard to tell. I've seen vegans here say the most insane shit and completely mean it, so I just take all of it at face value.

I'm jealous. I have to control myself a lot. If I don't I can sit down and eat two large pizzas no problem. 200 pounds btw but I could easily weight a lot more.

I honestly feel like I won the genetic lottery seeing as I have no desire to eat sugary stuff. I honestly wouldn't eat food if it wasn't for the fact that I lift and I have to eat to keep living so

Moving Less and Eating More

Is there a name for this kind of stockholm syndrome?

Calorie dense trash food, no idea of how to eat healthy or the ability to get healthier food, no idea how to eat well or understand their own hunger response, a life where they are not highly active or active at all, being mostly sedentary, stress, bad sleeping habits, not being breastfed, fucked gut flora, artificial sweeteners and in less than .0000000000001% of the population genetics.

But it can be boiled down to simply eating too much shit, not keeping adequately hydrated and being sedentary.

>Calorie dense

>my thing is different because it's my thing
If you have """depression""" without proper medical diagnosis, there's a good chance that you don't have depression.

>Too much milk. Peanut butter. Heaps of butter
No you fucking retard, it's the refined sugar and processed carbs, not the fat
>still thinking saturated fat is bad
It's like I'm back in the 90s