Is this a meme exercise?

Is this a meme exercise?

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pulldown > pullup


>confirmed can't do pullups

i can do BW pullups + 4 pl8s. but no exercise works your lats better than pulldowns and DB rows


Excellent exercise! Idk if pulldowns > pullups though I mean it's possible you'll get same activation in your lats. Do both!

anyone have a quick rundown on form tips to maximize those lats gains?


I trust this place more than i trust the random fuckheads a google search will give me

there is no chance you can do 2+ pullups with 180lbs. post vid or stop roleplaying.

OH IM SO SORRY.. Omar Isuf best fitness channel on youtube hands down

Why? It was a good exercise to move to bigger and bigger weights before being able to pull my own weight on an actual pullup bar when I was a dyel. Unless there are some health risks I'm not aware of.

what about this? is this really how to do face pulls even though everyone else says to do it differently?

why can't u just use a barbell like a normal person

>for pulldowns
Oh shit nigger, what are you doing?

You just gotta hang from your ankles, duh.

>not doing barbell pull downs upside down
It's like you don't even want to make it

we call it reverse ohp you fucking dyel

Face pulls CAN be done differently, that video shows more how to target rear delts compared to traps if you pull it lower. And the way he does it makes the shoulder rotate externally and ALOT of people have problem with internally rotated shoulders.

Me for example, I have bad posture and I really need to externally rotate my shoulders so I do this atleast 2 times a week.

..also alot of people lag rear delts, this muscle will do wonders for your delts aesthetically

It even hits your lateral delts pretty good.

It's CURRENT_YEAR every exercise is a meme and you are cuck

True, face pulls is a great finisher, I usually do 2 sets of 6-8 reps then 2 sets of 12-15 reps

It's a good accesory movement.


1. Do heavy rows. DB onearms, yate rows, whatever
2. Do the pulldowns OR if you are a weak cunt or fat bitch that gets tired from 10-12 pullups, do those.
3. Do your facepulls or stay pencilneck