>tfw no gf
Tfw no gf
Very overrated feeling
>tfw no gf 6 months ago
>meet cute gril
>have fun spending time with her
>becomes my gf
>tfw even height and facial aesthetics don't get you a gf
>tfw gf
There's nothing wrong with her, I actually like her a lot but I'm breaking up with her tomorrow, I never realized how much I love being alone
Honestly, you might just prefer men
Dong do this
>Alone means not going out and fucking sluts
>tfw went out with girls last night and she's not interested today.
It's a bad feel lads.
I'm trying to help you m8, it could be the reason you don't like the company of women
Fuck off Randy
Guys is it weird to be in love with someone 25% older than you?
> recently found out my crush had a boyfriend 2 weeks ago
> the guy is a minor league baseball player
how the fuck am I suppose to compete with that
become a major league baseball player
I mean shit if a girl can make it, I can definitely make it right?
>started uni
>made a lot of friends and generally enjoy a lot of female attention
>have had a lot of chances to get some action but always find a way to squander the situation because problems with intimacy thanks to shitty teenage years
>tfw still a virgin
>tfw gf
Were all gonna make it
who the fuck says it like that
1/4th older than you?
It makes sense if he's a hundred years old and she's 125
are you 10 years old and she is 12.5?
20 and she is 25?
40 and she is 50?
20 and 25
Girls dont like younger men
sorry m8
but milfs do, thank the heavens!
I am 25 my bf is 23
No problems here but i like younger guys theyy are fit and cute so yeah
It isn't good enough
VERY time and money consuming, I had no clue how much it cost to have a gf and not being able to go out and do anything with friends anymore
Only a few more months, brehs.
get the FUCK out roastie
>tfw no narcissistic fit gf
Me either man nobody told me about the ridiculous cost of having a gf and having to buy everything
>tfw no bf
>tfw [spoiler]gay[/spoiler]
reee etc
why is it money consuming to have a girlfriend? is it like, that you are literally having to pay for everything, or just that she makes you go out and do more things that cost money
What age gap is too much for you?
We live together and I have to pay for everything except rent which adds up to way more than what she pays for rent here, I have no savings at all left and I'm broke every paycheck
>living together with a girl you doesnt help pay for anything except rent
you have 5 seconds to explain to me why you allow that
You're getting played m8, remember, you don't owe her anything. You can break it up whenever.
She pays the whole rent which is 1200 a month, I only make 1400 a month so I'm really not paying much more than her and I buy myself alcohol every weekend which adds up to a few hundred a month
While obviously this guy is a moron, as a 24 year old virgin who has never gone on a date or had a girlfriend (please don't laugh), to what extent is the guy supposed to pay for things?
If you meet a girl on Tinder to go to a restaurant or coffee shop or something, are you expected to pay? Are you supposed to pay each time you go out with a girlfriend and do anything?
This is where the autism would come in for me, because I would honestly feel like a pathetic beta faggot for paying for everything for a girl
I think I have a crush on Anzu. She has the exact same tastes as my ex.
If you don't pay for everything you're going to look like a broke ass chump and she will go find someone else,simple as that man
When other guys find out you're a cheap fuck and make her pay for things they'll swoop in and take her on you
>caring that much about a wet hole between a girl's legs that you have to desperately pay for everything to keep her
god damn thats sad dude
As bad as this sounds it is true unless you're a teenager
That's how relationships work, you'll see when you're older than 25
by the way this wasnt supposed to be insulting you specifically or anything, it's just astounding to me
so basically over the age of like 18 you're expected to pay for EVERYTHING???
uh.. i feel like people who are in late 20s, 30s, etc split money way more evenly
Not really, if you're a man you pay for pretty much everything
There are some people I know in relationships that are absolutely sickening because the woman doesn't work and has no income and expects the guy to give her allowance etc
>have gf
>had lots of sex and a very close intimate relationship
>she is attacked in the parking lot at college and raped and came inside by a total stranger
>she sends me a letter about it while im in army basic training
>it's been 2 months
>she just told me she's basically repulsed by any male and can't do this anymore, and that she needs me as a friend
Things could be worse anons..
That sounds pretty even to me man,you got it lucky compared to most of us...... my gf will get mad if I make her buy groceries once a year because that's less money for her to buy clothes and get her hair done
I see this alot nowadays
>woman refuses to work or do anything
>still expect guy to take her out every week and buy her shit
It may not seem that important, but where else do you get it?
brehs how do you deal with resentment
feels like even average people are getting a better go at life than i am
Is a redpilled woman one that realizes how desperately men need them for sex?
Better to pay a prostitute for sex
Who else is ashamed of being a virgin?
I'm 19 and haven't even held a girl's hand yet. I can't help but feel bad about it with all the emphasis that is placed on sex nowadays.
People genuinely enjoy talking to me and I'm confident in myself but I'm also a very quiet and introverted person by nature; I have no idea how to turn acquaintances into friends. I don't get nervous talking to girls or anything like that though.
Any tips to help me lose it? I'd like to find a nice girl and actually be proud of it instead of doing a girl who'll fuck anyone.
i mean, i guess there's nowhere else to really get it.
but man, seeing that you basically ARE EXPECTED to pay for and provide everything for the girl with the fear that she will leave you? she may connect really well with you personality-wise and all that, but if you aren't paying for everything for her, that alone will make her leave? that sounds really shitty
again, im a 24 year old virgin no gf ever saying this though.
>I have no idea how to turn acquaintances into friends
"Hey want to hang out some time?"
how do i fix a bad disc?
its my biggest gf-prevent-or
>LOL old man in Veeky Forums tries to tell the young kids how it is.
Times changed gramps if you have to pay for every single thing and she doesnt offer to go even or even pay for food sometimes literally kill yourself.
First date you pay, everything is at the couples discretion.
Holy fuck lmao
>Army basic training
>Away for that long
>What are college parties?
Sure user. Make sure her story checks out.