Weak as fuck

Why am I so weak Veeky Forums?
How do I stop being weak?

I can only bench 20lbs and curl 15 lbs. Have been lifting for about a year.

>have been lifting about a year

No you haven't.

[spoiler] read the fucking sticky [/spoiler]

>I can only bench 20lbs and curl 15 lbs. Have been lifting for about a year.


you can't be serious. I'm weak as fuck and I hit a one plate bench in 3 months.

you must be joking. i have muscular dystrophy and I hit a 3pl8 bench in 2 weeks

I have been goy the gym for years and my numbers are similar to OP's... :/

please stop the memes faggot. I'm not even using e stats

Then kill yourself


But how the fuck can you be so weak?
I thought I was bad when I could only bench 60lbs (curl 20lbs) at the start, but fuck. You seem to be fucked

are you 10?

>Grayskull since August
>Started with the bar for everything
>1pl8 deadlifts 35kg squats. 30kg inc. bench ... 10kg OHP
I'm weak as fuck

As someone who went from 350lbs to 200lbs, has a fucked up back and I'm pretty sure some undiagnosed spinal injury that puts my right leg in pain and makes my right arm numb....

Go fuck yourselves.

>I didn't tell my life story and now people are making fun of me by drawing from the limited information I provided
Need more brain gains brah

I aint OP. I'm just saying maybe he has an excuse for being so weak.

Even if he doesn't, fuck you guys. Everyone starts somewhere.

>wasting perfectly good QUADS on this bullshit Dollar Store-level shit bait

>doing deadlifts with just the bar and no weights
How did you even get proper form on them? Honestly you're not doing terrible, I started around the same time and I'm a bit over 1.5pl8 currently. See plenty of DYELs DLing 1pl8 when I'm at the gym

>not being a quadriplegic that hits 3 pl8 bench in 2 days

>one year

Try doing dips and pullups, if you can't , just keep trying until you can. And then try lifting weights

Yeah, but this is one year in, not his starting point

the excuse is he hasn't progressively overloaded his muscles in the past and was kept in a veal pen for the first 24 years of his life.

You're supposed to put on 1.25kg/2.5kg each session on your lifts. Have you even been eating?

Seriously. Just add weight to the bar. You'll get used to it

Eat more.
Sleep more.
Do more reps with the weight you can properly control and maintain form with.

Then add more weight (in 10lb increments) and voila.

You swole now