How does one fix their naturally sunken in eyes...

How does one fix their naturally sunken in eyes? People tell me that I look like some veteran whose seen some shit or that I look high af

looks like you don't sleep enough

is 7-8 hours not enough?

Drink water and go to sleep around 8pm, if you can

it's not a bad thing. there is this tall jacked middle eastern chad in my engineering class who has dark, sunken eyes and he's one of the most attractive guys I've seen in person. makes him look like a killer.

Not OP but on the topic of face gains, if i make my body look like this:
as long as i have healthy skin, white teeth, and long clean hair, i can get a 10/10 guy right?

>I have a wide face

Post current body.
>include ass

depends on vertical proportions of your face as well, but yeah you could probably score

this +10lbs evenly distributed

vitamin d

You might be thick mode. WOuld

sunlight helps?

post teeth please

yes, along with proper hydration

Take 10 min breaks inbetween computer, tv and phone time. Take breaks during it too.

does staring at a screen cause sunken eyes?

What's your idea of a 10/10 guy

From my experience yeah. I got a new lcd and i looked like a zombie after working on it all night. Bright light in a dark room does it.

fuck that might be causing it, after I get back from the gym and classes from my uni i usually just chill with vidya and youtube.

ur posting on 4chin, so no.

nope, there are quite a few butterfaces at my school and they are huge slooters, no chad wants to settle for them so they sleep with whatever deadbeat loser they can get

If you want a superficial bf to match your lies then go for it. She is not at all attractive to me.
