Post your goal body (only if it's thicc daddy mode).
No homo.

Other urls found in this thread:

Guys post some nice thicc male butts, i am here with my m8 Dave, we need some warm up.

Dave here, not interested desu lads you can hold off on the daddies haha

You want it come on lad

what the fuck? not a single barbell in this gym is loaded

what kind of stock photo trickery is this

Probably the other corner. I'm pretty jelly of that gym honestly.

It is one of the first pics from opening day so it makes sense.

Intelligent Strength Vienna masterrace. You there too?
Yeah it has 7 double power racks and ~40 barbells, all Eleiko, including plates. Probably the best gym ever.

Y-yes, i'm there too.

The best gym, can confirm.

Except for me, you are the frist guy on here that posted a pic of it. I will look out for a guy dropping spaghetti everywhere next time i'm there.

that gym looks fucking amazing

I'll try to act like an alpha
u mirin'?!

Third Viennafag.
>tfw too poor for this shit
>tfw stuck with Fitinn, between the DYELs and roiders who want to buttrape you
>tfw there are two squat/DL "stations" and only one non-shit bench
>tfw I can never do my routine the way I planned, because some faggot is always taking half an hour for three sets

You could fling a dumbbell over your shoulder and always hit someone (who deserves it).

>tfw no one posts thicc daddies


fitinn is fucking gross m8, feel sorry for ya

My only alternative is the uni gym in the USZ.
Meaning I'm either forced to sign up for a powerlifting class (the rest are shit) or sneak in in the morning, pretending to me a Sportstudent and hoping nobody calls me out.

Unless one of you guys knows an alternative for around 20€/month I don't know about.


I am mainly at FitInn too, only at "das gym" when I've got more time.
ONly shitskins everywhere, nobody knows how to lift. But feels bretti gud to be the only one deadlifting 4pl8+. If there were any cuties, they'd mire.
Is McFit any better?

>is McFit better
I't cleaner, I guess.
But in my experience even more people and people who do shit like this:

Also only one place to squat. At least in the place I checked out (Mariahilferstr)

>I am mainly at FitInn too
W-which one, fampai?


Gasometer. Simmering. Mainly Yugo and Arab curlmonkeys.

Not so many foreigner, I guess.
But the amount of 40+ roiders who are about to burst three blood vessels is amazing.
I wouldn't mind if they didn't hog the one good bench and be dicks all of the time.

I'm only 6'1" so I can't get as big as him but I'm going for this general look.


>you will never have colorful plates at your gym

Ist das das IntelligentStrengh gym in wien?

Eleiko.. one barbell with 120kg costs like 3000 euro.. its just stupid

ja genau
each bar is about 1000€ I think, 1/4 of them are for weightlifting, rest for powerlifting, also they have got tons of speciality bars (safety squat, deadlift bars,...). I guess they most have gotten a good deal with their mass import.

>junk flopping around


Am i thicc enough

Post ass/quads
Pic related me, I am working to get my legs bigger right now, fuck the military, total gains killer so far


would succ and then fugg


He's mine