Why is it that everyone who is aesthetic on Veeky Forums does a "brosplit"?
Really makes you think
Why is it that everyone who is aesthetic on Veeky Forums does a "brosplit"?
Really makes you think
he did roids too
Did he confirm that?
Cause they're not nstty
So basically everyone who is aesthetic isn't natty?
another tripfag that sells roids confirmed with screenshots of emails
Most of them, yes. To become shredded as natty you need many years of training, bulking/cutting, good diet, not drinking, healthy sleeping schedule. When you roid you only need to lift some weights and eat from time to time. That's it.
sorry i'm a normie but does the muscle mass built by roids really go away when you stop roiding?
Not really. At least not immediately.
More likely to happen is an increase in bodyfat percentage once one stops roiding, at least if they were quite lean to start with.
God you cunts are so fucking hilarious, I've been training natty for like four years now and the moment I stopped being a little delusional cunt like 8 months ago and started eating properly and lifting 6x a week I put like 120lbs on every single one of my compounds. Seriously stop buying into this meme, it's hard, but perfectly possible to look good natty. God im going to hate you roid accusers so fucking much in like four years when I'm 25 and absolutely fucking gigantic
>lifting 6x a week I put like 120lbs on every single one of my compounds.
What fucking routine puts 120 pounds on your bench? Were you benchign 40 before that?
i thnk he may have started no fap and accidentally grew 2 feet too
wrong again
I was benching 315lbs before that you fucking dyel cuck.
Then I added 120lbs for a 435lb bench for reps. Do you lift stupid dyel? My deadlift went from 600 - 720 lbs. God you fucking dyels are so pathetic. You think natties can't achieve anything because you're lazy and probably stupid.
JUST LIFT. JUST EAT. you'll make fucking gains. I squat 850 beltless for reps now. Stupid fucking cuck
No you don't.
A brosplit, aggressive overloading and programming and screaming through every single fucking set. I had a working bench of around 120lbs prior due to an rc tear at 18. I push about 250 these days.
>A brosplit, aggressive overloading and programming and screaming through every single fucking set.
Over 2000lb total.... for reps.
At least make the bait easy to believe mate. Hehehe
>I value composure over progress
If giving 100% every set and tracking my lifts makes me a fedora tilter you might SERIOUSLY want to evaluate your percieved level of exertion in the gym and your actual progress you gentle little flower.
Kill your self
Did you also gain like 60 pounds of fat or something?
Sheiko 6x a week plus tons of assistance such as dumbells, machines and direct arm work. You won't get 60 kg on your bench from low-volume work.
kek nice one you roiding piece of shit
Lets see what you look like. I've also been natty but only 3 years
those jaw gains
Veeky Forums is literally tumblr, because the average idiot here cant be fucked putting in the effort to get fit they think everyone who does is cheating which is their excuse for not trying at all.