(Caffeine- Alcohol -Tobacco - Sugar,sub.)

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so in other words, take out everything good in life to further prolong my life without said substances that make it enjoyable? pass

All of the above except for sugar because I eat fruit

Stupid thread

I am so much happier now drug free than when I was doing coke every day and night and working 90 hours a week so I could buy more coke and then doing more coke so I could work more and then buying more coke with the money I made working more so I could do more coke

who /weed&caffeine/ here


Smoked weed daily and couldn't integrate it into a healthy lifestyle. Got too anxious and paranoid to do anything but play vidya. Feel pretty good being sober all the time now but am jealous of people who can just smoke all the time no problem

ITT:virgin dyels

But i love my cats pic related is 3 of 4

After i red pilled myself at /pol/ i just do what makes me happy. If drugs make you happy. Do em. If not, soul search and learn from the experience. If any substance interferes with your life or affects your moods negatively than end the usage.

What about black coffee?

God this is coke logic. I'm glad you pulled yourself out of it. But shit how'd you fall into working 90 hours holy shit. Also your poor nose.

currently taking 350mg caffeine and 75mg DMAA before every work out. i smoke before bed and it really helps me to calm down. i feel in a sense i'm growing dependant on the constant uppers/downers, but I'm making incredible progress, my workouts are intense, and i sleep like a baby.

some people may disagree with the way that i live, but i'm comfortable, and most importantly, i'm happier than i've been in a long long time.

Know lots of people who smoke to sleep. If it works for you and you have measured the risks then who cares? Good for you m8

>no caffeine
Yes, stay the fuck away from my caffeine. You will live MUCH longer if you do.

t. deluded friendless loser

I am using noopept, caffeine, theanine, nicotine (as cigarettes) and I'm a new man since then.

I can remember everything, I'm way more focused, I'm a social butterfly (I had social anxiety before), and I can talk to girls without problem.

feels good man


Bet you're real fun at parties

Since we already got into drugs discussion in this stupid thread

I don't see anything bad in drugs if you are smart enough to know how and what to use. Everything can get you addicted, of course (few years ago I knew a guy who would bang on my doors for half an hour so I would let him in to get a hit from a bong. I'm looking at you, weedheads), but even if you cross the line you can pull out of it.

Numerous combinations of drugs, mostly amphetamines and similar, really saved my ass during times where I had to stay focused for hours and hours. Opioids are generally playing with fire and aren't of much use, but a line of coke at a party won't hurt you. Weed is fine, but mostly for relax and that's it. Shrooms and acid aren't for everyone.

Stupid people are generally very good at lying to themselves, and drugs are a catalyst for this peculiar ability. Take a note for the future on this, Veeky Forums friends, if you have to wonder whether you are addicted or not, you probably are already addicted

is noopept addictive?

Is there anything wrong with drinking tea throughout the day instead of coffee?

I need my morning/afternoon tea to get through work desu

If you swear off caffeine, you are confirmed autistic.