
Sup fit

Been wondering for a long time, Im naturally really big, 183cm / 91kg and there is barely any fat but still I am weak af.

Why is this?

Pic unrelated.

You fat

no u

Is that a boy?


You're fatter than you think you are.

Sara - Wicked Weasel.

I normally fap to men but if there's porn of her I'll fap to it for a change

If u would be lean at 91 kg 183 cm u would bretty big and aesthetic

Who is this semen demon I need more.

How weak are we talking? If you're actually weak you're probably just fat, it's easy to think you are leaner than you are. I used to think I was not fat when I was 89kg and now I am 91kg and less fat than when I was 89kg in march. Still fat though at 183cm. At our height 90-100kg lean is goal mode I think.

She's butterface alright, but her ass makes for it

Actually, she's not butterface, just plain looking
Great ass though, would bury dick inside/10

that chick looks like she sees dead people

not a butterface. just a shit haircut.

Strength isn't all about size. The communication between your muscles cells and motor neurons is quite a big deal as well. ie. how well you can use the muscle mass.

Her whole fucking body makes up for it ffs.

Easy test. If it jiggles, it's fat.

I am 186 and meander around 81kg and 85kg. My family have naturally solid bodies (broad shoulders, wide rib cages etc).

I consider 85kg to be fat and at 91kg you would probably be border line obese in your BMI.

Shees ok i guess..
A bit of a butter head fo sho

You are overweight.
To obtain a normal body weight, you must lose between 7.61 and 29.05 kilograms.
Underweight: < 18.5
Normal weight: 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight: 25 - 29.9
Obese: ≥ 30

I'm not OP, but I'm 183cm and 91kg in this very picture I took specifically for this thread. OP is not obese.


You are in denial.

You are 2 points off being classified as medically obese. You are overweight.

You may not realise that fat doesn't just sit in between the skin and muscle, it accumulates in and around the internal organs first. Excessive fat on the outside is a warning sign for damage on the inside.

You are way less fit than you think.

Stop posting these meme numbers, they don't mean anything.