>make tinder
>even ugly fat girls have things like "I WONT reply to you if you just want to hook up" in their descriptions
How is a 6/10 like me supposed to get anything out of this?
>make tinder
>even ugly fat girls have things like "I WONT reply to you if you just want to hook up" in their descriptions
How is a 6/10 like me supposed to get anything out of this?
What, you BELIEVE them?
Pretend you don't want to just hook up genius.
Also, lower your standards and swipe right on everything. And I mean EVERYTHING, even the real hounds.
Thats what I've been doing, but I've only gotten like 5 matches out of 80 swipes.
hardly anyone fucks good looking girls on tinder. the hot ones you see on tinder are just there for self-validation when they're bf isn't around.
go back to
>implying this doesn't fall under mental health
Health and fitness you unstoppable cumstain
So what's stopping you with those 5 matches?
>Inb4 I'm autistic
1 unmatched me, 1 didnt reply and the other 3 were just traveling through the city and are now miles away
>Be sailor
>phone picks up Data when it can
>end up getting loads of girls swiping right when it shows I'm actually 450 miles away and they don't have to do anything.
>Get lots of matches
Actually feels good. Never talk to them ofcourse.
Keep trying then faggot. Go swipe the next hundred.
A girls worst fear is being perceived as a slut, she will lick your toes and take it up the ass if she knows you won't judge her for it if she's a 6\10 you can be Dam sure she's only there to get fucked by Chad
There were only 80 possible matches in my city of 140
Got some bad news my friend
Better kys then.
>show interest in ugly fat girl
>then bang it
>never call again
important is step 1
>even ugly fat girls have things like "I WONT reply to you if you just want to hook up"
No shit they probably want a baby daddy.
How to tinder
>swipe right on everything
>see what replies
>take time to look over what replied
>if good reply if bad don't
Mental health threads go on /adv/. Read the rurus, shart automaton.
*steps out of shadows*
quick life lesson time, champ.
men are the pursuers. women are the pursued. this is why your cute co-worker who has a big crush on you won't say anything about it unless you do it first: because it feels as unnatural and as pointless to her as your waiting for the woman of your dreams to approach you feels unnatural and pointless to you.
in short: you're a natural born hunter. go hunt.