CrossFit®™: Why doesn't Veeky Forumsness like it?

A detailed diatribe would be appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread: because of shit like this.

You mean a good workout?


Ah, so it is because they're highly trained athletes?


No because theyre autistic faggots over complicating shit and turn the gym into a special Ed classroom with their window licking behaviors mascaraing as exercises.

Because there are better/easier ways to achieve the same goals


>not doing 4pl8 unweighted leg raises.

That's the Spider Man Xtreme™, it takes great clarity of mind.

Ah, yes, that's the Hermit Crab AWEsome™:(A)thletic™, (W)icked™ and (E)nergizing™.

What's wrong with it, OP?

But CrossFit™ is revolutionary, no?

It's hard, it's popular, it's social which is a problem for fitness aspies, it's expensive, there's a number of very vocal proponents for it that don't accept arguments on efficacy and echo the founder who's a fat alcoholic bro-science ass, the programming lacks specificity but is sometimes represented as being good for any and everything, quality controls are poor with the usual answer being "just find another box," I think the cross fit games are a bit silly but are pushed as the ultimate sporting event, it encourages (used to do so even more) high repping technical lifts past the point of technique breakdown, some of the exercises look silly. I think that covers most of the reasons succinctly.

If you can find a good box, maybe it's great. The Outer Banks Crossfit is an old oly lifting club I work out in every time I'm at the beach, got a bunch of old machines and shit in there that makes me feel like I'm in Pumping Iron. There's are plenty of strong ass mfs that do CF, and great coaches, and balanced boxes that closely monitor their athletes. I love that crossfit has brought prehab, plyometrics, olympic lifting, foam rolling, weight training for women, and training in multiple ranges into the public consciousness. It's still a coaching heavy system though, opening the possibility of human error, and the basic idea of the metcon is flawed if you only want to be good at one thing, ie lift big weight, look huge, etc.

>It's hard

>You don't do CrossFit®©™℅√ bro? How do you expect to be healthy?

Precisely, it you don't CrossFit®©™℅√ you'll get FitCross®©™℅√ and no one wants to be cross unless it is CrossFit®©™℅√ cross.

A life changing and probably lifelong injury.

It's not a matter of if but when.

I browsed through about 1,5k pictures just to post this gif

>But CrossFit™ is revolutionary, no?

It's just high intensity workouts with a new name that marketing got behind. People just think it is better because it isn't traditional workout

no one gives a shit about crossfit anymore

mma training and bjj are the new meme workouts

thank you




looks like any little mistake will result in a major injury

I hate it because it's exceedingly easy to fuck your body up for life.

kil rotator cuffs

kil shoulders

kil lower back

kil wrist

Fuck Crossfit I just hope the retards doing it do it as safely as they can before they realize what a sham it is.

I don't trust anything that claims to have reinvented something that is either a product of generations of concerted effort and research or basically the wheel.

Over-complicating physically stressful things is a one way ticket to boobooville, not boobieville

elitist mentality despite mediocrity
look at this guy

that's just nathan damron fucking around
he squats 300kg

That's a meme video right? No, that dude jumping on the tire and then trying to blow his back by throwing it,,,and he tried to "bench press" it,,wtf,,,

got more webms like this?

1. It's very expensive
2. Inefficient
3. I don't want to get injured every week

>The Sport of Fitness™

>that kettlebell

>schools near me


Hi guys. I'm a testimony on how CrossFit™ is the best thing to mankind. It has transformed my life for the better. I'm at the top of my gain and can do epic lifts. My last lift was so epic it paralyze me from the waist down.

Who cares, most of Veeky Forums is full of dyel betas

It could be worse. We could be doing crossfit.

Who is this and what WOD did he attempt

I don't like the type of people who do Crossfit. I know of one nice guy and about 10 dull, mainstream jerks who act very fake.


Because the only person in the world who competes at a top level in the CrossFit games and claims to train using exclusively CrossFit is Rich Fronning, who gets caught in lies and scandals every time he opens his mouth outside of a CrossFit produced video.
Literally everyone else at the top level openly admits that they do not train using CrossFit daily through the year and are only at the games to win cash prizes.

If that doesn't tell you enough then there's no helping you.