Fighting tips?

Hey Veeky Forums I have been lifting for a half a year now and I have gotten pretty strong as well as 2 years of hard construction labor and various other hard labor for years before. Some DYEL skelly friend is jelly of my body and thinks he can beat me in a fight. He has been in 1 fight before in High School with some weak ass foreigner and he won so he thinks he is stronk.

Now I know there is very little chance of me losing, considering he has never lifted a weight or done any labor or anything in the past 5 years, but I want to make sure I go in with every advantage, wat do

idk. ask yourself if this would work - dominate him with your strength then start using the anal beads. lol nah.

but srs, think of yourself like a block and just close distance and proceed to fuck up your friend with some elbows! yayyy

replying cos dubs,
1) as soon as shit goes down, stay calm
2) head straight over to them, aim for the solar plexus or diaphragm with a clean powerful shot,
3) in their stunned state get them in the sleeper hold until nearly gone,
4) slap them & tell them they've been warned

shit will prove a point, humiliate them, won't make you look like an over violent thug & be genuinely more satisfying.

be a man, talk him down, then go get a beer together

t. fighter

youre a stupid fucker for fighting over this but I will tell you this

Most people talk shit before a fight and try to shove and shit. Dont do this. Just hit him straight in the nose.

Protect your jimmies. Eyes, neck. Don't get hit in the back of the leg. Don't get your ears boxed or take a shot in the nose.

There's a lot of ways for strength to suddenly leave you and they're freely available to bitch made niggas.

Old guy here.

Fighting is stupid.
My hands hurt in the cold now and I have permanent damage to my jaw from a break.

Stow your pride.

>there is very little chance of me losing, considering he has never lifted a weight
this is the bait

Its less of a mean spirited fight, just him trying to prove a point, I don't want to fuck him up too bad but he is a little cocky about it.

>skelly friend wants to fight
I don't think that's your friend

MMA fighter here, I train with some big names (Ireland). Here's the best advice I can give:

Don't fucking fight, let go of your ego. I never understand seeing people get into fights and have literally no fucking experience with fighting. I have put an average of 1800 hours in MMA and would never get into a fucking petty street fight.

Yeah you might think right now "I got big muscles, I can take on every one"

I like to use Mike Tyson's quote as an example "everyone has a plan until they get hit"

He's not joking, when you get hit your in fucking fight or flight mode, you can't think straight and do stupid shit. It takes fucking hours of sparring to be able to think logically and fight smart.

At the end of the day your just a fucking robot who does not know how to fight. Just move on, the fact your getting intimidated by this skinny guy shows how insecure you are in yourself.

Already agreed to not hit in those areas.

Get a gun


Quite the opposite, we are good friends, he is just a little cocky in thinking that being NEET and playing games all day somehow gives him an advantage over me lifting and working all day somehow, like I said, I don't want to fuck him up bad.

Not op, but I'm in a similiar situation. A "friend" owes me 2,230 dollars, he's not working at the moment or little work, but when he gets a couple hundred he spends it on stupid shit. I've confronted him already and he says he'll pay me, this was about a month ago. I'm slowly getting tired of this bs, I have the feeling he isn't ever going to pay me, what would you guys do?

I've been in the same predicament as you. NEETS and normies who've recognised me on the street saying they can beat my ass up. I would just let it go, seems extremely petty to me but hey, whatever you want to do.

>loaning money to friends

seems like you learned a valuable lesson

MMA fighter here again; maybe it's the libtard in me but I believe violence should be the last resort. You could intimidate him? Be assertive and honest about it and call him out on his bullshit. If he doesn't give you the money back, take it as a lesson: be mindful of who you give your money to next time.

Yeah but this guy is also my next door neighbor. This piece of shit is paying me, I understand he scared of me when I speak to him, but I also see he has no respect for me. I use to box, I'm using this anger for working out and getting back to it, I know I can fuck this guy up. But It's sad that I'd have to stoop that low.

Right man, he helped me out, I realize now he gave me a job so he can feel superior to me and in the grace of god I got offered a better job which hurt him. I was offered a union job and later offered a job that paid 52 an hour. I let him borrow money cuz I don't forget who helps me, but I finally realized why he helped me. I got anger don't get me wrong, I been thinking of just fucking him up everyday I see him, win or lose, just keep going at it.

Hard problem to deal with. Mabye being persistent will help? Constantly ask him for it. It could eventually annoy him to the point where he will pay up.

Protect your face, and get into a grapple. Definitely of the best ways of exploiting a superiority in strength, especially when neither of you have any real fighting experience. Also fairly non-violent. Just make sure to beat yourself a tad across the chest and arms before the fight, so your body can relax and not tense up if he gets a hit or two in. Also, tighten your abdominals when closing. Muscle mass makes for one heck of a difference in resilience.
t. HEMAfag.

As one of the only peole probably on here that has been in a fight. (against 3 people, no i did not win)

All I can say is hit first. I hate sucker punch pussies. But everyone does it, it happend to me. And ussually the one hit first and hard loses.

Also ignore anyone giving you specific insturctions on do
>this this this and this
When your fighting your adrenaline is pumping so hard you will not be able to think.
Also dont worry about getting hit. You dont feel it while its happening.

Navy Seal here, can you not take the fucker to court?

I have a general rule of dont lend money. I just dont.

From the sounds of it it was just an exchange of money, unless he signed a contract (formal or informal). There's no proof that money was exchanged

Yeah, I'm also not a weakling, I'm 6'3 he met me as a beta who wanted to give up on life. I've changed tho. I just never liked violence unless pushed to it. It just sucks that you think ppl are trying to help you, but you realize there just trying to help themselves. For example last job I worked with him he paid me 100 dollars a day, when the guy pays 150 a day. He would then tell me, "here's 50 I owed you", lol doesn't take a smart man to figure out that I was working for my own money he owed. So I ended up quitting. I just been training and give him a month more, if not I'll see what happens after that.

I let him borrow money from my pocket in cash. I don't think it would hold up in court.

One hard punch to the chest/belly, arm around his neck. That's it.

You sure you don't need a katana?

Its this.
Never fought anyone outside of MMA here. Stop being insecure.

Don't lend money to friends? If you do don't expect to see it ever again

Only if you combine it with a fedora. Acne, fat belly, neckbeard and trenchcoat are optional.

Would you say that someone with a significant strength advantage would more likely win a fight in a scenario where both have no real fight experience?