
Can we get an old fashioned fat people stories thread. I've got a couple I need to get off my chest.

>I'm a 5th year medical student, that studies abroad. I came home for the summer to work and get some experience in the field. My folks live way up in the country, so I got to stay with relatives. My aunt, and her 21 year old son.
>They're both heavy. But the kid, really takes the cake in comparison (pun intended). Let's call him, Snackman.
>Now, Snackman is around 5'9-5'10 and 400+ pounds. He's been heavy all his life. He's 5 years my junior so we never really hung out growing up, but I'd see him around every once in awhile.
>Snackman dropped out off school as soon as he legally could, I found out that summer it was due to monstrous bullying. We're talking, Carrie pt.2. They would piss in his backpack, beat him up and fuck with him in horrendous ways. The main instigator is now apparently doing hard time for stabbing a guy, according to my aunt. Anyway...
>Now that you know this, you wont be to surprised to find out this guy is a total hermit. He rarely speaks, and if he does it's either about video games, manga, anime (are those the same thing?) or what he wants for dinner.
>My aunt gives him pocket money, which he uses for food and video games. She tries her best to keep snacks and stuff in the house to a minimum, at least for him anyway, So him being the size he is, is pretty much his own doing.

>My second day in the house i learned that i would never be able to have anything in the fridge that was even remotely delicious or it would disappear. I had gone grocery shopping, and although most my stuff is healthy or the very least needs preparation, I have a soft spot for ice cream. pop sickles to be exact. I bought 2x packs, that's 24 pop sickles total. I had 2x before bed that evening and when i woke up they were all gone. All 22 of them.
>When i asked him about it, he denied it. he just looked at his computer screen and wouldn't look me in the eye and just denied, denied, denied. I wasn't even mad, I had just gotten in there, and i was just happy to be given a free place to stay.

>Over the course of my stay I learned a few things.
> I learned my aunt needs to have bathtime or else he doesn't clean himself. He takes a shower every Sunday, or he doesn't get his allowance. (he doesn't really smell though, surprisingly)
>I learned that he's banned from almost every store within a 2 mile radius for shoplifting.
>I learned he once tricked my aunt into thinking he was going to the gym to work with a personal trainer friend of his who gives him a good discount (his words). Instead he was just talking the money and going to the movies, and buying shit food and other tings he wanted. This btw lasted 2 months.

The shit hit the fan 5 weeks into my stay.

>Snackman knocks on my door like 1:00 in the morning, one night. I'm usually up late, so i was awake. He tells me he's really worried about a bed sore that he has and has been postponing going to see a doctor about, and asks me if I can take a look at it.
>My first thought is comatose people and paraplegics get bed sores, literally impossible for someone able to move to get them, cause you'll move when the pain starts kicking in. It's like killing yourself from holding your breath to long, it's just not going to happen.
>I ask him to show me, he's reluctant and tells me he needs to pull his pants down. I tell him, I see this shit every day, dont be pussy let's see it. So he pulls his pants down, and points to the lower portion of his legs.
>I've never seen anything like this. His legs were purple. First thing i notice is the massive lipedema and venous insufficiency, both legs look swollen to a point of bursting. All surrounded by ulcerating wounds.
>I tell him he needs to go see a doctor immediately and that this isn't bedsores. As I start to go into what it looks like and what could be causing it. He just says "oh okey, I'll look into it" before i can begin spilling my medical mumbo jumbo (don't blame him for this one)
>I talk to him the next day, and I get the same reaction, so the day after that I tell my aunt and she takes him to the doctor.
>There they tell him he's prediabetic and they put him on Metformin (first line of therapy in diabetics usually), and attempt to treat the cancer on his legs with bandages.
>The life style change my aunt enforced lasted about a week, and as I was leaving he was back to his old ways ignoring the issue and just plying his video games and watching anime all day.


poor kid man


> only two pics in this thread are the branding image and a pic of text

lmao i aint reading this. not enough funny pichers






I do landscaping but I need a winter job since winter work needs snow. So, a friend landed me a job at a call center (hate the idea but you make bank).

>Walk in on day 1. I get told my direct supervisor is training the 10 people in my "class"
>Sitting and chatting with the other new hires in the orientation room
>The ground shakes
>Hear someone across the table quietly whisper "god damn"...
>In walks the supervisor
>This dude makes moby dick look like child's play
>Walks to his chair at the front and is clearly out of breath
>Looks like plastic chair is about to snap under pressure
>I have two weeks of listening to this fat bastard wheeze and refer to me as "muscles" before I have any chance to get away from him.

Can it be summer yet?

I posted this story once or twice. So I'll post it again. It's always a good reminder to me just how far people will go to remain fat.

I gotta give her a name at this point.
We'll call her K.
>K calls me up
>she's crying
>tells me none of her clothes fit
>she's at least 330+ from eyeballing it, and about 5'9"
>later found out she's actually 380, man am I bad at guessing weight
>She's prediabetic, thyroid cundishun, the whole shebang.
>She squeezes into a size 3x, but should be wearing 4x
>asks me about the new gym I just signed up to that I talked about last game night
>I tell her it's freaking awesome
And here's where I made my mistake
>"I am going tomorrow. Do you want to come?"
Fuck me... Okay, here we go.
>I'm thinking while we're there we could talk about using myfitnesspal.
>She emphatically agrees to come
>"But I can't work out too much or it'll hurt my joints"
>Tell her we will swim laps, I'll pick her up at 9 am sharp, and remind her that punctuality is part of discipline.
>She promises to be ready
Queue tomorrow @ 8:30 am
>Knock on door
>hear nothing for a minute
>knock again
>hear a low "oh shit"
>then papers crinkling up and her old recliner whining as it's put into a sitting position
>internally sigh
>knock again, she calls out "Oh, you're early! Give me one sec."
>hear some shuffling then she opens the door
>she was wearing her clothes from the day before
>she had not showered
>she had food stains on her shirt
>"I'm not quite ready yet, blah blah, you're early blah blah, I just need to finish this thing real quick blah blah...
>...on fucking runescape."
>Tell her no time, we gotta go, she made a commitment
>"Yeah but I made a commitment too. To my friends on here."
>"I just need to help him farm a few items for blah blah)"
>"Okay, how long will that take?"
>"15 mins, I swear! Then I'll get ready in a sec and we can go."
>Sit on her disgusting couch and look at the food wrappers around her chair


>taco bell, carl's jr, jack in the crack, b-k, micky d's, chipotle
>open sauce side containers just sitting out
>it has this pungent creeping odor
>consider leaving her, but decide you don't give up on friends.
30 minutes later...
>I'm exasperated
>I'm tapping my foot like a bitch
>Trying to make small talk but only getting monosyllablic answers
>she won't get the fuck off runescape
>Are you done yet?

10 more minutes go by
>How about now?
>"God Anonette, you are SO impatient. It's saturday, relax a little."
>"You were supposed to be ready 20 minutes ago. You're wasting my time, I have things to do."
>"I thought you said you were serious about coming."
>Go to leave
>She starts sobbing
>"You're just gonna leave me? Some friend you are."
>"I come to you for help and you just give up the first chance you get."
>"You really don't care."
I had no backbone at the time of this interaction.
She was an alpha bitch, and while I was fit I was shy and often got trampled over by friends like her.
>start to feel like shit because she's not wrong
>"If you get up and start getting right now, I won't leave."
Big mistake number 2.

>So K goes upstairs to get ready
>And I wait.
>Another 30 minutes.
>when she comes down she hasn't showered.
>but has a huge duffel full of stuff.
>think nothing of it
>we get in our cars and head to the gym.
>I realize halway there she's no where in sight
>Get to gym finally, it's packed.
>Of course it is, it's a summer saturday.
>She's no where in sight
>Text her
>No answer
>Wait 20 mins
>See she finally pulls in.
>K get's out of the car and she's finishing swallowing something
>Peak through the windshield and it's mickey d's.
>She didn't want me to see, says she got lost.
>shrug it off


>Get in, get changed into swimsuit
>She drove there in hers.
>Still has not showered.
>Tell her to rinse off before getting in
>"No that'll just make my hair frizzy.
>Get out to waveless lap pool
>It's packed.
>There is already a line of like 4 people to share a lane
>I get us put on the list and she's pissed
>"I didn't know I'd have to wait in line."
>"I just want to exercise."
>"We won't get a lane together."
>"Jeez, how long do these people swim for! OMG!"
>Everyone can hear her loud complaints and I'm beyond embarassed
>"We wouldn't have had to wait in line if you were ready on time."
>She get's super huffy and becomes passive aggressive as fuck
>K just starts making snide comments about why do I even need a gym, I'm thin.
>And wow, I'm so focused on my health it's making me a bitch to my friends.
>You play such a goody goody, but you're just a backstabber.
>"I bet you just brought me here so you and your fit friends can laugh at me."

>New gym.
>Don't have any friends yet.
>At this rate, I won't either.

>this breaks me.
>She goes and sunbathes
>I cry quietly while trying to not be a nuissance to anyone

>Our names finally get's called.
>By now the sun is getting high.
>We're in different lanes, I start swimming laps
>K realizes she has to share and is offended
>She Starts swimming anyways using a floating devise.
>Does 1 lap for ever 4 her partner is doing.
>Her Poor partner has to swim around her because she takes up 80% of the lane
>After K's done 12 laps, she gets out and comes looming over my lane
>"I dont' want to swim laps anymore."
At this point, I just want to get my workout in.
>"Well, do something else. I have a workout to do."
>She goes and plays on her phone in the shade.

I remember this story, quite good

Fuck, i knew from the second line that this was gonna make me cry....

>Get out after a while and decide to try again
>Ask her if she wants to do some water walking
>They have an elderly waist deep pool just for this.
>She says okay.
>So I start walking with her.
>Ask her how her dieting is going.
>"I've gained weight it makes no sense."
>"My doctor is upping my thyroid medicine, the stuff they're giving me isn't helping."
>I ask her about her diet.
>She lies straight to my face about it.
>"I eat way healthy things. All the time."
>I've eaten so many salads, I'm basically a vegetarian."
>Tell her about mfp, say I'll help her set it up
>"Nah, that doesn't work for me user. My thyroid."
>After 10 mins, she's ready to get out of the pool and sit in the hot tub.
>I'm over it at this point, my patience is gone.

>She goes and sits in the hot tub for a while and I go in and shower and change.
>As she's coming in, I can tell she's mad.
>"You wouldn't even hang out with me, I don't know anyone here. You made me look like a loser."
>"I'm sorry. I just gotta go. I have stuff I need to get done today."
>"Well I'm gonna go home then too. I can take a shower there."
>She drove home in her wet swimsuit.
>She probably got fast food on the way.
>She definitely complained about working out so hard with her jealous friend on runescape.
>She probably didn't shower until Monday.
>She calls me up the next day complaining about how her clothes don't fit and now she is sunburnt
>I never, ever, ever, invite anyone to go to the gym with me ever again.
The end.

>someone gets bullied
>the main instigator is now apparently doing hard for stabbing a guy


I eat every 2-3hours so I am not so hungry as I was when I ate a larger meal every 4-6 hours
>eats a fuck load of carbs and even more than before
>looks like a fucking cow with bad posture and a soggy ass

We should totally go to the gym together
>goes for the first time with some random instructors, starts telling other people how to leg press etc.
>goes to the gym one time a week
>excpects to be fit next summer

And i'm just here sippin my first of the day an laughing my way to the gym

I relate 1976377%. The gym is officially my me time and for nobody else because everyone is retarded

One would think whales could swim quite well.

Small one but made me chuckle after it happened

>sitting at work one day
>at lunch with a coworker
>potluck the previous day
>leftovers sitting out on a table in the lunch/breakroom
>a pumpkin pie was leftover after barely getting touched the day before
>people had been taking small pieces of it over the course of lunchtime, about half gone
>someone passing through the room comments on it, "oh we have some piece of cake here and a half a pumpkin pie"
>giant 400+ lb hamplanet man who we work with who was in grabbing his grocery bag full of Sheetz food he eats every day from the fridge steps up immediately after
>takes the entire pan with half a pie in it
>laughs and says "there WAS a half pumpkin pie here"
>everyone in room gives eyes towards one another and doesn't say anything
>people were taking pieces of it and eating it, you know, sharing it
>he took the entire rest of it along with his lunch and ate all of it

I dont understand you, or your argument, shitposting and bait?

Fresh burger sightings from Europe!
>work in an office complex with multiple companies
>has buffet cafeteria for lunches
>serves surprisingly good, nutritious, and healthy food
>coworkers keep complaining about the food for some reason, probably because it's not deep fried shit
>go for the daily lunch
>foreign people regular sightings as most companies high tech
>mostly asians though
>pretty much all of them are rather skinny
>get my food and find an empty table
>notice a planet and two moons off the corner of my eye
>hear deep American accent coming from that direction
>literally the only fat people eating at that time were a group of Americans being obnoxiously loud

The only person I can stand going to the gym with is my brother. Don't blame you for not inviting people with you.

>Work at a seafood market
>Fatty manager is 500 pounds easily
>You could smell her before you can see her
>Gets jealous at co workers if customers recognize good service
>Noticed she will talk shit if her work doesn't get recognized
>One day I received a compliment from a customer
>Guess who's going to start shit
>She calls me a dummy
>Just walked out of my job cuz it's not worth getting arrested

Not sure if it's worth putting a human rights complaint in.

Why not user?
>Get other workers onboard with you
>You all simultaneously put in complaints
>You get new supervisor
>Work is now more enjoyable than before

plot twist

they have had complaints about them and she puts on a good show. I am fucked aren't I?

Not fucked user.
If you get literally every worker in there aside from her fat fuck ass to sign a complaint simultaneously and also to sign a sheet saying they want her replaced because of verbal abuse she should be replaced rather quickly.
If not then honestly you can pursue legal action because that is exactly what is going on, abuse, and the company enabling that abuse.

There is someone over her. The last thing you should do is let this fat cunt get her way and take food off your table by driving you to quit. There is someone over her and hopefully she's not buddy buddy with that person as women in management roles tend to do.

I am the only member of my family and siblings who is interested in fitness in nutrition, all my cousins and their parents are fatfucks

I left and never came back, good point about enabling the abuse.

This is the shittiest fucking greentext I've ever read, why the fuck didn't you type it

I relate 1976378% bra. Gym = me time. Fuck the rest of the world.

Besides, at 380 lbs she didn't need a gym. She need a 3 month fast.

This really made me sad

On a recent tour in Cambodian countryside (I live here giving tours), we had a double extra plus-sized hamplanetess. Ignoring the complaints on the amount of walking, steps (who visits a temple in Asia and do not know there will be a few hundred steps to walk!?) And lack of AC everywhere (village has electricity, sometimes), half the village's impoverished kids show up to touch her and talk to her.

Question 1 - How much does she weigh?
Question 2 - How does she squat to take a shit? Can she show us?

I translated to English and watch her turn red in the face. "Go ahead, squat as if to take a shit and show them... You'll make these poor kids' day. I can't tell them about a toilet as they've never seen one."

Ended up telling the kids that she eats too much and asks family to wash her ass every time she takes a shit.

This American will be remembered for the next decade in that tiny village.

jesus christ you work with Kevin


what the fuck

Please tell me she died?

What part of PA mate?

>worked at bojangles a couple years ago
>too many fat people to count
>80% of all customers were obese (I live in the south)
>work drive thru
>always, always, always skimp on the fries for fatties
>leave out half of whatever portion they ordered
>only fill their drinks up 3/4 of the way full
>sometimes "accidentally" leave out whole pieces of chicken
>sometimes give them green beans instead
felt good man. Wasn't something I did out of spite either. I just felt guilty handing them a heart attack in a box day in and day out, ya know?
I'd say I'm a pretty good person.

Working in a deli now. Sucks cause there's no way around it. Sometimes I'm able to slide some meat off after it has been weighed and the sticker printed, but I only do that to people with shitty attitudes.
One fatty comes in on a scooter every week and has us slice a 2' long stick of pepperoni for her.
Overheard her tell her lanklet husband it was just "something to snack on."

You are weak, give them double portions, cull the herd.

Comcast ?

I'll never forget the fat coworker I had that insisted the doctor gave him diabetes.

No, I have no idea how he figured that one out. I only assume he thought that since he didn't have it before he went to the doctor, the doctor must have given it to him, but surely nobody could be that retarded?


I'm in between reps at a Penn state gym right now. This is accurate.

How does one get to that point? I'd either be obsessed with hitting the gym and getting healthy or just kill myself

>he thinks being called 'dummy' is worth walking out over
Guess you've never worked in a kitchen huh. Welcome to the working world kid there will be a lot more taking crapfrom morons to come

I don't understand how people put up with shit from people
like when i'm lifting the extra pride and testosterone clips a few inches off my extra short fuse
at my last job I walked out eventually because I didn't trust myself to keep control any longer
there was this cunt who used to act snotty towards me and I came so close to just knocking her out, putting her in my car and making her disappear on so many occasions

fucking natural selection right there. Too bad we keep those fat fucks alive for so long these days.

>weight limit

good story user, thanks

Are up guys still friends?

I have tons worth of fps. Moved from NJ to NC over the summer, ironically though most of the fps come from visits to NJ.

>Talking to former high school friend on facebook
>Pretty black girl, incredibly smart and from a upper class family she was only slightly chubby in school
>had a serious accident and lost the ability to walk
>years of physical therapy ensue
>she regains her ability to walk
>of course she's put on massive amounts of weight but surely she will burn it off
>continues to get bigger, learns of HAES, becomes a Fatshionista
>The more she gets into it the bigger she appears to be getting as well as SJW
>Meets that fat cunt Tess Holiday
>starts her own blog and periodically post SJW shit, even though she's rich and privileged herself
>repost a video from one of her fat latina friends claiming to have been threatened by a Trump supporter and a cop ignoring the altercation in NY
>myself and multiple friends call bullshit, point out the obvious hints at it being fake (shes in full make up very prepared for this spontaneous video, she fake cries, very focused on the race of the men and how she doesnt feel safe as a latina woman in NY)
>Fatshionista friend implies that since I do not believe her since she's wearing make up (lol) I must not believe the numerous female victims of rape who report their assaults wearing make up
>Inform her that without proof I do not believe the accusations of any person, since we believe in "Innocent until proven guilty"
>starts losing her shit saying I would believe her if she was a skinny white woman and that I'm a self hating POC (Im not white)
>Her mother, who is her friend on fb and who has known me since elementary school, scolded her and she deleted the entire post
>mfw a week later she is spamming for her friends to vote for her in some fat women modeling contest

How to make green textea?

>Most of family is deceased
>Only option is to go to brother's apartment in Delaware
>driving up through Virginia I have to pull off to piss
>all the urinals are occupied, I move into a stall
>as I unleash the beast, from the stall beside mine utters a sound which made me think of a trampoline liner tearing
>a loud "UGH JESUS" follows to the simultaneous splashing of a football into water
>guys are laughing outside the stall
>I quickly exit before the smell wafts over and wash up
>as I finish the stall opens and out pops the fat bastard
>No, he literally looked like the fat bastard from Austin Powers, red hair and boils on his face
>the laughter ceases as everyone kinda averts their gaze out of embarassment
>"Whew boys I hope you enjoyed the show" he says with a chuckle before another fart escapes his ass
>I'm still moving toward the exit when I hear him say "well looks like an encore is on the way!" and he turns back into the stall.

Guy made the best out of a shitty situation I guess, it was pretty hilarious in hindsight but in the moment it was awkward.

>Arrive in at brother's apartment
>surprisingly my niece is there (she's usually with baby mom)
>brother's new girlfriend awkwardly welcomes me
>she is a 5'0" balding Polish woman who is probably about 260lbs, she is wider than she is tall
>Ask my brother if he will need help in the kitchen cooking
>brother laughs and says it is a woman's job to cook so his gf will be doing it
>never ate her cooking before, our family is weird about eating food prepared by strangers
>offer to help her out, maybe cook some dishes
>"Oh no user you sit and relax after all that driving. You know I can cook, a girl doesn't get this big if she can't cook" ;)
>I sit down, smoke a blunt with my brother and relax
>It's like 9pm when dinner is finally done
>She calls us to the table to see what she has prepared
>marshmallow cornbread
>marshmallow Yams
>Cheddar Broccoli
>corn drowned in butter
>Collard greens (my brother had made the night before)
>wax beans in cheddar sauce
>green beans with onions
>She dares to ask me what I think about this abomination of a meal
>"I think you have an unhealthy obsession with Marshmallows and Cheese"
>she laughs it off as though it is a joke
>notice my brother's plate as well as my own are basically turkey, collards, stuffing, and a little mash potatoes
>his GF calls us out on this asking why we made her cook all this food if we're only eating nasty stuff
>bro thanks her for the meal and tells her marshmallows do not go on cornbread
>argument ensues between them
>starts getting nasty, ask niece to come walk the dogs around the block with me
>niece turns to me when we get outside and tells me she knows why I wouldn't eat the cornbread
>I ask her why she thinks that
>she says because then I'll turn into a Marshmallow man like my brother's girlfriend
>"Well, yes, but she's not a man" I tell her
>"She has a beard though!" she retorts
>mfw later that night I notice she has a blond beard on her double chin

last one for now, sorry they're not amazing
>driving home from bros
>really hungry, didn't bring any leftovers with me for obvious reasons
>still upset she put marshmallows on cornbread
>stop at Bojangles around 9:45pm
>first time in almost 2 years I had fast food, again don't like strangers preparing my food
>they're getting ready to close so I'll have to carry out
>that is fine I just want a 2 piece meal with rice n veggies
>call my friend up while I wait and tell him about the fucked up cornbread and my general disgust at the things people eat (while at a fast food restaurant no less)
>In walks Bertha, and I only know this because Bertha is still wearing her Walmart name tag
>Bertha is a 5'5" black woman with a very cheap black and purple wig with purple lipstick
>Bertha doesn't mind carrying out, she only wants one thing
>she wants a deep fried turkey
>the woman explains that was a promotional item only available until Thanksgiving
>Bertha isn't hearing it, she had to work on Thanksgiving and didn't get to have thanksgiving with her family so she wants her damn turkey NOW
>Manager comes out and now she is trying to explain that there is no turkey to be had
>Bertha doesn't scream, curse, or do any of the normal things a denied fatty tends to do
>Bertha bows her head and begins to quietly sob
>it is probably one of the saddest sights I've ever seen
>her wig fell off, she fell to her knees and just start BAWLING
>my order came up shortly after, as the manager and the attendant were rubbing her back consoling her I caught the whiff of hard liquor (Rum to be exact)
>I turned and left but not before giving the manager a pitying smile

I don't know who I felt worse for but it made me really sad.

I fucking love these they disappeared for a long time from fit, it's good to see them back, just started lurking again

>pretty black girl

how black is 'pretty black'?

That made my day.

That made me sad too. Her life must be pretty miserable.

Forgot a comma, my bad. She was a pretty, black girl. Now she's just very very fat. It's quite a waste of potential.

I agree, it must be miserable. It's hard to be optimistic when you're in the middle of such a shitty life but she does have the ability to change for the better if she applies herself.

>at work
>get a call from the boss man
>associate from another store is coming to help out for the night shift, he'll be there around 11:00 and we'll just call him B
>tell him I'm glad to accept any help sent my way
>go out for a smoke break around 11:00
>see a very large man packed into the tiniest car I've ever seen
>he struggles to get out and walks over to me
>two grocery bags in his hand
>Hey, you must be the guy they sent over. I'm user, nice to meet you.
>he's already winded from walking 10 feet
>we shake hands, exchange pleasantries etc
>I start to explain to him what needs to be done and what I've already done
>yeah okay user, just let me sit down
>uhh... Sure?
>he sits in the office and cracks open a protein shake
>i notice four more in the bags
>hey uh... B, you know drinking protein shakes while sedentary isn't exactly... Healthy
>b-but they're milkshake flavored, they're delicious user! Ever had one?
>No I haven't
>continue to tell him shit that needs to be done
>he refuses to do anything that involves walking or lifting
>ends up only doing three things
>takes an hour break in between to eat everything in the fucking store
>end up doing all the work
>he just sits in the office and keeps saying "At our store we don't do this much!"
>forever refuse to work with him again

Fucking fatties

nice quads

I've been thinking about seeking out another black fwb recently
my city is massively white tho

This, must be a landwhale defending the other land whale

#IFBB pro phobia
#growthhormone shaming
#leaving humanity behind

>meet a girl online with whom we instantly click
>been talking nonstop for two weeks
>learn pretty early on that she's black
>skin color isn't a problem for me so keep going
>exchange pics
>she's one of those blacks whose face resembles more of a monkey than a human
>instantly drop her into the friendzone
I still feel conflicted because otherwise she's literally perfect. Her body is a 10/10 but the monkey face just ruins it all. She even shared my hatred of fatties.

Re y racis or domethibg


Tfw went from 303 to under 275 in 3 months.

Currently at 270 and the weight is just shedding off

The ape like characterics that some black people have just happens to be one of the few physical appearance based deal breakers I have. Being fat is also on that list.

Nah, she's still my friend.

IKTF bro. This classmate is clearly into me, but that's one of the few things I just can't deal with.

Just post a craigslist ad "skinny white dyel looking for bbc"

just fuck her from behind/stare at her rack?

It's the worst. Especially if you're friends together.

>manga, anime (are those the same thing?)
Don't you even pretend, you fuck.

This. I am a used car salesman. You should hear some of the straight abuse I've had to take from my boss. I saw a grown man break down and cry onetime after 'constructive criticism' from by boss

Welcome to being an adult, people aren't always nice to you. Grow some nuts.

Never happened.

Why do you think she's online?

goddamn physics discriminating against fat folk #notallnewtons

Fills Gutmann.

Well Zoe should have put down the biscuits m8 lmao

Actually inability to control anger and 'short fuse' is a sign of low test of levels nfd hormonal imbalance.... get blood work done, you can probably get a legal script for TRT.



Dunno m8. Probably for the same reason you and me are here.

From Pittsburgh not so hick out here but still disgusting.
Sheetz > speedway
No wawa );

My story, full disclosure I'm still not skinny, but have lost some weight and all my pants are now loose.
>Be 225 lbs
>Be in Mexico friends want to go horse back riding
>Guide asks how much experience everyone has riding so he can put more experience ppl with less tame horses
>I've never seen a horse before but as the fatty I'm assigned to the huge alpha dickhead horse who doesn't listen.
>He pretty clearly wants to buck my ass off but he's a Mexican horse and therefore underfed and cant quite do it, also I weigh too much
>Contents himself with biting the horse in front of him at every opportunity, like will run to it if it gets ahead too far
>Sorry Mr horse
God I hate fat me


Fresh OC.
>be me
>in college film class
>this week we're watching a japanese movie with subtitles
>10 seconds into the movie realize I cant read the fucking subtitles because of this
>pic related is my current view
>theres still 2 hours left in the class
kill me, brehs

change your seat m8

>Not sure if it's worth putting a human rights complaint in.

You mean human resources? Or did she threaten to send you to fatty gulag?

try not being a manlet

To suffer hamplanets after surviving Pol Pot. Life in the third world truly is hell.

>be a stallion in your prime
>alpha as fuck
>working as a tourist attraction offering horseback rides
>mares mirin wherever you go
>bitches mirin wherever you go
>show up to work ready to have qt horsegirls rub their pussies all over your back, bareback yo :^)
>it's an American tourists episode
>have to carry the planet because you're the only one strong enough to not get a one way ticket to snap city
>planet smells like it's rotting on the inside
>leaves my fabulous fur all greasy
>have to spend hours grooming to get the smell and fat off me
>meanwhile the beta faggots get to carry all the qt girls

when I hang around my weebier friends I always intentionally use them incorrectly and it triggers this one kid so hard. I fucking love it.

>'hey, user - watch any good manga recently?"
>"I heard the new few chapters of that anime *insert random namedrop manage* come out in a few weeks