Looking to get serious with weightlifting. is stronglifts good...

looking to get serious with weightlifting. is stronglifts good? is it just a starter thing or can i stick with it forever?

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>get serious with weightlifting. is stronglifts good?

Loving EVERY laugh

is it shit?

same here

Do you want to be a big guy?


This board has been shit ever since the stormcucks have come here, if you want serious answers go to bodybuilding.com, the shit they say here on Veeky Forums is often downright retarded and can get you hurt.

>if you want serious answers go to bodybuilding.com


Either that or greyskull are perfectly good starter routines

Stronglifts is basically just starting strength with more reps and one exercise replaced, its only better at the start since you get more form practice going 5x5 instead of 3x5, but in the longterm starting strength is better ESPECIALLY if you read the book and do accessory work.

yeah its good. dont listen to these trolls ran it for six months. eat enough and dont miss lifts.
In lbs.
starting weight 145
bench 135
squat 135
deadlift 185
ohp 65
Ending weight 180
bench 215
squat 250
deadlift 315
ohp 145

I had lower lifts than you at the start and ended up with slightly higher lifts at the end. With stronglifts and doing 5x5 you end up stalling more often than 3x5 since its more volume.

stronglofts is a 3x5 after the second deload

>I don't know anything about the stronglifts program, but I'm gonna share my retarded opinion anyhow

>serious about lifting

Hello Mr. New Years resolutioner. Let me guess this time you'll really stick to it.

Should you mix in accessory work with Greyskull immediately or wait a few months?

stronglifts, starting strength, greyskull are all good for a beginner as long as you follow the program to a T.

you can stick with SL forever, but you won't want to and will eventually switch over to texas method et al. for strength or ppl/brosplit for bodybuilding

This is what you get from doing Stronglifts for years.

what programme will make a beginner both strong and aesthetic?

just do SS and read the book there's a reason why everybody jacks off to mark rippetoe

pair up with a trainer, buy some books, get a gym membership. That's a good start.

I'm also a strong believer in getting in "pre shape". Get in good enough condition to actually perform a serious workout. That takes about 3 weeks in my opinion.

Have you done any sports prior?

5/3/1 with LOTS of volume and a buttload of assistance. Before you ask:

>dumbell flies
>good mornings
>dumbell work in general
>direct arm work

Now go and lift some weights.

Your squat and dl is off

I started it 6 months ago
My stats in lbs
Starting weight 135lbs
Bench 105lbs
OHP 50lbs
Squat 45 lbs

BW 345lbs
Bench 495lbs
Squat 950lbs
OHP 225 lbs

Pic related that's me

damn you've got alot of hair, i've got like 2/3 of that and i find quite ugly, thinking about getting it lasered, how do you deal with it?

Bro heres your program that you can do for at least 3 months. Longer if you feel like it.

Split A:
Bench Press 2x5,1x5+
Pendlay Row 2x5,1x5+
Squat 2x5,1x5+
Rope Pushdown 3x10
Hammer Curl 3x10
Standing Calve Raise 3x12
Hanging Leg Raise 3x15

Split B
Deadlift 1x5+
Overhead Press 2x5,1x5+
Chin Ups/Latpulldown 2x5,1x5+
Lateral Raise 3x10
Facepulls/Rear Delt Fly 3x10
Seated Calve Raise 3x10
Ab Rollout 3x15

the + means on the last set you do as many QUALITY reps as possible. As soon as theirs form breakdown is when you stop. Go up 2.5 pounds for upper body compounds (just buy some microplates) and 5 for Lower body.

If you manage to get at least 10 reps on the amrap set double the weight that you progress with.

If you fail to get at least 5 reps on the last set drop the weight by 10%.

This isn't as much a strength routine as a bodybuilding program due too the extra volume BUT you will gain a more aesthetic physique. You can do it longer than 3 months if you want.