
No /cbt/??

Post critz, bantz

Pls no hate


Moirin shoulders

6'2, 190
5 months into flopping around the floor and swinging from rafters

Bench 235x5
20 bw chin ups
High bar squat 315x7
Stiff leg deadline 440x3

looks great, add strict form chest flies, traps, and actually train abs for god mode.


Lookin good

Height and weight?


For us slightly taller guys might, hit the incline bench lots, at least once a week with good volume as your main lift.

Thanks brah
6'1" 188lbs

juicy ass back senpai

6ft 175 lifting one year still look shit

recently made

Fix your diet. If you've been actually working out and lifting weights for a year you're eating shit.

Lean mean mean and veggies should take up most of your plate. Don't eat carbs that aren't home cooked potatoes or rice for the most part.

9 months lifting
Bf% estimate ?

13%, nice ottermode

Actually, the problem is more likely that he isn't eating enough, period. Even a dirty bulk with enough protein and calories would get much better results than that.

The belly pudge makes me think his diet is mostly doritos and 7up.

You went from white to black thats good progress m8 keep it up



Deadlift 340*5
Ohp 150*5
Bench 230*5
Squat 280*5

All in pounds.

Cutting down to 165 lbs

What are your lifts?

Ex fatty fag here been on a long cut since about March started up a bulk on thanks giving, am honestly scared to eat though because of my fat fuck past. At my heaviest i was 320 lbs now im down to 200. I stand 6 ft 3. I can post before pics too if anybody is interested. I can also post my lifts. But how do I look? What could be worked on? Where should I go from here?

315 for 3 dl
285 for 3 squat
165 for 3 bench

>165 for 3 bench
>at 175
>after a year
What the fuck have you been doing?

>tfw waiting for titsbrah to post

Someone clean my bathroom.


Just started winter bulk. Plz respond.

6'2 lanky fuck reporting in

212lbs, cutting to 190ish

excuse the filters

Same weight height as me and you are roughly my goal (weight and body type).

What's your routine?

How do you train your abs?

I don't. Maybe ab vacuums from time to time. I'm starting to now cuz I realize my abs are weak. Plz no bully.

Holy fuck you have huge arms.

160 lbs

this is completely unrelate, but does anyone have that meme pic of "what auschwitz bros think they eat"

Lots of good physiques ITT

5'9 175

how do i get to /black mamba/ status?

Very minimal and simple.

3 days a week,

Pull, push, legs with low reps, RPT style

3 accessories

Incline Bench
Weighted Chins
2 accessories

4 accessories

I only do RPT on the big lifts

>incline shrugs
>decline shrugs
>reverse shrugs
>reverse incline shrugs
>reverse decline shrugs
>a single dumbbell curl

Basically. Gotta get bane mode by necks October.

Fat piece of shit reporting in.

You gotta commit one way or the other. Either pig out, eat big get big, or cut and get that sweet sweet sub 10 bf%

You look pretty good m8. The love handles are really the only thing that says "I used to be fat"

Look a lot better, keep up the good work

looking a lot better, your skin even cleared up because of eating cleanTM

natty? time lifting?

wow came back to fit after a long break man you ve made some progress keep it up breh

good job dude

terrible lighting, and shit eating for the past 3 days.

5'9 180-187

Still plateauing hard, its been seriously demotivating. How do I get back to losing weight Veeky Forums I've only got another 20lbs to go!


current lifts, all 1 RM
Military Press-185
15 strict pullups with bodyweight
25 chinups with strict form.

gotta work on the arms in 2k17
i fell for the ss meme...

been lifting for 3 years

Little over one year progress in between these two

why blur out your belly button? you self conscious of your umbilical hole?

change your cardio up, eat smaller meals but eat more frequently. only eat when you're hungry and when you eat do it slowly

looks like solid gains. let 2017 be the year of arm gains tho breh

work harder


Yea, my arms just don't want to grow. One thing I've noticed is that white guys generally have pretty small arms unless they're at 5/4/3

none of us are at work.....i hope

nah man, that's bullshit!
you just have to focus on them. and for a long time. start doing 3 sets of triceps at the end of push day. do that for 4 months. you'll see improvement i promise you. just work in arms anyway you can. bis after back is great for blood volume

*3 exercises of 3 sets*

roger my mayne. May the breh be with you

he is with us all.

Holy shit, thats some solid progress.

Keep it up dude!

You need to eat more.

Solid progress my dude

from fat piece of shit at 265 lbs to slightly less fat piece of shit at 220lbs.

1 and 1/2 months into lifting

>tfw the outlines of my abs are starting to form

I always look like shit in pictures, even tho I'm ottermode in the mirror.

sure sure

them former fatty quads. keep it up bitch.


disgusting bellybutton


Seeing everyone elses bodies with 1-2 years of training makes me think what have i done wrong during my almost 3 years of gym. I started out from a 105lb twunk tho.

maybe just inferior genetics mate. doesn't look like you can grow any kind of body hair...low test bruh

Might be low test, but im only 18 so maybe i still have hope

depending on your body weight currently. those gains are respectable. if you're trying to get YUUUGE eat in surplus of 500 calories over your resting metabolic rate and lift heavy. set of 3-8 within 75-90% of your 1 rep maxes. i recommend either jim wendler 5/3/1 or layne nortons PH3. PH3 is defintely a more advanced program though. and if you do decide to try it. BE HONEST WITH YOUR 1RM or you will die


Forgot stats,
Liftan 2 years.

Bf % estimate?

Thanks man

14% ish

>2 years

what's your stack? and where did you get the money for it?

that's not you hahaha

My stack is 3 scoops and hitting all my macros, try not having shit genetics maybe friendo?
It is indeed me, still a loner tho

also got my bf measured and the results said 15.9%

is that accurate? i feel like i'm still well over 20%

thanks, i will

mirin shoulders

nice otter,

post routine pls

I'm pretty close to that but since I dont look like shit anymore i kinda shifted my whole attention to school, I want to get back on track.



are cbt threads real or are they just a scam made by faggots to masturbate


nah fuck that weak shit. intermittent fasting is the way to go.

>implying there are faggots out there that have such low standards that they jerk off to Veeky Forums cbt threads

mirin lats

Do you take steroids?

I'm fat pls no bully

6 months of lifting, on my first bulk for winter now.

5'10 @ 84kg

Max lifts
Deadlift 5x110kg/242lb
Squat 5x110kg/242lb
Bench 5x75kg/168lb
OHP 5x40kg/88lb (need to train this more)

What should I work on? I know I need to do more chest training but I'm not sure what to do apart from bench and a bit of incline.

nah m8 you jooocy

Preddy hot

>Lifting for 1 year
>That body

My sides.

1.91m 93kg Was obese 1 year ago


You need to squat more than you deadlift especially if you're on a bulk

I'm And I definitely DL more than i squat, even though i got big legs.

no, what are gay?

he's a manlet

5"11 manlet king babe