Finally get with 10/10qt3.14

>I make it from fat to fit. Six pack mode that didn't >forget leg day.
>pick up hottest girl ever from tinder.
>spend wonderful Thursday and Friday in my bed
>tells me "my friends think you're only after one
>tell her I'm into long term mode.
>she has terrible day at work Saturday. Suppose
>txt/ call when she got off.
>txt her today twice to she if she wanted me to
>bring her lunch. No response.

How did I blow this???

should have replied with: They got me, I want a hot girl in my life

by being too clingy you fucking reet
>double texting AFTER she didnt reply
>taking her lunch
are you fucking retarded? bringin her lunch after you spent one fucking night together? the fucks wrong with you nigga

Next time, senpai.

by acting like a bitch.

>texting her again after her not answering you the first time

What did you think your message got lost in the internet and never made it to her phone? Face it, she saw your message didn't care to reply then you sent a message again to her so she can ingnore again.

Forget her , you fucked her move on she did

By trying to get gfs from fucking whorecentral Tinder.

Tinder is just for fucking.

Can I salvage this? Call her in a few days to go out?

Ghosting is a normal part of dating. It happens to everyone (except chad of course). I really wouldnt sleep over it, if you got a hot girl once you can get another just dont be too desperate and let things fall into place organically

Just to say the txt were hours apart. First was asking what time her break was. Next was 4 hours later if she wanted some tendahs.

OP needs to do some brain gain accessory reading.

I'm thinking like this too. She doesn't feel like talking to me (obviously) and I got one I can get another.

Don't sweat it. Wait for her to respond.

In the meanwhile, new PRs and learnings how to green text. These are the things you need focus on, you filthy casual.

i did the same thing bro. finally down to 250 pounds. go out on a couple dates with mega hottie, she was out partying with friends a couple weekends back, went to the bar picked her up, she invited me up to her place and we spent the night together, spent the next day together, then we were gonna hang out the next weekend, and she didn't fucking text me at all saturday afternoon and night.

so i went from okay don't text her to texting her a shit ton of times through the night and calling her and leaving a voicemail and then calling her a slut and saying i misjudged her. her phone was just discharged.


This greentext is so bad I want to believe it's a meta meme

Damn, son. That's fucking rough. I've made that mistake before. Learned from that one.

Just going to hold out on texting again. May call her Tuesday evening to set up something for Thursday.

Your misfortune made me laugh. Thanks, senpai.

How should one green txt?

Top kek


Feel that user,

Moved to a new city and know like no one here, had a hard time making friends because no one speaks any fucking english here. Recently matched with a total dime on bumble. We've been chatting and are making plans to grab coffee after finals this week. Sometimes she takes days to respond. Fuck mang I just a qt3.14 to cuddle

Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize. If they ghost you, don't sperg out dum dum. Send the text asking if they want to do something, if they don't answer, move on. Can't catch feelings like that famalam

You made it too obvious that YOU want to gf her up.

You were being super Beta.

Next time let HER earn you and extract the relationship out of you.

If she SHIT TESTS you with "my friends say...." story, then you ask "what else they say", then just act amused, or ask if that's what she thinks. Blow it off, in the vaguest kind of re-assurance. Just a "nah, I ain't that guy", and leave it at that.

OR agree and amplify. "Oh yeah, actually I'm auditioning you for part of my harrem". - make sure you pile on the sarcasm.

Again NO direct reassurance.

Also, let HER test you again next time.

Do NOT try repeatedly to contact her. Stinks of desperation.

You already blew it user, stop trying to contact her. If the off chance she does get a hold if you, wait at least 20 mins to respond.

As it is, chalk one score with a 10/10 on your bed post, congratulate yourself, and move on to the next girl and her new meatholes

1. If she takes forever to respond, you're just an ego boost.
2. If you fuck and she ghosts you, she's either a slut or doesn't think you two are relationship compatible
3. You probably aren't going to find the love of your life on tinder

>girls on tinder are such sluts that they spread their legs after knowing you only a few hours
>guys delusionally think they will find "the one" on there

you guy are so stupid. there's a reason girls are on that. i mean the guys are understandable because they are desperate and thirsty.

but no girl worth anything would need to use fucking tinder to get sex. they have guys in classes, guys at work, guys at bars, friends, friends of friends, family friends, a multitude of options to find boyfriends. not a phone app to bang random guys

100% this. never let a girl think you care about her, until you're actually LTR.

not even then

20 years of marriage, forget the anniversary. claim you thought it was her turn to decide where to go out for "date night"

love her. just dont let her know for sure.

>love her. just dont let her know for sure.
You what? All you have to do is be stable. She doesn't reply, you wait until she does. She throws a fit, you wait for it to be over, and then go eat dinner together as fucking planned. None of this "don't let her know for sure" shit. You do as you will, let her know you care about her, and continue to do that no matter what.

Yeah, I hear this.

Hoping I hear from her today. If not I'll call her tomorrow evening.

:( just wanted a qt3.14 I could call my own.

did..... he fuck her tho?

spot on my nigga

prolly fucking another dude from Tinder...stop being such a girl

How many sexual partners is too many for a 23 year old to have to be gf material?


doesnt matter, she'll lie about the number of people anyway or not count random dicks she sucked at random parties or whatever

there. you put her on a piedestal from the go. I bet she already sucks another dick. btw Im sure she wasnt a 10/10. They are 1 in a million and cant find them on tinder. fucking sperglord.


that´s your problem
you don´t want to meet your gf in a club neither on tinder


i wouldnt text back OP either

you guys have to learn that oxytocin (the infatuation and love chemicals) sends people full retard. once you get to that stomach sinking point and overwhelming emotions you gotta be prepared not to act like a fucking beta or you will absolutely gauranteed fuck it up, i've fucked up potentially perfect relationships because of it and ended up heart broken.

don't be a tryhard.

don't be clingy.

don't come up with gay romantic ideas.

just stay as stubborn as possible, recognise that you like the girl a hell of a lot but let her do all the work once she knows that you're into her, if you're extremely patient you'll get through the retarded phase and be able to keep her interested. don't give even the slightest creepy hint, don't even give her the idea, don't get mad if she's talking to or hanging around with other guys if you barely know her, let them fuck it up with her and it's only a matter of time before she comes to you.

Op here.

She was telling me about oxytocin. And how people shouldn't snuggle/ cuddle if they don't want to be in a relationship because of the gut wrenching chemicals.

Bitch sleeps over, cuddles me and lets me fuck her brains out two nights in a row. Then doesn't txt me back all day. MFW

snuggling and cuddling don't do shit for oxytocin, once you've met her a few times and your brain decides she's would make a good baby with you it will be released full blown even if you've never touched her. you have to be prepared for that and avoiding acting like a retard at all costs, it's very hard, it turns the girl into a drug you're addicted to, her leading you on and cuddling you is kind of like telling an alcoholic in withdrawal to hold a glass of whisky for them. it's possible you've already blown it by acting beta as it sends your hormones everywhere, that's why you need to prepare for it in the future.

>meet qt average grill on tinder
>skype call a few times
>she messages me this morning to say i'm sexy

wat do?
this makes me feel uncomfortable

the first time i said
>"haha(haha) you're making me blush

and then immediately after reading that she said it again

>"yer sexy"

wat do?
shes very sweet but i dont want a relationship and i get the feeling she wants more than what i want

pls repsond

Block her, i have to do it every time.

Have you tried "pls respond"? It always works with me

not joking
it has worked several times for me

>texting her again after her not answering you the first time
Came here to post this.

At least you learned something from this experience OP and you got to have some great sex. Nothing to be ashamed of. We all made this mistake at some point.

This gave me a good chuckle. Pretty sure I've done this kind of autism on the past. At least we learn from it.

dat insecurity

Because you are beta as fuck
You dont say you look for a long term gf after a few dates thats so fucking beta. That moment she knew you are a loser who desperately wants a gf

You guys seem to lift a lot but you learn some social behaviour instead. I went on one date many years ago and I didn't like that chick at all and so I did not reply to her. There was no way I could explain her how much I disliked her via text. End of story.

>>tell her I'm into long term mode.


So is this really over?

Sorry you are retarded

This guy fucks


Your BEST chance to ever fuck her again is to just let her go.

If a girl stops contacting you, often it is a TEST, to see if you're clingy.

You already tried texting her several times.

By you suddenly stopping, after several days, or even a couple weeks have gone by, sometimes the girl herself will think "hey, how come so and so stopped trying to get a hold of me? Did he meet a new girl?"

THAT is what you want her to think!

You ALWAYS want the girl to perceive that you have other options, especially in indirect ways.

So don't go saying "I got other girls" - that's try hard and stupid.

Instead you just behave in action as if you do.

Does a guy, who could be fucking 1 of any 8 other girls just as hot as her, bother to try hard to get a hold of any particular one?

Nope. If Jill doesn't answer the text then he goes and texts Rachel.

Hell, I would send a text to EACH of the 8 girls saying "this evening my place". Or "bring diet soda". Then let the multi conversations start, with whoever responds.

Then if more than one respond,cancel all but the one who sounds like the most eager, surest bet for sex.

Canceling on a girl isn't a bad strategy either, as that will make them MORE interested in you. Trust me. Men almost never cancel, by doing this you make yourself less available.

Give an excuse, you need to do some laundry.Make sure it always sounds like bullshit.

You kinda want to very subtly convey you are fucking other girls.

So, now that you know THAT is what a Chad looks like juggling other girls, you can make it LOOK like that to any one girl, even if the other 7 don't exist.

If she doesn't respond to your text, then that is it. You're done there.

Maybe 3 days later you send her a text that looks like you plausably could have meant it for another girl. Vauge "hey bring the movie you like".

Nice advice. Broken hearted over some bitch that I met 4 times. Wtf is wrong with me, user?

Just have to start hitting/ talking to every girl I find attractive.

Keep in mind, added to that, that some girls have other reasons for not getting back to you.

Sometimes she is nearing the end of a relationship with another guy, but she doesn't know how to emotionally deal with hurting him by dumping him, so she just fucked you on the side.

Yeah, its bullshit, but women do dumb childish shit that ends up hurting guys worse. Just how they are.

So, she might not be able to respond, is having second thoughts etc.. Buuuuut her decision on you might not be made up.

If you blow up her phone with texts it sure as shit will be!

If she looks at your phone convo, and it looks like a text wall, in tons of messages from you, then you reek of Beta clingyness. YOu signal she is your only option, that other women aren't into you. She is in charge, you are hers to lose, and she wants it the other way around.

Women want men who other women want.

Yep, Yep, Yep,

More options is always how you want it.

When looking for a long term relationship its far better to have options, because then you get to select the girl who treats you good.

I seriously mean treats good as in like feeding you grapes while sitting naked with you while you watch a movie, or sucking your dick any time, super enthusiastic sex, and in some cases even threesomes.

When girls chase a guy who has options, the girls themselves up their game.

If a girl knows that she is the only option a guy has, then what incentive is there for her to treat him good? Why wouldn't she expect him to do all the chores? Why wouldn't she be rude to him in front of his friends? Why not just be a selfish demanding cheating bitch? I mean it's not like he has other options...

i approve of this, because this is real.

Thanks, user senpais.

Still upset over this broad. But, who knows what's going on with her.

Forgot to mention I found her bipolar/ schizophrenic/ epilepsy medicine in my bathroom. She didn't really want to discuss what it was used for. Maybe I dodged a bullet.

Still feels bad.

>if not ill call her tomorrow evening

It's like you didnt even read his post

Youre hopeless

Yes you can still salvage this. The only way to salvage it is to move on and focus on the next girl. Any unsolicited attempts to contact girl #1 will put you at risk for lower self-esteem.

I did. But.... fuck I'm half a fag who needs closure! And who knows what's going on. It's not like she said "fuck off, user. Not interested in you". This bitch is gonna tell me straight up she's no longer interested.

She has already communicated this to you by cutting you off. At this point your best hope would be her reconsidering you someday in the future, but you're killing any chance of that if you call or text her any more than you already have

So texting her "why you ghosting me, kid?" Is not a good idea?

this hurts but seems true

Just curious
Do you guys think girls go around and suck random dicks?
You think girls are so generous?

You've already contacted her at least twice with no response. What good does it do to drag this out? You know what she's doing and it doesn't matter why. If you're going to demand that she explain the reasons she doesn't like you it's only going to be painful for you and it comes off autistic and beta as fuck.

Move on, stop reaching out, it's not good for you

Been reading TRP I see. This shit is literally straight from leddit. Anyways, shit is good and it works.

>drunk one night stands don't exist

I don't think I know.

I do think so, not all but a lot of them.
the "alcohol changes me" mentality that I've seen too many times and am absolutely disgusted by.
not only girls, guys as well so I dont sound too r9k

All good points, but based on the stories here, I think the anons in this thread just aren't being INTERESTING enough.

Like, obviously this girl can get any Chad she wants. Congratulations, you made it, she picked you. But then upon getting to actually know you she said "nah".

These girls can fuck anybody they want. Height, face, frame... but also intellectuals, artists, actors, businessmen, etc., how the fuck are you going to compete with all those guys? "But, mah broad shoulders!". Yeah, that'll help your cause, but clearly it's not enough. Read a goddamn book, get a hobby. Ask interesting questions. Promote mystery and intrigue about yourself, dude.

Most ONS i had was with Alcohol. Just be sure you dont drink too much of it - Boner killer

That wasnt the question, it was differentiated originally hence my question

Girls seem very selfish to me so im just curious
last ones ive hooked up with, i havent been able to cum and they didnt care alot
Well one wanted me to cum so she offered to suck but i dunno if she had a tiny mouth or something but she was grinding her teeth on it all the time despite me telling her not to
(both cases both were sober fyi)

I ask because Veeky Forums seems to say girls suck random dick but my experience with how girls treat guys its more like "so...if i suck your dick what are you gonna do for me?"

>None of this "don't let her know for sure" shit.

Oh Wow, do you actually know anything about women?

it all depends on how chad you are, not even joking

>fell for high test meme
>gf of 6 months has had 4 pregnancy scares since we've been together
>she's packed on at least 10lbs over the months

how are these related, exactly?

not him but the meme is that high test women are more fertile and the more weight she packs on, the more fertile she will become

>How did I blow this???
>tell her I'm into long term mode.
>txt/ call when she got off.
>txt her today twice to she if she wanted me to
>bring her lunch.
beta phaggot

>she has terrible day at work Saturday. Suppose
>txt/ call when she got off.
>txt her today twice to she if she wanted me to
>bring her lunch. No response.


this is proof that "making it" doesn't unbeta you.
Stay cucked beta boi

Lifting doesn't cure autism.

>My heart aches to hear that your day has been unfavourable, m'lady
>M-may I bring you lunch
>I say, m'lady, may I bring you lunch?
>I have prepared you a sandwich m'lady
>I believe le man should make le sandwich I am just a nice guy like that m'lady
