Your BEST chance to ever fuck her again is to just let her go.
If a girl stops contacting you, often it is a TEST, to see if you're clingy.
You already tried texting her several times.
By you suddenly stopping, after several days, or even a couple weeks have gone by, sometimes the girl herself will think "hey, how come so and so stopped trying to get a hold of me? Did he meet a new girl?"
THAT is what you want her to think!
You ALWAYS want the girl to perceive that you have other options, especially in indirect ways.
So don't go saying "I got other girls" - that's try hard and stupid.
Instead you just behave in action as if you do.
Does a guy, who could be fucking 1 of any 8 other girls just as hot as her, bother to try hard to get a hold of any particular one?
Nope. If Jill doesn't answer the text then he goes and texts Rachel.
Hell, I would send a text to EACH of the 8 girls saying "this evening my place". Or "bring diet soda". Then let the multi conversations start, with whoever responds.
Then if more than one respond,cancel all but the one who sounds like the most eager, surest bet for sex.
Canceling on a girl isn't a bad strategy either, as that will make them MORE interested in you. Trust me. Men almost never cancel, by doing this you make yourself less available.
Give an excuse, you need to do some laundry.Make sure it always sounds like bullshit.
You kinda want to very subtly convey you are fucking other girls.
So, now that you know THAT is what a Chad looks like juggling other girls, you can make it LOOK like that to any one girl, even if the other 7 don't exist.
If she doesn't respond to your text, then that is it. You're done there.
Maybe 3 days later you send her a text that looks like you plausably could have meant it for another girl. Vauge "hey bring the movie you like".