Tfw I hurted my lower back by attempting an Anime movement/routine

>tfw I hurted my lower back by attempting an Anime movement/routine

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I tried to do a vacum ass cannon from Keijo but slammed my lower back against a wall

This is the funniest thing I've read all day.

I tought that I was prepared after doing 100 "8" figures with my ass and using my butt as a fist against walls on a daily basis, I think I fucked up

What does your mom think of it?

Do a real routine until you're too good for 2D girls.

but did you also do 100m butt walks?

she was a prize queen herself

shit, I forgot about that

which anime move, user?

you fucked up

you weren't ready to attempt the vacuum ass cannon

I should know, I'm an asstronaut

I was about to call you autistic but then I remembered that I yelled ORA ORA ORA while punching a bag once. Maybe we're all just a little retarded.

Vacuum ass cannon


there is litetally anything wrong with being a chuuni

Has anime finally gone too far?

No. It has been saved.


This is the same anime where stuff like webm related can happen how can you even think your ass can compete?

XD is this a JoJo reference? well played sir!

How to obtain keijo-tier glutes?

100mts butt walks and 100 hip thrusts EVERY DAY


Don't you fucking bully me.

there's a weeb in my maths class who watches this anime every fucking lesson
it's fucking weird

what the fuck is this shit