What actually kills gains?

What actually kills gains? What are some PRIME gains killers that should be avoided if possible?

People tell me that cardio can butcher gains but I am not sure it's true.

People say not eating protein 30 mins after a workout will kill gains.

people say jerking off will kill gains as well.

What is the truth? What are prine gains killers?

None of those are true.
There's partial truth to the cardio one but that's only if you're retarded enough to not eat.


smoking or any kind of hard drug that has muscle atrophy

Not eating
Not working out for extended periods of time

>anabolic window of 30 minutes
Bullshit by the supplement industry

>jerking off
No one really knows and I'd be willing to bet its neglible.

Just eat right, workout consistently, and do cardio. It doesn't kill gains unless you go overboard but cardio gains are important

Anything that gets in the way of your routine is bad but Having a gf is the worst.

Lack of sleep.
high body fat (higher estrogen, less efficient nutrition partitioning, low self esteem cause you're a fat fuck and have a moonface)
more than 20 minutes cardio while cutting

Jerking off only kills gains because you waste testosterone that you need for that extra push in lifting.

You can jerk off, but you have to do it during, or after you're done lifting.

Girlfriends. Not that anyone on fit can confirm

Its a meme

> During
What exercise would you be able to fap at the same time?

Yeah, like girlfriends are real

They can actually help gains

>gf kills gains

Bullshit. Mine respects my time and knows I like lifting and she wants me to keep my body to show me off at sorority events.

>tfw I'm objectified by my gf

>He doesn't do one-handed-fap-pullups, or as i like to call them the One Armed Bandit

Fucking pleb get out

>People tell me that cardio can butcher gains but I am not sure it's true.

This is true due to satellite movement during cardio. Its not about killing gains, but it does impact it significantly enough to where you should avoid it if you are an elite athlete. If youre not, you dont need to worry about things like this. This is a rule for most things u read about yet casuals think applies to them.

>People say not eating protein 30 mins after a workout will kill gains.

Research shows ingesting protein BEFORE a workout is more effective than after. Hormonal changes occur 1-2 hours after eating leading to better hormonal output during lifting. Eating after is a product of Muscle Protein Synthesis reversal. It should be done if you really want to preserve as much muscle as possible. Requirements are largely exaggerated though, 6g of Leucine is all you really need. But protein with Leucine,Isoleucine, and Valine increases MPS time before it naturally reverses again.

>people say jerking off will kill gains as well.

Not sure about this one, but IIRC I recall a study that showed jerking it helped lifting. Dont quote me on this one though.

>What is the truth? What are prime gains killers?

Fasted exercise, Skipping breakfast, Not getting enough sleep, Not getting enough water, not controlling your acute variables (rest, load, Time under tension, ect), Not having a proper foundation (you wont find programs online with foundational training unfortunately) and maybe a few more.

Source: Exercise Physiologist.

Leg press perhaps?

Opioids will destroy your test

>tfw after wisdom teeth removal but only taking Advil because test


Top kek m80

How to develop a foundation? Could you describe a good foundation?


I'm no expert but from my own experience, and experience of my close friend, 3-4 months of caliesthenics makes a pretty decent foundation. Hell, after 6 months of pure caliesthenics my friends looks already pretty good in cloaths. No additional protein, no "fixed diet". Just exercies and healthy food

Can confirm. Started a bulk and then got gf. Forgot to lift for a bit and got fat.

Now she comes to the gym with me.

jerking off/fucking increases testosterone lvls; unless u jerk off/fuck so much ur balls cant make enough sperm in time. if u dont jerk it or have sex enough u lose testosterone... use it or lose it

i'll explain what we do with beginning athletes and athletes who have to restart due to injuries as generically as possible.

normally we start by looking at compensations. Depending on the athletes needs, we conduct a few assessments that would show how they are moving, and where they are compensating. This is a bitch for regular people because if you dont have anyone knowledgeable how could you fix it... but this is why its so important to push these things onto the public and to new health/fitness coaches.

However back to the point, when you look at people and why they are compensating it can be for a variety of reasons. If a muscle is underactive, as in not strong enough, it forces other muscles to work harder which will inevitably lead to injury. If a muscle is over active it will take over the job of other muscles leading to injury. Both of these lead to other muscles becoming under/over active. For example, an overactive (or short) gastroc will lead to an underactive Tibialis anterior. However because the body works as a kinetic chain, the problems caused effect the body as a whole. If you have excessive pronation at the foot, your knees will knock inward, if they do that youll stretch the glutes making them underactive. If glutes are underactive youll have overactive hip flexors, if hip flexors are overactive youll have an underactive erector spinae and if thats underactive youll have an overactive pec major leading to kyphosis or a hunched back. So you are now hunched up top due to a problem with your ankles.

These issues are only one aspect of compensations. You will also have problems with a muscles ability to product efficient force due to the muscle being elongated (underact) or shortened (over act). And then you'll have poor neuromuscular control and poor neuron firing leading to some muscles firing improperly or with improper timing.

So these things make for poor foundation, so how do we address these things?

Press 200lbs, bench 300lbs, squat 400lbs, deadlift 500lbs.

What about booze?

Well, to address foundational issues you do assessments, find where the body is compensating and then do work to fix them in what is normally a 4-6 week "stage". Self Myofascial release and static stretches should be done on over active muscles before lifting. The idea here is to elongate the shortened muscles and increase their Range of motion. The elongated muscles must be strengthened, however you dont just jump into a strength program because strength is a product of neurons firing and fiber recruitment, which are obviously lacking as you have these deficiencies leading to your compensations.

So how do we address this. We do stability training. When we look at the way the body adapts we notice that early on strength increases are neurological. we have better muscle recruitment, synchronization, rate coding ect. so we want to use the first month in which this is happening to our advantage by emphasizing these. hence the first "Stage".

Stabilization is where we begin and more specifically, at the core. Note, the core isnt abs only, its the glutes, quads, hamstrings, lats. they all work to keep the core stabile to a degree and theres more to the abdominals than the rectus abd, which is the 6 pack. Something we teach people is to lie on their backs and bend the knees to a 45 degree angle. while laying practice holding the muscle that you use when you hold back your pee. dont do this too hard, just breathe in, out, hold it for 2 seconds. If youre holding your breath or cant talk youre doing it too hard. 1 set of 10. Now, in the same position draw in your belly button to your spine. You should feel pressure in your abs, this is good as this pressure stabilizes the core. hold for 2, do the same as the first exercise. Now do the first, WITH the second, hold, and this is the intro do proper core stabilization which will lead the way to everything else as it is the base for balance, for the rest of the body.


being objectified owns rite

Booze is bad. I lifted for ages and got nowhere until I cut it out. May differ person-by-person. I have a friend who drinks loads and gets mad gainz, if I drink a few beers Friday night I'm on nogainz for a week.

Huge amount of calories in beer as well.

shitposting on an azerbaijani virtual snowboarding posterboard

if you like to drink and want the gainzz the best way is to do it is to limit yourself to vodka&soda on a night out. it's like 60~ cals, and unless youre an alchy (like me) 4 or 5 will have you nice and loose.

Now that we have an idea on how to properly contract the pelvic floor and stabilize our core, we need to implement it into the rest of our stabilizaton program. This means doing this with every lift. This will reduce the risk of injury, continue to strengthen that core, and lead to stronger lifts. But remember, the rest of our body is compensating so lets address it.

As i mentioned before we had shortened muscles, which we addressed with myofascial release, poor core stabilization which we are learning now, and then we still have elongated muscles that we need to strengthen as well as poor neuralmuscular control. So we kill 3 birds with 1 stone next.

Depending on how you split your workouts this will change, but lets just split this into a PPL for the sake of it. What we want to do is address neural control by performing higher volume work at slower paces. this means if youre curling you want a ~4 second eccentric phase, 2 second isometric hold, and 2 second concentric phase. The idea here is to build those proper motor patterns where we focus on form. The elongated muscles should be firing better due to out MYo release, and because initial strength gains are neurological, become stronger. But we need to address the core ALWAYS. so what we do it create an unstable environment. The bd curl (DB because it requires more stabilization work) we were doing should incorporate core work by changing our surface. There are many ways to do this, but it should be noted that there are safe advancements and they should only be done if they can be performed with proper control. You do this by staggering your stance, going onto 1 leg, using a foam surface, and eventually a BOSU ball (although it was just mentioned to me recently that people should stop using this as they arent safe nor smart unless youre sitting on it) all while holding those contractions in the pelvic floor I mentioned before.


>tfw I'm objectified by my gf

Are you me?

Not eating enough is the biggest gain killer

Bro you know sorority chicks get spitroasted by dudes at socials, right?


But I'm also there.

its really that easy wen it comes to this beginning corrective phase. the hard part is being able to spot the issues with ones mechanics in order to address them properly. I wish I could help you here, but this is something that requires an in-person assessment and works best with day to day adjustments. Just keep in mind the core is made of up type 1 muscle fibers, meaning their jobs are sustained/endurance based. So when contracting throughout these workouts youre training the local layer of the abs such as the multifidus and TVA ect. Research also shows that doing Closed kinetic chain workouts also increase stability. So squats where your feet are on the ground-which wont move- is better than doing a leg press where the legs move the resistance.
I know there is a meme about rep ranges, but I think the meme comes from people not understanding that the rep ranges are supposed to be coupled with loads to create the proper response. They exist for a reason, and that reason is convenience. You should be in the 12-20 rep range as the goal here is to build those neural pathways and stabilization. What this means is that on your 12-20th rep you should not be able to do more. If you can, you need to up the weight. and they should all be done with proper form, if you cant, lower it. Rest should be minimal, recommended ~30 seconds.

Next we go into the final "base" stage which is really going to focus on the bodies ability to endure future loads. SO before we worked on stability and neurological fixes, now we want the body to be able to perform higher reps, at a slightly higher load. This phase of endurance will be an all around phase, gaining the base for hypertrophy and strength.


Phase 2 is normally done in a superset fashion. What we do is have someone do a stable workout, such as a bench press, followed by an unstable one such as db press on an unstable surface, or cable press on an unstable surface. The compound movements will assist in creating that synergy between muscles and the supersetting will add to metabolic stress for hypertrophy. I should note we continue with our Myo release prior (and after if u want) to working out but instead of static stretching we implement active stretching. The only changes here are static to active stretching, increasing sets to 2-3 and the superset fashion. The goal is just to improve that base from phase 1 and prepare it for what most workout routines youll find online- and that everyone else jumps into- which is hypertrophy/strength/power training. You'll dramatically improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury this way. These are stages we never skip with clients/athletes yet they are the most ignored amongst the general public.


I'll stop here though because I'm getting tired of typing and dont know if anyones even reading this. But just keep in mind hypertrophy requires volume as it occurs through both mechanical and metabolic stress which is hwy these stages are important. Then when you look at strength gains you need to realize that strength is neurological. It comes from neuromuscular adaptations and the ability to recruit muscle fibers which is why hypertrophy should ideally come before it. Power is a product of load X speed making strength training a precursor to proper power efficiency.

yet when you look at beginner programs they completely ignore the foundational training and jump people into hyp/str/pwr. Ignoring that they tend to rely on the previous one for maximum efficiency, the real problems come with the compensations that they didnt fix in foundational training becauses if you do manage to jump into a str program, all youre doing is trainign WITH the compensation and making it worse which will inevitably lead to an injury. 80% of weight lifters experience an injury due to compensations. thats a huge percentage. And because they refuse to start with foundational training as they look for shortcuts they not only miss out on efficient movement, but end up becoming injured and missing out on more time training due to injury than they would have if they had just done the foundational training.

If you read any of this thanks I guess? these things arent so stage like when youre working with more advanced people though, this would be linear as fuck, and in reality you'd have every stage being incorporated depending on the individual and their unique situation. This means not 4 week stages, but sometimes weekly stages or even micro stages within the workout itself (day to day). But for now, this is what the average person should be doing before going that far into detail.

you better keep posting because i have flat feet mother fucker and i need this shit, all information needed plox. would be very appreciated


Flat feet are tricky. You can have flat feet due to excessive pronation. Flat feet naturally can also lead to excessive pronation by nature...

In the case of excessive pronation at the feet you tend to have quite a bit of things associated with it. Overactive soleus/gastroc, peroneals, overactive adductors,bicep femoris, and the hipflexors as well as the illiotibial band. Which ones exactly I couldnt tell you, but with assessments you would be able to pin point them more efficiently. however since they work in a chain, you can do SMR on them all and static stretching. Just remember not to hold more than 30 secs, there are strength losses above that.

depending on which muscles are overactive you could potentially have underactive anterior and posterior tibialis', glutes, hip ext rotators, or vastus medialis. These are things youd want to focus on strengthening and re-gaining neural control over after stretching the shortened ones.

The anterior tibialis might be what you want to look at. its job is to stabilize the arch of the foot, and it is more than likely elongated with flat feet.

I am totally reading this stuff. Thanks bro! I am OP by the way.

Sounds like a sorority girl lmao. Good luck buddy

Top zozzle m8

I know this feel. But it's not objectifying more than just her general smugness of how Veeky Forums and good looking I am. What sorority?

Protein = gainz.

why smoking? i'm fairly ignorant I'm sorry but i can't understand why smoking would be worse than-say- a very low daily protein intake

cardiocirculation system? loss of appetite? less stamina?

sorry again for the dumb question

Alpha Phi.

Nicotine is a stimulant and effects your sleep quality. Smoking will greatly effect your circulation and heart rate..ect.


My gf is in phi mu

Are you getting spit roasted too?

stress will kill your gains


really fast one-handed unweighted hammer curls

I love you boi

how tf do I stop stressing?

This is entirely dependent on how shit your genetics are
I've seen dudes who are Veeky Forums as fuck but smoke

>Fasted exercise, Skipping breakfast

Only if you are depleted.
If you have at least 100g of glucose in your ass you are good.
Make sure to eat after ASAP


there is a thing called cortisol that exists nerd lord

Alcohol and painkiller abuse had a big effect on my physique

>dating a sorority girl

If youre that paranoid about working out fasted, just take 5g of BCAAs pre workout

>ingest something during a fast
>not 6g
>telling someone to just ingest and not just fuckin recommending ingestion of carbs and protein before hand AKA a meal as there are more benefits

cmon man. Fasted exercise just doesnt make sense.

It would make sense if you were running a marathon on an empty tank.
Lifting weights for 45 min won't do you harm.
By your logic you would loose muscles in the morning when you wake up.

Yes, long endurance would be especially bad. however

>By your logic you would loose muscles in the morning when you wake up.

>being this retarded
these changes are not acute, they are chronic issues that arrive because of chronic cortisol accumulation.

not tracking your progress properly kills your gains because it kills your motivation.

Jumping from one program to another every 3 weeks kills gains because of a lack of time for meaningful growth/ too small a sample size.

> chronic cortisol accumulation
What are you, a surgeon?
You are not working 20 hours a day.

What you expirence after not eating for a few hours is not hunger, it is your fucked up appetite which you feed every 3 hours.
Real hunger and cortisol come after a few days of fasting. Do you also think that anabolic window is not a meme?

Beast and feast, son.
Don't eat every two hours like an obeying goym

never done painkillers except for a blissful 3 week period after a bad car accident and subsequent surgery where I was given unlimited pure oxycontin. During that time I dropped weight like mad, probably because I was so high I didn't care to eat, felt good enough already).

Now I'm struggling with pretty serious alcholism. It's the ultimate gains goblin. You feel like shit when you're sober so you don't want to go to the gym, alcohol alone is loads of calories and then you drunkenly binge-eat the shittest foods you can get your hands on.

Booze is by far the worst. You lose muscle while getting fat and it rapes basically every organ when you drink loads of it all the time.

Opiates will fuck you up too, but as long as you manage to eat enough and avoid spending all day nodding you can still make gains from a physiological standpoint. It's just that once you get into opiates you're not gonna worry about the gym and eating you're gonna worry about getting more opiates.

m8,. if you dont have an idea as to what the average Americans cortisol levels are like throughout the day you have some research to do. The average American no longer gets below "resting" Cortisol levels. Its very much an epidemic. Theres no reason why you should be doing things that would exacerbate the problem when you can simply avoid it. Plus research shows that those who consume breakfast lose more weight.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles user. I believe you can kick the bottle, when the time is right.

> being American
> not being a Slav
> not feasting on a roasted boar every evening after a day of optimal fast

Mate, this is Veeky Forums, not Reddit, you cannot assume that everyone here is an American.

Fair enough. It still doesnt make sense to do it when there are more benefits to eating and risks you can prevent.

Of course, if cortisol is sky high, one should not fast.
But then there is a much bigger problem than making gains.

your orm

Cock puch ups

I'm working on it now, I graduate in 3 weeks and I spent the whole week off I had at home for Thanksgiving blacking out all the time. I'm sure I pissed off a lot of my oldest, best friends but they'll forgive me as long as I clean up.

Thanks for the kind words though dude, I want to look good and be healthy. This lifestyle sucks ass and sobriety is hard as fuck when even small negative feelings like boredom cause me to get serious cravings. But hey, not drinking today and one day at a time is all I can do.

Good shit man, at least the chan's always there for you. I've done my fair share of drinking over the past 8 years or so. Took me that long to realize I like a great night's sleep and waking up early more than the higher highs and lower lows of the drug lifestyle.

I came to that realization years ago but despite that I can't control my drinking on simply will power alone. I'm probably gonna have to end up an AA drone but if that's what it takes to life a good life so be it. Worked for my pops so it can work for me.

Once you start opiates you're gonna have much bigger problems than just gains. Don't even play around with them

Also very sorry for your alcoholism brother. Stay strong

you know women always view men as objects right?

I use heroin once or twice a week dont have a physical habit and my lifts are going up fast as fuck

>more than 20 minutes cardio while cutting

>tfw girls invite you to date functions so they can show me off
I love it. ignore the geeds

>invite you
invite me