Did I fuck up?

Veeky Forums senpai, last night my girlfriend and I were celebrating my birthday and she went out of her way to get me a gift but I think i fucked up.

She bought me a high-end gym bag with some gloves in it. I have a bad poker face so she saw I was upset and when asking whether I liked it or not I told her no followed by how I was enjoying my birthday until now.

She looked hurt but honestly I don't even have a need for this stuff. Did I fuck up?

Dammit dude, thats mean as fuck

Gonna have to make it up to her

>I told her no followed by how I was enjoying my birthday until now
>Did I fuck up?

what a stupid bitch, slap her face hard

Yeah. Girls have their emotions in overdrive constantly.
A guy may have shrugged it off and said whatever but she will remember this for years to come.

No, you were sincere, if you don't like it it's fine, its not the end of the world, she overreacted

You're fucking retarded and 100% autistic. How the fuck do idiots like you exist?

This, while wearing the gloves of course.

Give it to me faggot, I don't need the gf she's prob ugly and I have one already; but how dare you show no appreciation on your bday. I use a shitty old Mets dufflebag from the 90s and could use a new one. You must have lots of friends lmao not

She gave you gloves and a purse to match. You're a fancy boy now.

But yeah you fucked up. I've gotten plenty of dumb gifts from girlfriends but you better believe I acted like I loved them and if it was clothes I would wear them around them even if I hated it.

tfw i'm perfect gentleman but cant get gf but assholes like you go around saying stupid shit like that


>doesn't realize his standards are set too high in relation to what he is actually able to offer a woman
The game isn't rigged, you just are shooting for the stars when ya ain't Romeo nigga

This is the most autistic shit ive seen this week
I browse the 'chon a lot so this is a big achievement, gj user

Here is the bag I got, it doesn't even look much better than the one's you find at sporting goods store for far less.

He went past just saying he didn't like it, the retard said "your gift ruined my day". Who would you actually say that to? Nevermind your gf. Someone is going out of their way to get me something I would at the least just say thank you and smile no matter how bad the gift is.

Yall are some spoiled little shits

>she saw I was upset and when asking whether I liked it or not I told her no followed by how I was enjoying my birthday until now
>Did I fuck up?

Jfc dude, are you legit autistic? Did you not learn to fake appreciation of a gift in the (presumably) over 18 years of your life? Your gf got you a present for your birthday that's relevant to your interests. She knows you like to hit the gym so got you a new, and as you described, high-end tote for your stuff along with equipment that's specifically for lifting, and NOT ONLY do you have the unmitigated nerve to straight up tell her you don't like it, you imply that the gift she thoughtfully, albeit naively, picked for you ruined your motherfucking birthday?

I pray to fucking god that this is b8 and that I've been rused, but if it isn't I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she dumps you within the month. You're a mean, self-absorbed person and I'll bet that you would be rustled as fuck if she pulled the same shit with you.

Put the gloves on and beat the fuck out of her

cheap bitch. for my birthday my gf got me an iphone 7. it wasnt the right colour but it was fine. I pat her head and said "good job sport"

This fucking clown. Stop acting like an ass to your girl, she got you a fucking gift and she didn't even have to.

OP was upset because he's 400 lbs.

Are you an actual robot? Do you not understand normal human behavior?

Are you fucking 15 what the fuck bro? Who the fuck cares about all this nonsense go work in a coal mine.

Don't go work in a coal mine, it's very dangerous.

How did you get a girlfriend?
The least you could do is tell her you like it but want to keep the one you have currently and have her buy you something else. I'm sure she'd understand.
Or just use the one she bought you, you fucking retard.

>gf goes out and buys you gift
>uses own money, thought you'd like it since it's relevant to your interests, gives you gift because she cares for you
>"your gift ruined my birthday"

You're a faggot. I hope she dumps your ungrateful ass next week.

found the cuck

Kek you are retard, now she will be "easy mode" for the next dude to bang her by just being nice to her

Thanks, I guess

OP Checking In

OP i dont know how you got a gf with your autism but it does appear you wont have one much longer. godspeed.

Youre an idiot. And probably a teen. Hence the idiocy.

I'm in my late 20's and we just have a very open relationship. If I like something I tell her and if I don't like something I tell her.

Isn't this normal?

So much this
t. Girl

Bruh, don't apologize. You were being honest and are sincere in your regret at makong her upset.

Plus that looks like a great "travel bag" Beats traditional luggage and you can still use it.

It is, Veeky Forums is just so autistic when they see normal human behavior.

Theres a difference between telling someone you like something and being a dick about it. Its supremely assanine to complain and/or make feel someone shitty because they tried to do something nice for you.

Op you are legit autistic, this is literally worse than old lickaroo-tier autism.
Jesus christ

Why not just use the fucking bag? It doesn't look bad (actually looks pretty nice). As far as the gloves go just say you don't use them while you're lifting but you might try them out.

Jesus dude. You're kind of a piece of shit.

but thats a pretty nice bag dude
if you dont want it ill gladly take it

>You're kind of a piece of shit.

That's how I got her to pay attention to me when I was making small talk and she kept giving me one word answers so I flat out called her lazy and she then opened up and we hit it off from there.

I can understand you op. It feels like waste to spend money on something expensive like that when a plastic bag will do and quality dosn't matter.

>tfw you and your gf have a "let's go pick shit out together" kind of relationship

what did he mean by this

I didn't want to give OP the illusion of me >implying that's him

He was honest with her.

You should always be honest to your girl.

If she asks if she's fat and she's fat tell her she's fat so she can stop being fat


T. Married happily for 7 years

>I was upset
why the fuck would getting a gift upset you