MK-677 thread
Share your stories of taking MK-677 and the positive and negative effects it had on you.
Also, should I take it if I have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome?
Should I take it if I'm 6'3 130 lbs?
MK-677 thread
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enjoy premature death
No one has ever died from taking it.
Took 25mg a day for 12 weeks.
Felt absolutely nothing. Bought from JWsuppliments
Did you notice any changes at all?
I R C . B I O
Bretty gud, literally all day pumps, gained a half inch in height, and it healed my mountain biking wrist injury.
I've been taking 25mg a day for 2 months. 18 years old
Not really. I got a little stronger and a little leaner but both of those can be attributed to other things. Like y'know, lifting and eating good. Definitely not worth the cash for me.
Keep in mind though that my experience with it is not common. I had terrible diet, and no lifting prior to taking it and working out. I went from fat tub of golfing lard and binge drinker to strict diet, 6 day lifting week, and lots of cardio
Just started taking it yesterday.
Got a bretty gud pump and slept like a baby.
must've been fake or something. I started taking 10mg/day ED (bought from IRC) and the first time I took it, it was definitely a quite noticable sensation. Face went red, blood pressure up and whatnot.
Also insane dreams, insanely deep sleep, long pumps and insane hunger.
ask cap from fraud. he's got you covered bro
That dude Dylan Gemelli says this shit is legit, and he's super knowledgeable so...
Does anybody know if you're going to run into trouble transporting mk677 overseas (airport security)?
Either in powder or solution form?
It's not illegal, dangerous or toxic, so as long as you claim it's for research purposes if anybody asks, I think you should be fine.
just make sure you follow the tsa regulations for carrying liquids (100mL bottles or smaller in a quart sized ziplock)
why would you listen to a shill like that
He seems like he knows his stuff
He is such a shill
his website sells the stuff, just go to his website and mk-677 is literally the first thing there
not saying mk-677 is not legit for what it is, but under no circumstances should you listen to what he has to say on effectiveness/side-effects etc (or buy from his website, for that matter -- buy from a trusted supplier that provides QoAs and spectrums)
I've been taking off and on a little over 8 months now. Stayed at 25mg, started taking it to fix my sleep, was suffering from horrible insomnia. I'm a lanklet and it helped with appetite, and since June I've put on 16 lbs with no increase in BF. I've gotten it from IRC, American peptides, and Transformix. IRC I've had the most noticeable side effects with increase hunger, and numb fingers. transformix, and American peptides didn't do shit.
hey cap
Where is trusted? I saw some legit labs selling on eBay
IRC, ceretropic (although they seem to not carry SARMs and mk-677 anymore)
Anyone tried ostarine?
Yes. I used to take ostarine standalone, now I'm stacking it with mk-677.
Was it any good? Im thinking of running it standalone early next year
How was it stand alone any sides or shut down? You pct?
I did ostarine too, helped a lot, gained mass and increased regeneration without too many sides.
no sides, no significant shutdown, didn't do any PCT.
I took bloods two weeks after cycling off (took 12.5mg for two months) and my test levels where around 400 (600-ish normal), so the impact is pretty minimal.
on my second cycle I went to 25mg, and now I'm stacking it with 20mg mk-677.
Standalone at 12.5mg it's pretty weak, but it does help lean you out. I think that's really the best use of ostarine, when you want to lose some fat without losing muscle-mass. I don't think it makes much sense to use it for bulking. There are some significant strength improvements you can make at this dose.
I experimented with both taking doses once and twice daily. I have a feeling that twice daily gives better results, but it gave me some side-effects where my balls would have a slight aching pain in them sometimes (not a lot, but still worried me.)
Either way, if you're taking ostarine at this kind of dosage, you have to expect to take it for a long time before really reaping any benefits.
Other than very slight suppression, ostarine will make your cholesterol worse etc, so do more cardio.
At 25mg combined with mk-677 (20mg at night), the effects get much much more noticable, and start to become somewhat comparable to maybe running some weak steroids like anavar. (I don't have any experience with steroids myself, personally, so I'm extrapolating here.) Really hard and huge pumps, bis look significantly enlargened, etc. I'm sure lots of it is just water weight though, and will drop once I cycle off.
Whether mk-677 is a good idea or not depends on what you want to achieve. It causes a lot of water-bloat and is not THAT helpful for building muscle, but does build bones etc. If you want to cut, it's probably not the best choice, since it makes you really really hungry -- but taking it right before going to sleep kinda circumvents that issue. Just expect to be waking up with a majorly grumbling stomach.
How long did you run it for? Did you pct?
also, when on ostarine and/or mk-677, increase protein intake by a lot. Ostarine helps with nutrient partitioning, if you make more protein available to your system, you will get the most out of it. Consistently drink shakes throughout the day and casein at night.
Awesome thanks for that. Did you gain any mass on just osta alone?
Can you drink alcohol on it?
I did. I enjoyed it. Bounced back from an injury quickly with its help.
Higher HGH signalling is associated with shortened lifespan, and lower HGH signalling, as in the case with people who have the FOX03 gene, have significantly longer lives than average. A large portion of Millennials have this gene variation.
how are you supposed to consume the powder?
Yes, but at 12.5mg the gains are pretty slight. You will have to run it for a long time to really notice the effect. I think the leaning-out effect is more noticable and the bigger reason why it makes you look more muscular. If you want really noticable gains (and you're willing to take stronger side-effects) you probably want to run like 25mg+.
Strength gains are noticable at 12.5mg already, though, I made really consistent progress on my OHP while on ostarine.
Also, a day or two after I started taking it, I looked a bit more pumped in the mirror. Not sure if that may have just been placebo, it was pretty subtle, it I do think ostarine may pump your muscles up a tiny bit.
I don't know of any reason why you couldn't, but I didn't really drink any alcohol while on it myself, except for a single beer here and there, maybe.
Also, mk-677 tastes as bad as everyone said, so if your gag-reflex is triggered easily, you might wanna pre-fill that shit into gelatin capsules or something. Ostarine OTOH is tasteless.
Yeah I was thinking of running it at 25mg with some nolva pct if i get shutdown and an ai on hand. But going to work it up from half dose just to try find a sweet spot. Ill more than likely aim for 6 weeks at 25mg but if the sides are low run it for 8
cap it, make a solution, sublingually
Yeah from all the reviews ive read about it. It is reported that it gives you like a constant pump. Also congrats on your ohp. Im hoping to add some weight to my bench and squat
I doubt you'll need the PCT, but it may depend on how strongly you react to the increase in est (ostarine is known to raise est slightly.) Even at 25mg, I don't get tender nipples or anything like that. The thing I'm really worrying the most about is the drop in test, which probably means some loss in muscle mass after I cycle off.
the ostarine in combination with mk-677 gives me long-lasting (two days or so) pumps after hitting the gym hard, but it's not like a constant pump. ostarine by itself certainly doesn't give me a feeling of being pumped.
Are you fucks really that scared of the needle?
or is it bc mommy might find your syringes and you'd get in trouble..
LOl fucking natties.
Never heard of this stuff until now. Can someone give me a quick rundown of the pros and cons? Thinking about ordering it by virtue of being legal.
Big muscles
Kidney failure
Literally anabolic steroid jr
Save some money for your gummy worms and aftershave because afterwards they had the misfortune of doing in the hospital
Can you order needles, test, syringes, and pct online straight to your doorstep?
Yeah im just going to grab some, will probably end up doing a test cycle one day so may as well just have it sitting handy. Plus i got slight gyno so dont want to take any chances have heard of people getting flare ups but thats more than likely them getting prohormones instead of ostarine
Saw this on ebay is it legit?
>I took bloods two weeks after cycling off (took 12.5mg for two months) and my test levels where around 400 (600-ish normal), so the impact is pretty minimal.
The impact would be on your GH levels, not your test levels.
Oh, never mind, you were discussing ostarine too.
Injecting grey market and black market drugs seriously increases the risk of getting a dangerous dose of something nasty.
I've looked before and never found much of anything about them. Nothing good and nothing bad so take from that what you will.
yup same as other guy, on for 4 weeks, put on weight and fixed lagging shoulder injury. drank a lot of water and i was fine pretty much
What dosage? I was thinking 4 weeks but thought it would be too short
been taking 600mg/ed and my dick grew 6 inches in length and girth and my hair tripled in thickness
btw i was a girl
thought my body had an abnormal reaction.
good to know it did this for someone else too.
Just look at that packaging, you don't need a quarter brain to know that isn't legit.
Selling ostarine (or any of the other SARMs which are not approved/classified by the FDA) as anything but a "research compound" is extremely illegal.
That stuff probably doesn't contain an ounce of ostarine.
Buy from one of the trusted suppliers like IRC that provide you with purity spectras and third-party lab certificates. It's still pretty cheap, for something like $100-$200 you'll get enough ostarine to last you a year or two.
I took this last year when I had a broken rib.
I can't remember the dosage, but I took whatever the warning said not to exceed per day, which was higher than the recommended... Forget the brand though so I dunno. Took it for 8 weeks.
Rib was broken, like I said. Couldn't twist or move much. Lifting was out of the question considering it hurt to even open a door or breath too heavily.
Within 2 weeks I was fine. It still hurt when I tried to lift so I gave it another week. Although normal activities were fine.
4th week and I was completely healed. Went back to lift and I felt very strong. But probably due to the deload effect of taking a few weeks off.
The place where my rib broke had a big calcified lump that protruded slightly. Basically the break had overhealed and I now have more bone where it snapped than there was previously.
My finger joints felt kind of swollen and slow/stiff... But it was almost the opposite of when they are too "dry" from low estrogen. No pain or anything. They felt full of water. My wrist felt the same way too but less so... I don't know if it was directly the joints or just lots of water retention built up in my hands somehow.
It went away as soon as I stopped taking it.
So yeah. Can't comment on if it helps lifting or not. But it definitely helps your bones. And seems to do SOMETHING with your joints although I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. It felt weird.
Dick didn't grow any bigger btw :(