How many of you faggots are stuck at 52.5/155 OHP?

How many of you faggots are stuck at 52.5/155 OHP?

500g plates

As a 1 rep max?

>implying i even The Press™

just do the superior db press

At 145lbs now for 3x5, been stuck at it for a month now

Have you tried push presses?

>Have you tried cheating?

do more volume dum dum

No need to be completely retarded user. Let me help you with some lifting wisdom:

Add two sets of push presses at the end of your strict presses to get extra volume.

Ad a heavy push press day to get used to locking out heavier weight.

>muh perfect form
is a ridiculous meme that needs to die. Cheating to get extra training volume is a smart way to break a plateau

52.5 kg for 155 reps?

I'm stuck at 40kg x5





How do you prefer to do your push presses? One foot forward or both legs together.

What a cuck. That's where I started and I was a fucking lardball.

I'm doing 5x5 and failed my 3rd set at 115lbs. I think I'm gona be stuck for a while.

I switched to military press and it felt a lot better overall.


well which one?

Don't give up, you're gona make it.

Last friday I was warming up and something cracked in my neck when I pushed my head back to let the bar pass the chin, I didnt feel any pain, just some kind of shock. Then very quickly my left trap got really tight and I couldnt turn my head around and it got kinda painful after.

That was scary as fuck, i'm still a bit stiff today but its getting better.

Any idea wtf happened ?

Throw in some behind-the-neck pressing if you've got the mobility. Helped me take my strict OHP max from 80kg to 90kg.

155lb 5x5 OHP today… last few reps were more of a push press though

TFW 32kg/32x

That's pretty good though. My 1rm strict is only 180. Push press I can get almost 2 plate.

My 5x5 progression consists of failing my third set, moving weight down to finish the last two sets, then the next time I come I get all 5 sets and repeat. Might be easier with 1.25lb micro plates but with only 2.5lb plates I can't progress every time.

Hmm I'll give that a try thanks.

yup. strained levator scapulae. pretty frequent. skip whatever bugs it for a session or two and you'll be a-ok.

don't skimp on your dynamic warmups and don't turn your head left or right next time.

Fuck off OP stop

>rep out 135 fresh for 5
>rep out 135 after bench for 3-5
>145 for 2-3
>155 is literally 100lbs heavier than 145 and I can MAYBE hit it for 1 strict rep on a good say

Why is 155lb OHP the 2pl8 Bench equivalent

That happened to my mate today sheeiiit.
Can this be prevented? I'm on 67.5kg and don't want to fuck it up.

>>Muh perfect form
>Is a ridiculous meme that needs to die. Cheating to get extra training volume is a smart way to break a plateau

This, desu.

Last night I did

>155 lbs 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
Strict form
>120 lbs for 7*10
Strict form

It goes up every week. Tbh, I'm not slowing down, and if I do I burn out with push press.

Let's say next week I can't do 160 for a few sets of three. Then I'll push press 160 for as many sets of 5 as possible and pyramid down.
>155 for 5*3
Doing this at 165lbs bodyweight.

My 1rm is bodyweight now, but I won't be satisfied until it's 5x bodyweight.

>don't skimp on your dynamic warmups and don't turn your head left or right next time.

Oh right, do this and I should be fine.

Checked and thats exactly it.

Wierd it happened since I always start warming up first with a broom handle to check form, then a empty bar, then I increase weights 3 times before reaching the workout weight. Also happened with my head straight ..

Congratz at being able to OHP 25% of your bodyweight.

This helps.

Also close grip incline work helped. I was stalled at 150x3 for the longest time, and I hit 170x2 3 months later after adding some volume work for my shoulders and tris

listen. i did so too. atleast for 3 months.

i tried everything like deloading, more reps, volume etc.

keep in mind everything i'm telling you is my personal experience, as reference there is me, my brother and a friend of mine.

the 45 kg to 55kg range is a huge plateau for 95% of beginners. you CAN brute force it by doing it rippetoe style and stuff as much food as you can and thus make progress (way beyond +500 kcal).

I recommend upping the weight by the smallest amount and reverse pyramid the rep scheme.

for example:

55 x 3-5 (first set is mostly strongest with highest endurance)
55 x 2-3
55 x 1-2

followed by 2 sets with 50kg x F

atm im Press(tm)ing 75 x 3 x 5, pr with higher %bf was 82.5kg

gl bro, maybe it helps.

Did 60kg 3x8 today.

Best single rep I've done is 87.5kg, which is slightly above my bodyweight.

I've been lifting for 5 years.

Last time I The Press ® ™'ed I did 2x12 at 135 and 1x9 at 145. Then I did some extra sets of 1x3 at 155, 165, 175, and a final set of 1x1 at 185, all strict form. I'll move up to two working sets at 145 when I eventually manage to hit a full set of 12.

>Congratz at being able to OHP 25% of your bodyweight.

>relative weight

>ITT: the joke goes over everybody's head

I weight 175 and did standing ohp for 185 2 times...

>have I made it?

As long as it was strict and not with the help of legs to start the lift.

ya, its was strict. no crossfitting here bruv.

Hit 155 for 6 reps today, feels good.

I'm a fat guy stuck at 180. Cannot get 185 for the life of me unless I cheat

I have to kneel while doing OHP because my basement ceiling is too low. Does this count as cheating?

I'm stuck at 60lbs for reps
How the fuck do I fix my grindy shoulders

52.5 kg is not 155 lbs you fucking idiot


More like stuck at 55x5/4/3 on a good day. Guess I should move up to 57,5 and see what happens.

There's your problem. More volume ya weak bitch.

Just did 155lb x 5 the friday before last

Goal is 160 x 5 this week, probably will have to do triples though

Its more closer to 220lb bench equivalent

>failed 2pl8 today

Lol that's so weird. I am stuck at exactly 155. I guess it's only been 2 weeks so Idk if I'm truly stuck yet

i can do 60 3x5 at only 74bw

kg and lbs. That's pretty straightforward senpai.

I don't do exercises for faggots.

I'm at 135 for 10 and I'm not stuck


? are u fucking retarded ?

>tfw stuck at 1pl8 squat
kill me

get a load of this guy

Reset. If youre stuck at that weight youre probably getting garbage activation assuming that's a 5x5 rep range

Currently at 55 kg OHP, but its ok, i feel that im not ready for more

Oh i forgot: its the 4. set and i do 6 reps. :3

okay now granted I live in glorious burger land so kg isn't my thing but isn't 52kg like 115lbs or some shit?

No the two numbers don't match up

except they're not equal cunt

Eat more, I did and went from 50x4 to 60x5 in about 6 weeks

Stuck at 52.5 for 6 months now, how did you know. Meanwhile my bench is 110x5. What the fuck is going on. Is there like a secret item I have to unlock to get past that shit? Do I download a DLC?

You must up the volume man, it's the only way out of bad plateau. The Lmao1plate press is achieved only when you can do 10 flawless 55 kg Ohp

I'm a skeletonfag and stuck at 100lbs. Fuck man this lift is tough.

Thanks mate, will try

fortunetly I haven't gotten stuck on OHP yet. I started doing ut about 4 months ago and absolutely love it. Currently working at 65kg for 12 reps, I intend to try my 1 RM out in a few weeks.

I 5X5 that. Only been lifting 2 years. I'm obese tho so my stats don't matter.

Can I The Press with staggered feet stance? I find it easier on my lower back

happend to me at 60kg OHP, pinched nerve/herniated disc.. had to pause good 6-8 month and ~6 weeks of _really_ bad pain.. i had to lie like a baby and couldn't sleep straight 1 hour a night

now i don't push myself too hard with OHP anymore and do dumbbell presses instead.. fuck the barbell.. the more i train and the older i get i came to the realization that the barbell is a meme.. whatever exercise you do, dumbbells are always superior imo (except deadlifts and squats, if you do them)

don't fuck your body up with ego-barbell-training, its not worth it and you can build better muscles with dumbbells anyway

I stopped lifting because I got sick for like a month solid

and I was getting butthurt as fuck at my inability to find a mobility routine that made sense or seemed like it answered my problem with my squat.

Additionally I couldn't figure out a way of solving my squat barbell pain. It felt like I lacked the muscle mass to properly seat the bar for back squats.

>4 months ago
>65kg for 12
Is this a cruel new meme I'm not aware of?

He's obviously fat as fuck, anyone not morbidly obese has some trouble with ohp

What would obesity have to do with making an OHP difficult?

That doesn't seem to make any sense at all.
Squats I could understand, or a Deadlift. But not OHP


because of injury

>tfw ToS

this happened to me while doing ab wheel rolling

stiff fucking neck for a week and now I'm paranoid

Ive been stuck at right below 1pl8 for fucking forever