Get compliment on my gains irl

>Get compliment on my gains irl
>Think to myself that I am not worthy since I am still classed as a skinnygat DYEL on Veeky Forums

T..thanks Veeky Forums

>>Get compliment on my gains irl
Congratulations, you probably have 'made it' as much as you need to.

>caring what a bunch of fat SS victims think
all that matters is looking as masculine and lean as possible

>thinking the opinions of autists matter

>Take girl home from tinder date last night
>proceed to sexy times
>take off my shirt and she says "wow for fucks sake"
>ask what's up
>"your body is ridiculous, you make me feel so shit and fat"
>Veeky Forums would call me DYEL
>I think I need a lot more lean mass

(I'm 5'7 70kg)

>entire family says I'm looking fantastic over thanksgiving
>just last month when visiting friends they all felt emasculated and tried to dog on me because I'm bigger than them
>know I'm completely nothing because of Veeky Forums
>job is filled with adonis tier dudes and all I can do is hate myself for being so weak

I'm gonna make it. I have to just to end this feel.

featuring OP in Thing That Never Happened

>He doesn't get compliments from coworkers

hah yeah no one ever gets compliments irl especially not if they improve their physique

>last month when visiting friends they all felt emasculated and tried to dog on me because I'm bigger than them

They're not you're mates. You never, ever dog your mates.

bf% estimate?

This If they're dogging you, then get rid of 'em.

No idea
Higher than 10 lower than 15?

>people refer to me as the big guy even though I rarely talk about going to the gym and never initiate it

The joke is that I have lost a big amount of my gains during this year.

>pls no bully

>nobody ever posts pictures as proof because 99 times out of 100 Veeky Forums was right and they get destroyed

>he can't handle friendly bantz
Lol, not gunna make it

70kg at 5'6" is respectable. You've got a way to go to hit that natty limit, but you're def gonna make it.

5'7 senpai
Pls I'm already a manlet don't try to take any more away from me

80kg at same bf% is my current goal

80kg at 5'5 would sure be impressive you should post it to cbt when you hit it

Veeky Forums is never right

I'll be sure to post pics when I get down to 85kg 10% bf at 5'4

You will be square at 80 kg 5'6"

what's with this guy's one trap being noticeably bigger than the other

Just the way he's standing

>girl tells my she likes how strong I look unlike her boyfriend
>really just look skinnyfat
>her boyfriend looks like a Phasmatodea

>think to myself that I am not worthy since I would be called a skinnyfat DYEL on Veeky Forums

Yeah. That's the point.

After you've finally
>made it
We remind you that you haven't done so yet.

We remind you that there's always more to do, and something you can improve upon.

When you finally make it, the podium is lofty, but the footing is poor. Many people get lazy and fall from it.

Because the real goal of lifting and getting Veeky Forums is to stay on the path without faltering. It's something you will always need to work at, and it's something we will always dog on you about because of it.

There is no such thing as proper perfection, and the pursuit is unending.

The minute you find an end goal in this, you will suddenly stop. You've crossed the finish line, but one that honestly doesn't exist.

Keep working, and don't falter. That's the lesson. You need to be in this for life to reap the benefits. It's proper modernist philosophy.

No need to get autistic about it lmao.

Damn user,this fucking choked me up like crazy . We're all gonna make it

Your newfag is showing. That was a troll from the beginning.

Comparative to a fat sack of shit with a vagina you are fit. Congrats.


>lose a bunch of weight
>jaw line comes out like crazy
>get compliments all the time about how handsome i am
>realize it's useless because i'll always be a manlet

I'd wager about 40% of Veeky Forums are fat, 20% are skinny, 20% have good bodies with .01% having great bodies, and 20% are skinnyfat.

Don't listen to people saying DYEL? They probably have a worse body than you do.

Dude, I get compliments on my body, and I'm like the skinniest guys from the regulars of my gym. Havent even hit 1/2/3/4 yet at 6'3

Same with The jawline

Except I am 6'2'' But autistic as fuck

Is this achievable natty?

>at least i got a foundation now

how do you look at 70kgs 5'7
im 5'8 77kgs and get asked if im on roids, havent done a cycle just go 6 times a week.

post pics ffs

Are you guys dumb?

He posted pic here


> casually removing one inch from his height


He looks pretty good for a 5'5 manlet
I'll be impressed if he hits his goal. 80kg at 5'4 would be pretty huge

Sure hope he hits that 80kg goal at 5'3

"aim so inspurayshunal! ! ! !! "
fucking hell

>been lifting on and off for about a year, been struggling to prioritise it over other parts of my life when I get busy
>skinnyfat weaking by Veeky Forums standards
>normies impressed, 'wow user, you're getting big!'
>hook up with a girl on the weekend, she's rubbing my shoulders and telling me how much she loves my muscles

All you really need to do is lift enough to be fitter than 50% of guys, that's it. Most girls don't even know what an impressive physique looks like.

If your genetics are good sure but Chad Johnson (yes he is genuinely CHAD) has more than likely used low doses of test and winstrol

I used to think people were mocking me and being sarcastic when I got complimented.

I totally blew it with a nice qt when she asked if I could help her with what routine she should do over winter.
I just gave her a half assed routine because I thought she was just going to go back to her girlfriends and make fun of me, then just avoided her (went to a different gym)
I didn't know any better. I was a bitter man back then.

> tfw used hate as fuel to go lift.
> was mocked by peers, had no attention from girls during highschool
>found Veeky Forums and r9k
>was a unemployed during uni before flunking out, had shit grades while everyone partied and fucked like animals.
> Turned into resentful and bitter person
> Vicious feedback cycle because I was just angry, had no friends and basically pushed anyone away, even for everyday small talk.
> But holy fuck I was lifting like a motherfucker.
> went training almost every day, got super pissed when I missed training for whatever reason.
> Used to run 10km's at midnight when i couldn't sleep and go hiking long distances with a heavy bag.

> Got a job as a park ranger.
> do a lot of /out/ related shit like maintaining fire trails helping with surveys and shit.
> calm right the fuck down.
> find inner peace.
> can't bring myself to go lift in the gym.
> Haven't touched a barbell since 2014.

I want to go back, but can't bring myself to it.

Sounds like you're sub or regular conscious is linking lifting with that negative time in your life. Just think about it a bunch and get into it again, you'll easily break that link. Just don't get all autistic about it

Thank you user, needed this today.

The weird moment is when you realize how women have absolutely no reference point for your lifts. If someone asks you what you bench, you answering 90kg versus 110 won't register as the huge difference it really is for someone who lifts themselves. They don't see the difference, they don't know the difference, all they know is "Wow, that's like, a lot"

Agreed, he'd look swole as fuark at 80 kg at 5'2".

Gonna have to roid to make it
80kg with low bodyfat at 5'0 is well above the natty FFMI limit

If you have good genes, lift hard for a minimum of like eight years, and maintain a flawless diet, then yes.