I've been lifting heavier and now my lower back hurts. What should I do...

I've been lifting heavier and now my lower back hurts. What should I do? Obviously I'm gonna work on form but I don't wanna snap my shit. Should I take a break? Work through the pain? Do back exercises? What?

>now my lower back hurts
kek now and forever, faggot.

welcome to the hellish world of lower back pain.

Have a seat, but make sure it's a seat with lumbar support because you're fucked.

you never work through pain you idiot. rest and stretch

>Work through the pain?
Quit listening to your high school football coach.

What stretches should I do?

Is it the muscles on either side of your spine, or is it the spine itself? Do you have shooting pain down the back of your leg?

Stretch your Google search engine

that is hard to say because we dont know the cause of the back pain nor can we assess you. i would seek a CHEK practitioner in your area and see them. theyll help you. im doing the same rn with same problem, back pain

Use a foam roller. Holy shit, how do you do research and study?

Deep tissue massage has helped me some. Rest is also key.

Do stretches where you pretend you're a girl getting fucked
Like, the ass up face down shit
Arch that back

If you arch your back during a lift, you aren't putting weight on it
Because if you put weight on your back you become convex instead of concave

Stretch everything in the legs. Ass, hammies, quads, groin, IT bands, etc. Don't squat, DL or do bent over rows till your back is at 100% again.

>tfw mayor of snap city
>tfw you will never see gains again

Not necessarily true, I got a back injury from too much lumbar curve (dunno the medical term). Careful you don't have excessive APT OP, go see a physio and they'll get your shit sorted asap.

Kinda unrelated but do you think I could recover and join the army with something called degenerative disk.

100% stretch stretch stretch.

Glute stretches and back hyperextensions were such a relief for me.

if youre going to listen to everyones advide thus far and stretch, just be sure to STRENGTHEN the antagonists (muscles on the opposite side of the joint) if your, you will have unstable joints and youll get a fast pass into snap city

Go to a doctor....

That's why free weights are best

If you do machine shit, you never strengthen those muscles
That's why you do squats instead of leg press

do lower back extensions

Unweighted back extensions

Do them unweighted or you'll hurt yourself

>lower back pain

Shitty form.


stretch, foam roll.