Is eating before bed really bad for you, or is that just an urban legend?

Is eating before bed really bad for you, or is that just an urban legend?
If the sticky says metabolism is meme, I wonder about this.

Depends what you eat, how much you eat.

Good idea to eat maybe 20g complex carbs and 20g casein protein 1.5-1 hours before bedtime for a lot of people.

I'm getting ready for bed right now and I literally just had a peanut butter sandwich with a protein shake so I hope it's not a meme

What I understand is your body will not burn calories as well as you sleep, so is that cause to understand eating before bed can cause easier weight gain?

Your body is more calorie effiecient when you sleep

Seriously? That's the opposite from what I've heard people say. I had a doctor recomend my ex stop eating 3 hours before bed to help lose weight based on my previous post.

>doctor recommends to stop eating
>loses weight

I don't see the issue here

Honestly if you're portioning out your calories there's nothing that will cause you to gain more weight while you sleep if you eat one of your meals right before bed.

The problem is that people have already eaten enough for the day, and then just before bed they get hungry and eat again. Also my personal experience is that because it's at the end of the day and you're tired and not worried as much about it you might overeat way more than you would for breakfast or lunch.

This sounds like it makes sense.
Lately I have been eating only 2 meals a day (not on purpose, it just happens that way) and concerned if I eat too late it will affect me negatively. I don't need to grt any fatter.


>have your reached your daily caloric intake?
>if yes, dont eat
>if no, eat

if you're bulking it's recommended to eat fat + milk (almonds + whole milk are my go-to) because of the slow absorption and it gives you a steady stream of calories for the long fast (sleep) ahead.

I'll add that if you're working out you generally want to eat more often throughout the day to provide your body with more energy, otherwise your workouts and gains won't be as efficient. As far as losing weight goes all you have to worry about is calories in calories out though.

Just dont eat much carbs before bed, it will increase Insulin release and this will lead to storage fat.

where would the calories go if they were eaten during the day instead of before bed?

Ok cool, thanks!
Hoe long before bed are we talking?


Probally used, because you dont just lay in bed with lower body functions?

May it is, but works for me fine.

I would try not to eat much carbs 4-6 hours before bed, but thats actually depends on the person.

Laying flat after eating can contribute to reflux issues but it shouldnt have any effect on weight loss

>these people browse fit and give advice

It's just sad.

>Probally used, because you dont just lay in bed with lower body functions?
obviously not. we're talking about eating the same amount of calories in both cases

Give better advice if you think im wrong.

Calories in are calories in no matter what. It makes little difference when you eat, but:

Eating right before bed: helps slightly to gain muscle on workout days

Why? Here's my guess based on nutrition/biochemistry

Let's assume that you are sleeping for 7 hours. Let's also assume that you had a workout earlier that day.

Depending on your natural insulin sensitivity, your body will use the food you ate to fuel itself for about 2 hours after a meal. After this point, glycogen usage kicks in. If you run out of glycogen, your body will start to create sugars out of your amino acids by breaking down your muscle. It's not dramatic, but it isnt anabolic either. This is why it's important post workout to ingest some simple carbs, your glycogen stores will come back sooner and you can avoid catabolism. The insulin response to sugars will also help with protein synthesis.

Eating right before bed allows less time to pass between meals, thereby reducing the amount of time your body is in gluconeogenesis (turning muscle into sugar). However, it probably doesnt make a big difference if you have lots of glycogen stored up, because that will get you through the night. Eating some small simple sugars right before bed and right before you wake up will tend to preserve your muscle mass.

This is just a theory, I would like to hear other opinions/criticism.

Neither does your body store fat while you sleep, so you can burn the calories in the morning after you wake up.

>right before you wake up

Got it boss. I'll fucking eat in my sleep

fuck all this stupid fucking mom science bullshit, i met a mechanic who would eat bags of chips without washing his hands at work. he is 51 and still works as a mechanic

How would eating before you sleep make any difference, rather than the total energy intake and expenditure throughout the day? Your body has to burn calories during your sleep whether your stomach is full or empty.

The problem is that your body will use the food in stomach before use the fatstorage.

If I dont eat before bed I feel like all my muscles will be eaten off and I'll lose all my gains over night.

I'm not taking any chances.

body burns 0.42 calories/lb/hour of sleep bruh.

Objection your honor, relavance?

>twf eating 1.5lb of beef roast at 2AM

bro, if sleeping didn't burn calories there wouldn't be any starvation in the world


Eat below your tdee and you will lose weight. When you eat has nothing to do with it.

ingestion is different while you sleep so you might get stomach problems if you eat the wrong thing

probably has no effect on weight of course but you should take it into account when planning meals